Chapter 6 What did I get into

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Chapter 6 What did I get into?


"So, let's get to know each other better," Jesse said as he sat beside me.

We were sitting in front of the lake now.

"Okay, we can do that," I said, still getting used to our current vibe.

Jesse confessed that he was interested in me in that way. After all that thinking, there's no way he would be interested in me.

I need a minute to gather all my thoughts.

"Tell me something that you consider a little dorky about yourself." I asked, curious to know what this man considered dorky.

He looked at me with a soft smile.

"I watch anime." He said, causing my eyes to widen.

"What? You do?" I asked him

"Yeah, and I really like it a lot. I've been watching it since I was five years old, and you kind of remind me of this anime character I used to like—he was sort of this dark prince character." He said a tint of red could be seen on his cheek.

"I also read manga, I like collecting volumes of them." He said, shrugging.

I stayed quiet, not able to say anything.

Jesse looked at me and asked.

"Is it weird or something to you?" Jesse said with a curious look.

"No, I also watch anime and read manga as well." I said, knowing that I was blushing.

Jesse let out a laugh, smiling from ear to ear.

"Love to hear it." He said, amused.

Who would have thought that we had something in common?

I turned my attention to Jesse and found him staring at me intensely.

"So what do you want to see now?" I asked, standing up. I was trying to figure out what to make of the look he was giving me.

"I'm finally kind of hungry." He said, getting up.

"We can go to a restaurant if you want," I said.

"Actually." He said, looking at me.

"I say we go back to your place, order some takeout and find a anime together to watch." he said with a sly smirk.


He wants us to watch anime together?

The idea did sound nice.

I wouldn't mind being home right now and watching anime. But the problem is, I never had anyone spend time with me in my home. Things like him showing up at my place made me not know what to do. He was there earlier, but that was only for a short period.

Now he wants to supposedly watch anime with me and order takeout at my place.

"Are you sure that's what you really want to do?" I asked him, ensuring he wasn't just saying all of that because of me. The last thing I need is for someone to pity me.

"Oh yeah, we've toured quite a bit already; that's what I really want to do. Honestly, don't worry. I'm pretty blunt. I'll only ever say things that I mean." He said, smiling.

"Okay, I guess we should head back now," I said, walking back to where we came from with Jesse beside me.

"So besides watching anime, what else do you like to do?" He said as he walked next to me.

I glanced at him. He still wanted to get to know me better.

"I like painting and drawing," I said in a low voice.

That must have to perk his interest.

"Really? That's mad cool." He said.

"Thank you," I said as we reached the park exit.

"I know this is going to sound weird, but I want to actually get you to open up to me." He said as we started crossing the street with everyone else exiting the park.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as we reached the sidewalk, wondering why he even cared if I opened up.

"I want to know a lot about you, like things that interest you and those that don't, things that annoy you, and things that you like," he said, shrugging.

"Why, there's nothing special about it. Some of the things I like might be boring to you. ," I said.

"I don't think anything about you is boring. Hold on, let me get us an uber." Jesse said, taking out his phone.

"Also, let me be the judge of that sunshine." He said.

Why is he even calling me that?

I debated asking him the reason why he called me that but decided not to.

The Uber came, and we both got in, heading towards my condo.

I noticed that the uber driver was only making one stop, so he was serious about coming to my condo to watch anime with me.

We reached the condo building, got out, and thanked the Uber for the ride.

I avoided eye contact with Jesse. As we reached my condo door, I opened it to let him in, but I continued to avoid his eyes.

I could tell he was staring at me.

"Hey, Ben, listen. If you don't want me to stay and watch anime with you, it's fine. Honestly, I can leave if I'm invading your space," Jesse said.

I was trying to find the right words to say; it's not like I wanted him to leave or had an issue with spending time with him. I just knew I was going to be a nervous wreck.

"Okay, I got it. Bye, Ben. Thanks for the day, by the way. I had a good time." As he approached the door, I immediately grabbed his arm to stop him.

Jesse turned and stared at me; I finally raised my head and stared back at him.

"Don't leave... you can stay with me," I said, my voice coming out in a whisper.

Which didn't shock me at all. What surprised me was the smile on Jesse's face when he squeezed my hand and said,

"That's all I want." He said, smiling.

*Kassandra Speaks*

Finally Updated for this story, I will be working really hard on this story. It's so cute.

Ben is a wallflower who doesn't have anyone ever paying attention to him.

Until Jess came by when all of this was new to him.

Jess also wants Ben to let him in, which is bold and admirable.

Not many people would care like that or even try to understand someone like that, but Jesse is trying.

The next Chapter gets really good!!!

Stay tuned, dolls!!!!



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