Chapter 22

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This Is A List Of Things You'll Need To Know For This Book.
(Y/N) Your Name
(F/N) Fake Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/C) Favorite Color
(S/T) Sword Type
More Will Be Added Throughout The Book So Read This Every Chapter So You Know.

Italics Are Thoughts

---Laurence's Pov---

I need to do something about this. I made a mistake that cost me her and i need to fix it.

I run after her and after seeing the door of her house slam shut i run to it. "Open the door Y/N, please." I whisper, knowing she can hear me.

I hear shuffling and soon the door opens. "L-Leave, please. I'm broken a-and there isn-isn't anyway i'd let m-myself hurt you." She mutters, clearly about to break out into tears.

"Then please let me explain!" She shakes her head. "I-Im doing the r-right thing by l-letting you be w-w-with Katelyn. Now p-p-please just leave me b-be."

She turns around to go back inside and i grab her shoulder. "Listen to me and listen to me good. I love YOU and nothing's going to change that okay? That was a mistake and humans make mistakes. You would understand that more then anybody."

"I'M NOT HUMAN LAURENCE! I'M A MONSTER! I DESTROY AND KILL THINGS! IF YOU GET HURT DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME? I'D NEVER BE ABLE TO CONTROL MYSELF. KATELYN IS A NORMAL HUMAN GIRL! SO JUST PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. I-I don't want you hurt Laurence. I don't want you to make a mistake and get hurt in the process, so please leave." Tears start pouring out of her eyes.

"You'll never hurt me. Just look back on everything. Have you been the one hurting me? No, because you've been trying to protect me this whole time. You almost stabbed yourself due to my actions. That's not your fault, is it?" I look into her sparkling E/C eyes. "There is nothing evil in these beautiful eyes, nor has there ever been. I love you Y/N and i will always."

For a split second i saw how vulnerable she was. I walk up next to her and hug her, rubbing her long H/C hair. She sobbed into my shoulder and all the while i was just standing there comforting her.

"I love you, so so much." I repeatedly whispered, over and over again. And i meant it, because she's my star light in a world of darkness.

---Y/N's Pov---

I cry harder knowing i can't have him. I love him, so much and it hurts to let him go. I know it's right and i know i'm being selfish for doing this. I just.....don't know what to do.

He deserves someone who isn't evil. He deserves someone who can protect him.

But i can't let go.

"Stop." I finally mutter through sobs. "Y-You have to b-be with Katelyn now."

Suddenly he gets ripped off of me. Katelyn punches me in the face and i fall to the ground. I look at Laurence who was unconscious and i grit my teeth.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!"She yells at me. "I-I....i don't know." I sob harder as she throws more punches at me.

I felt a wave of heat and i took a deep breath in. Calm down Y/N. Laurence loves her and you need to not hurt her. I put my arms over my face to protect myself and continue sobbing.

"YOUR A DEMON SPAWN!" She yelled, "GO BACK TO THE NETHER!" She continues punching me until she grabs my neck, pinning me against the wall.

I couldn't breathe and i was calling for help. Of course when there's no freaking air circulating in your lungs, your not going to be able to talk.

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN YOU HEAR ME?!" I start coughing. I can't promise that, there's no way.

I slightly shake my head and she pulls out her claw weapon. I shut my eyes as tight as i could until suddenly i fell from the wall.

I cough up blood. I open my eyes to see Laurence pull Katelyn away. "I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU KATELYN! DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER AGAIN!!"

She nods sheepishly and runs off. I continue to cough as the pain of all the beating kicks in and i groan.

"Why did you let her do that to you?" He whispers as he kneels down next to me.

"I didn't want to hurt someone you love." I spit out, between coughing fits.

"Then don't hurt yourself Y/N."

~Ally <3

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