CH. 18 I'm Smiling

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CH. 18 I'm Smiling

(Ben POV)

I was working, sitting at my desk, and apparently, I was smiling.

"Well, well, well. Look who I caught with a smile on their face again." Lilian said, making her way towards me.

I let out a laugh. "Oh, wow, I also was awarded a laugh. Someone is in a good mood today. Something good must have happened," she said, pulling a seat and bringing it to my desk.

I felt my face getting heated because something good did happen.

I have a boyfriend, and he's fantastic. How should I say that? Would Lilian judge me?

If she judges me for having a boyfriend, then that would mean she's someone I don't need as a friend.

"I have a boyfriend," I said softly, watching her eyes widen and a smile pops.

"You know, I knew it had to be you meeting someone and dating now. Wow, Ben, you're off the market, huh? A lot of hearts will be broken," she said, smiling. I shook my head, chuckling at her statement.

"I don't think anyone's heart will be broken," I said, and she gave me a look while looking around.

"I'm not so sure about that, so what's your boyfriend like?" she asked, smiling at me, and I felt my face getting even hotter.

"Woah, Ben. Don't turn into a tomato in front of me. He must be pretty amazing if he has you reacting this way and all," she said.

"Who is it?" She asked me, and as much as I did like where our friendship was going, I didn't want to tell her who I was dating yet.

"Can I tell you who it is when I'm ready?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a nervous look on her face.

"Please tell me there's no one here," she said, causing me to actually let out a loud chuckle.

"No," I said between laughs.

"Thank Goodness. Well, that's fine. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters." She said, smiling at me, but her smile dropped when she looked at someone behind me.

I wondered why her smile dropped until I turned around and found Derrick staring at me.

I raised a brow at his stare and turned back to talk to Lilian.

"It's getting weird, his staring." She said, bringing herself back to staring at me.

"What do you think is his problem?" I asked her, and she shrugged.

"I don't know. At first, I thought maybe he liked you, but now I don't know." Lilian said worriedly.

"Didn't he just start this?" I asked her, and she looked at me hesitantly.

"No, he didn't just start staring at you like this. I mean, I would notice him take quick glances at you and stare a little, but the staring has changed drastically ever since you walked in on them talking about you. I'm worried," Lilian said, and seeing her facial expression confirmed she was.

"He better not be a creep or sicko, I've seen a lot of lifetime movies and I'm not trying to have my new friend be a character in a movie like that, so he needs to stay back." She said.

I nodded my head at what she said and turned back around. This time, Derrick wasn't staring at me; he was getting up to walk away.

I had never felt his staring before, but from what Lilian said, he had been staring at me for some time.

Now that I feel his stare means he has been making it obvious lately.

"Are you worried about it too?" Lilian asked me, and I turned my attention to her.

"I don't know? Should I be?" I asked her, and she took a few seconds before answering my question.

She nodded her head.

"Yes, with how people are nowadays, you should be worried," she said severely.

"Okay, what should I do?" I asked her.

"You should take notice of him if he's around you or looking at you. You also shouldn't leave work alone. I'll get off work with you and leave work with you; we'll do the buddy walk toward our cars. Also, let your boyfriend know what's going on. You might want to mention it to the boss, but tell him not to worry. Not yet; all he's done is stare. We could be overreacting, but I don't want to react to something unsettling like this. A lot of things have happened to people who don't." She said.

I nodded my head, and Lilian let out a small smile.

"You're a nice person, and you've done nothing wrong. It's good to have you as a friend, so don't worry. I got this," she said, causing me to laugh.

She laughs, letting go of my hand and running her fingers through her hair.

"You're laughing so much more, and I love it. I'm so happy. I'm literally beaming," she said, smiling, and I smiled.

"Thank you, honestly that means a lot," I said, referring to her level of care.

"It means a lot to see you, happy Ben. It really does. So where do you want to go for lunch today?" she asked me. I smiled and recommended some restaurants we could go to eat in.

While talking to her, I felt like I was being stared at, and she did, too, but neither of us looked up at who we knew was staring; we ignored it as best we could as we continued talking.

But what was Derrick's issue?

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

What do you Dolls think Derrick's issue is? Why does he keep staring at Ben like that? Did you guys like how Lilian took Ben being Gay? I did, and she's been a good friend to him. How do you Dolls think Jesse would react to the whole Derrick thing when Ben tells what else has been happening? I love the progress Ben has been making, and He's laughing more. Jesse has noticed, Lilian has seen, and Derrick has too.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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