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By the time we get home, I've already been told that I'm under house arrest for the next 2 weeks. Despite the fact that the charges were dropped, Mom still wants to punish me for something I obviously didn't do. I carry my plastic bag of confiscated belongings into my room, throwing them onto the white lounger which matches Spencer's red one. I climb into my bed and bury myself under the duvet. A few minutes of staring at the ceiling later and my phone rings. I roll my eyes as I slide out of bed to the source of the noise.

"Hello?" I say, not looking at the ID on the screen.

"Mackenzie" I hear the person on the other line breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey Mike" I smile to myself.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He says happily. "I saw the news report"

"I'm on the news?" I say in shock.

"They say you brutally murdered someone last night" He says with a slight laugh. At least he believes in me.

"I didn't do that" I say bluntly.

"They said there was loads of blood on your clothes- belonging to that girl who went missing in Courtland around the same time as Alison ran away."

"I know Mike. I didn't kill her."

"I know you didn't." He says defensively. "I'm just trying to warn you of what people think of you around town."

"I don't care what they think Mike. The charges were dropped. I'm not a murderer"

"Can I come see you?" He says changing the subject quickly.

"I'm on house arrest. No visitors" I groan.

"What if I just turn up? Your mom can't tell me to go home"

"You'd be surprised what she can do. She's practically disowned me because of this." I say pacing around the room.

"Well that sucks because I'm already outside" He smiles.

"You suck" I say quickly running downstairs to the back door. No one ever uses our front door these days. Toby made it trendy I guess. I hang up the phone and open the door.

"Hey inmate" Mike laughs.

"That's not funny" I whine.

"Mackenzie?" I hear my father's voice behind me. "We told you, no visitors"

"Dad, I didn't invite him. I just came down to get a glass of water and he was there." I say, slightly twisting the truth.

"Hi Mr Hastings" Mike beams. He's always been able to get his own way with just a smile- if only life was actually that easy.

"Mike" Dad nods in greeting. "Fine, he can stay for a while" He says responding to the puppy dog eyes I'm currently giving him. "Just don't tell your mother that I allowed this. If she finds him then he snuck in through the window."

"To the second floor? Okay then" I shrug, as if that's believable.

"Just go" He says waving his hand, shooing us away from him. "No making out" He calls after us.

"He wishes" I laugh, bumping Mike's arm as we run up to my room. I climb back into my bed as Mike lies next to me on top of the covers.

"So guess what I brought to cheer you up" Mike smiles sweetly.

"I'm not sad. I'm annoyed."

"To calm you down then" He rolls his eyes at my remark. He reaches into his jean pocket, pulling out a little box. He hands it to me, hope in his eyes. I open it to reveal a necklace with half a silver heart which has 'brains' written on it.

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