CH. 12 He called me beautiful

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CH. 12 He called me Beautiful

(Ben POV)

Did he just call me beautiful?

His smile confirmed that he did. I felt my face getting heated, and indeed, by the way his smile widened, my face was most likely red by now.

Now, receiving a compliment about my looks was something I had never received. I didn't think I was good-looking myself. I was somewhat decent-looking, and I was happy with my looks.

It's just that having someone else give you compliments was on another level.

Why? Because someone else thought you were attractive and told you that you were.

It was the first time someone had ever called me beautiful.

It was a compliment I didn't think I would ever get, especially being a male.

Honestly, It felt nice, but it also made me nervous.

I was nervous because I was feeling things I had never felt before; I was experiencing things I never thought I would experience. This frightened me, but it also made me happy.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" I asked, raising a brow, and he threw his head back, laughing.

"It's more like I know you're. So you're getting ready for bed?" Jesse asked me.

My eyes widened, and I noticed that Jesse was blushing himself.

I held back a smile, enjoying how we were flirting.

I was in my bed, under the covers, and all tucked in.

"Yes," I answered him.

"You look cute, I told my agent and close friend about you already." He said, causing my eyes to widen.

He had already spoken about me to someone. I felt fuzzy at the thought that this person was serious about starting something with me.

"Oh really? How did that go? I must say you're surprising me each moment you get, I didn't think you would tell someone already." I said softly, and this time, he raised a brow.

He got himself into his bed and spoke. "Really? Well, I told you I was serious about being with you, and I meant that. Anyways, it was my agent, who is also a very close friend of mine, that I told, and I trust her, so have no fear—you won't be posted all over the tabloids." He said jokily, but my eyes widen.

"Well, we would need to know more about each other before letting people know that we're together when we get together. Also, I would appreciate it if we didn't let other people know for a while. I'm fine with your close friends who you know and trust and your family members who you know and trust, but you're basically a celebrity, and I've seen how it gets when regular people date celebrities and it's crazy. You and I know we're together, your close friends and family will know too. No one else should matter to us." I said nervously.

Jesse smiled softly.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. When we're ready to let the rest of the outside people in our lives know about the relationship we're going to have, then we will," he said.

I breathed a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding.

"You know, I miss your presence already," he said, causing me to smile.

"You just saw me and you miss me already? I'm actually quite touched. That's honestly pretty nice." I said, teasing him, which had him chuckling.

"Well, yeah, I mean, it's not every day you find someone that you like, are able to click with, and want to be in your life, you know. I'm glad I came across that, and I am not letting it go at all," he said.

"That's good, so what made you get into football?" I asked him to change the topic. I was okay with putting our emotions out there, but I also decided to go through with this and wanted to get to know him more.

"Well, I've been playing football all my life; like I said before I played many sports. My dad also played football. He's a pretty cool laid back dude and I can't wait to introduce you to him. He's very accepting by the way, which most people wouldn't assume for some reason when it comes to my dad. He looks scary, big, tall and buff but dude is actually a teddy bear who has love for everyone. Those are my mother words by the way. Now, my mom, she's actually a nerd. I'm talking about a huge nerd, she's in love with books, history, literature, you name it and I love hearing the story of how her and my dad met. I'm sure they will tell you it as soon as they meet you." He said; my heart tightened at how happy he got talking about his parents.

"My sister is a goofball, and to be quite honest, I think you will like her also. My friend Amber, who's also my agent and manager, is a really good person. I have many good people in my life. I can't wait for you and me to know each other really well so we can get towards that point where I can introduce you to them." He said, and I slowly nodded.

"I wish there was someone I could introduce you to but I don't really have anyone. I never bothered making friends, I mean I have co-workers of course who always compliment my work and invite me to get food with them or drinks, but I always decline saying I'm busy. My boss also tries to be my friend, even though I've been giving him the vibe that I don't need any friends he never stops trying. He's a good guy, I'm just socially awkward sometimes. I did have some people I was close with when I was younger, a group of girls but I lost touch with them." I said, letting out a soft laugh to soften my words.

His face was grave when he said the following words.

"Well, you have me now. I also think that you'll be able to make decent friends. It's just harder for some people than others, but you will get to that point," Jesse said with an understanding tone.

"It's hard, I'm not an easy person to understand, and I am not trying to say I'm complicated, but I feel like that's the vibe I've given, and I don't know how to fix that," I said.

"Lucky you, I do puzzles daily with my mom and I especially loved the complicated ones." He said, causing my heart to tighten.

"You sure good at making people catch feelings," I said, causing a cocky smile to appear on Jesse's face.

"I want you to catch feelings as much as I am catching feelings. You are what matters right now," Jesse said.

Jesse has no idea that he is already making me feel many things I have not felt in my whole life, and I was going to allow myself to have those feelings. I was going to allow myself to finally fall for someone.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I like how Ben and Jesse's relationship is going. I like their vibe together.

Anyway, give this chapter a

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The next chapter is interesting!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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