Chapter 1

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"Move faggot," I hear as I get shoved into the lockers next to me. I keep my head low, gripping my books tighter and fight my way through the crowd to my next class. I'm pushed into the lockers two more times before I get to the safety of the music room. I absolutely love music. It's my life, without it I would be dead.

I drop my books on the floor next to my seat before sitting in it. I am the first one here which is a good thing for me. I grab a pen and my note book up off the floor and flip to the back, where I write all my songs. I start writing more lyrics on the page and I am so into it, I don't even notice that class has started and there are kids sitting right next to me. Well, not until I hear his voice cut into my thoughts.

"What's that? Your Diary? Ha! Get a load of this you guys!" Louis snatches my notebook from me causing me to grab after it but stop as he glares at me. "Listen to this: Dear Diary, I am so madly in love with Louis Tomlinson. I hate how he beats me up everyday! Boo hoo, whine whine whine. Love, the Curly faggot." He declares as the whole class listens in and laughs. Meanwhile, I'm trying to sink into my chair and disappear.

"Can I just have my notebook back, Louis?" I ask, too afraid to even look him in the eye. If I do that, he might beat me up after school again.

"Don't talk to me like that faggot." He seethed. He threw my notebook back at me, it hitting the floor. I quickly scrambled to pick it up, only to be pushed back down to the ground after attempting to stand up. I groaned in pain as I felt a foot connect with my side only seconds before the teacher came in the room.

Of course, Louis and all of his friends pretended as if nothing just happened as I picked my self up off the floor a second time. I went to sit back in my chair, only there was no chair, just air before my bum came in contact with the hard floor again. I looked behind me to see Zayn acting like he was innocent while his foot uncoiled from my chair.

I am finally able to sit in my chair as class starts. Class zips by too quickly. Like I said earlier, I love music. I manage to make it to my next class alive, only being pushed into the walls twice, dropping my books once, and getting called only a handful of names.

The rest of the day goes by quickly, almost in a blur. At the end of the day, my feet find their way leading me to the familiar corner of the library where I spend most of my days after school tutoring. Nobody is here yet so I take out my homework and start working on the math in front of me. It isn't hard, for me that is. I'm almost done when someone throws their textbook down on the table.

Startled, I look up to be met with the sight of an angry Louis. He plops himself down in the chair across from me with a scowl on his face. I ignore him and go back to my work, knowing he is probably only wanting to beat me up for earlier. I honestly don't want to deal with him right now, I already hurt enough today.

"Faggot, I am failing and the teacher said that you need to tutor me. So teach me how to do this fucking shit." He growled at me. I looked up at him, a little shocked. Why come to me for help when he could go to Liam for help?

"Why are you coming to me for help? Why don't you ask your friend Liam?" I voiced. He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he opened his text book.

"What are you failing then? So I know how much you need to learn." I sighed, pushing away my math homework. He pushed his textbook towards me as if to show me what he needed help with. I looked at it and saw it was what I was just working on. I forgot he is in the same class as me.

"What aren't you understanding about it? Is it the whole multiplying the radicals or trying to simplify them?" I questioned, flipping the book back around to face him.

"I don't get how to simplify them, like where the fuck do the squares come in to this?" I chuckled at him before being silenced by a glare.

I helped Louis with his math for another half an hour, proud of myself that he was finally understanding it. He hardly even called me any names the entire time. The school librarian came over and let us know that it was time to go so we started to pack our things up.

"I-uh, thanks for uh, helping me." He said awkwardly before walking away, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes, shoving the last textbook in my bag.

I walked slowly home, freezing because I forgot a jacket. When I finally arrived home, I tried sneaking up to my room unnoticed but it was too late.

"Where the hell do you think you're going boy?" My mum yelled at me.

"U-up to my r-room." I stuttered, dashing up the stairs to my room, locking the door behind me. I dropped my book bag on the floor and face planted my old nasty mattress.

My mum was rich, but she only spent the money on herself. We owned a large house, big enough to be called a mansion. She owned several expensive cars, all the latest technology, and everything else that was 'needed'. If people knew that I came from money, then I wouldn't be as bullied and I would have friends. That's just how people are in this town. Selfish gold diggers.

A pound on my door was heard, followed by my mums voice yelling that she was going out. I was actually glad she was leaving because that meant I could actually eat dinner tonight. Most days I go without breakfast and dinner, only eating lunch at school. That is, if it isn't knocked onto the floor or myself by Louis or Zayn.

I crept down the stairs after hearing one of my mums cars pull out of the driveway. I entered the kitchen and immediately opened the cupboards, looking for something to make myself. I grabbed a box of Kraft Mac 'N Cheese, deciding on making just this. Once I was finished cooking it, I just ate it out of the pot I made it in. I washed the pot and fork, putting them back in their rightful places before creeping back up the stairs only to lock myself in my room again.

I fell back onto my bed after stripping to my boxers and curled up under the covers. I sighed rubbing my full stomach. It's the first time that I've eaten in the past two days. I fell asleep knowing that now that I've eaten, the pain of the hunger the next couple of days is only going to get worse.

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A/N: Okay sorry the first chapter sucks I've got a tooth ache that really hurts so yeah ahaha anyways thanks for reading.

Tutoring My Bully ~Larry Stylinson AU~Where stories live. Discover now