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*** One Month Later***

Mackenzie's POV

It's been a whole month since I've been here. I've been burnt with the communal iron 3 times, cried myself to sleep 25 times and had a grand total of 2 visitors. This place is driving me crazy. The trial seems to have been postponed for some reason meaning that I have to spend even longer in here. I don't know how much longer I'm going to last. Inmates have been threatening me because they heard I'm friends with Alison DiLaurentis; they hate her so much.

"Rise and shine" I hear one of the female guards call out as she bangs a metal cup along the iron bars that I've learned to call home. She stops outside my cell. I've been staring at the wall for the last 12 hours. I'm too afraid to sleep. If I sleep then something else bad will happen and I'll get sent down even further. I hear they have cells like in Alcatraz here- complete and utter darkness. I'm just trying to keep my head down. "Hastings. You have a visitor." She announces. I quickly stand, run a hand through my hair and straighten out my jumpsuit. I haven't spoken in 2 weeks. I haven't had a visitor in 3.

I'm dragged to a bright room where a familiar face is sat across the table from me. I rub my eyes to ensure I'm not seeing things. I slowly, apprehensively sit down opposite my visitor.

"Hey Mackenzie" The person says. All I can do is look at the table. "I need your help" He pleas, forcing me to look up.

"I can't help you Caleb" I whisper. He leans in closer to me.

"We're coming close to figuring out who framed you." He says quietly, instantly lifting my mood. "Or at least who edited the video to make it look like it was you"

"You are?" I say, my voice becoming slightly louder.

"I've been trying to use one of your programmes on your computer." He explains "Mike kept it safe from the police. Then they raided his room so he gave it to me. I'm the last person they'd expect plus I'm the only one who can use anything on there."

"Makes sense" I say sitting back in my seat, relaxing slightly. I'll admit that I was worried about that one.

"Well that's what I thought at least" He mutters.

"What do you mean?"

"That face scanning programme you made" He starts. "You've put some crazy barrier password on it that I can't get into it."

"The password is CaliEngRosSch" I laugh.

"Original" He rolls his eyes.

"1 minute" An officer says banging on the door. I glance at the door as I flinch slightly. I look back to Caleb as he smiles sympathetically. I quickly talk him through how to use the programme as the door is hit once again. "20 seconds"

"Look Mackenzie" Caleb says standing up. "We're all trying to do everything we can to get you out of here. Everyone sends their love- Spencer, Toby, Emily, Paige, Aria, Ezra, Mike, Mona, Hanna and me. We're all rooting for you"

"Then why hasn't Spencer come to see me? I'm dying in here Caleb. I can literally feel parts of me crumbling away day by day" I say sadly. "I haven't spoken in 3 weeks. Everyone in here hates me. Last week two women pinned me down and burned me with an iron."

"Ouch didn't that hurt?"

"Not really" I shrug.

"You're a tough one" He laughs. "I gotta go"

"Can I ask you something?" I ask, he nods. "Can I hug you? I haven't had any human affection for a month"

"Of course, I can do that" He says grabbing me and hugging me tightly. I breathe in the scent of home as he presses his lips to the top of my head. "That one was from Mike" He mutters as the door swings open and I'm dragged from his grip.

After me ~ Pretty Little Liars FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz