Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

This book has been a huge experience for me. The journey with this book and with you guys was so special. I'll never be able to forget anyone who makes out time out of their life to read my book and takes time to vote and comment. Thank you so much to every single one of you for making this book a wonderful experience. I'm going to miss you guys so much. 

I've been egtting some DMs that i should write a sequel to this book. I think this book has no continuity. The characters, their emotions, these words are just confined to this book. The journey of these characters ends here. I will definitely work on a new love story but as of now, this book ends here. The journey stops here. Don't worry, the book will be here for you to read and experience the journry again and again. 

Would love to know what you understood from this book. Which character inspired you the most? Which character made you fall in love with them? Let me know in the comments below. 

Read,Vote and Comment. 

Spread the love. 


I love you guys! 

How I Love You (Zac Efron & A Non-Famous Girl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang