Chapter 11

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Grace and Zac are connected souls. They both survive for each other. They are two halves of one heart. If one half is missing, the other half has no meaning. That's the case of these both. They are connected beyond imagination, beyond life,beyond fate. His breath gives oxygen to her heart. Her heartbeat gives life to his soul. They both are born for each other. They both are meant to be together. Their love is a special one. It's unique. No words spoken. No words written but still, they both are literally living for each other. Grace was kind enough to save him. Even if he didn't ask her to save him,she would save him because they both are connected to one can run away from a person but not from one's own soul. That's what happened here. Which is why Grace saved him. Which is why zac breathed for her again. He is reborn but at the same place,same time, for the same person. Zac knows that once he gets his life back and starts breathing again, he'll live just for her. Their love is not about living with the person. Their love is about living FOR the person. Her kiss sent a message to his brain that he needs to breathe again and so he did. Her breath tantalized his skin ,which made the blood flow from heart once again. He breathed FOR HER. He is meant to live with her,live FOR HER. He survived what all happened to him till now because he had to meet Grace. Fate played a game. Fate wanted these two to meet. The only way to get these two souls to love each other is by ripping their souls apart and bonding those significant halves to each other. These two are each other's everything. He is her air and she is his breath. Together they survive, for life.

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