Chapter 19

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This Is A List Of Things You'll Need To Know For This Book.
(Y/N) Your Name
(F/N) Fake Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/C) Favorite Color
(S/T) Sword Type
More Will Be Added Throughout The Book So Read This Every Chapter So You Know.

Italics Are Thoughts

---Y/N's Pov--

After Katelyn left i look over at the wall and noticed Laurence's sword. "I might as well bring it to him. He'll be happy to see me up and walking." I smile.

I stand up and walk over to it. I pick the sword up. "Hm, it seems a lot heavier than it actually is."

I leave the room to hear yelling and then it was immediately shushed. I shrug and continue walking towards the direction of where i saw Laurence walk. I open the door and i just stood there.

He was kissing...

He was kissing Katelyn.

"So i see you do still have feelings for me." She says and i drop the sword.


I ran out of the house as fast as i could. It hurt a lot to see him with Katelyn. I kept running and wiping the streaming tears down my face. I see Aphmau and she frowns.

"Y-Y/N? Whats wrong?" I tried to tell her, i truly did. The words just wouldn't come out of my mouth.

I run into the forest and i just continue running. Soon it became night and i stopped by a river sobbing. I see a knife on the ground and i picked it up.

"K-Katelyn wants to be with h-him. Who am i-i to stop that." I fall onto the ground.

I read somewhere that shadow knights cant die but if they get stabbed they will go into a coma.

If i do that i wont have anymore problems with anyone for a long time. Maybe no one will find me so i cannot wake up sooner.

I twist the blade around in my hands and let out a tear onto it.

"I.....I need to die."

---Nicole's Pov--- (A NEW POV...YAY!)

I walk next to Dmitri as we walk through the deep forest next to our walls. Suddenly i hear sobbing and i stop my son.

"Mom? What's wrong?" He says, looking up at me. "Sh, stay here Dmitri alright?" He nods his head.

I tread through the grass until i get to a river. I see a girl sobbing and i immediately knew who it was.

"Y/N...." I whisper under my breath.

Me and Y/N had become amazing friends sense Aphmau disappeared. She's like my sister. She helped me expand Scaleswind on multiple occasions. She's also the only one who knows about Dante.

"I.....I need to die." She said and i almost broke out in tears. If she died than it would be like losing my sister and i wasn't going to let that happen.

I see her point the blade in the middle of her chest, right where her heart would be. She closed her eyes and i ran towards her as fast as i could. I rip the blade put of her hands right when she was scratching the tip of her skin. She opened her eyes, while tears streamed out of them.

"Y-Y/N.... Why did you almost kill yourself?!" She hugged me and tears started falling out of my eyes.

"D-Don't ever do that again!" I yell at her. She sobs into my shoulder. "Sh, it's okay. Your okay. Let's get you to Scaleswind."

She nods and i chuck the blade into the river. She stays silent as we walk and i see Dmitri up ahead. He runs up and jumps in front of Y/N and she cracks a smile.

"AUNT Y/N! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE VISITING!" He yells, laughing. Her smile disappears and she shrugs. "Surprise." She said, emotionless.

He hugs her leg and runs to my side. I wrap my arm around my best friend and i hear her sigh.

"We are going to talk about this when we get home alright? Just promise me you wont ever try that again." She nods, solemnly.

We get to the gates and immediately my guards open them. I send a nod in their direction and they closed them after we got in.

We get to my castle and Dimitri runs off into his room. Y/N leans against the wall and stares at the ground.

"Y/N.....What's going on?"

WOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHH XD Thats basically all i have to say. Ciao!

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