Chapter 15

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Louis' POV.

"Louis? Is that you? What are you doing home, you should be in school." My mum shouted semi-angrily from the kitchen, walking to join me in the hallway as her voice lowered as she got closer. I harshly kicked off my TOMs, not caring where they ended up, before looking up to see her. Her hard face softened after taking one look at me, opening her arms for me to fall into them. I melted into her embrace and let all the unshed tears out. They weren't out of sadness, well, a little bit. They were mainly because I know I just ruined things between Harry and I, and all of my chances of every being with him. I was angry at myself for doing that, telling him about lying to him and then kissing him. To make it even better, I had to be a douche and run away without even giving him a second glance. I was frustrated with myself, because god damn it, why can't I be normal and like girls. Why did Harry have to be in my life because it's all his fault that I started liking him. Him and his crazy curls, his adorable dimples, amazing green eyes, god, I really do sound gay.

"Do you want to talk about it? It'll make you feel better if you do," my mum sympathized, rubbing my back to calm me down. I nodded my head, pulling away to follow her into the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table, whilst she made some tea for the two of us. After a few minutes, she came and sat down across from me after handing me my tea. I thanked her and took a sip of the calming liquid before reopening my eyes to meet my mum's expectant gaze. I sighed, putting my tea on the table, but keeping my cold fingers wrapped tightly around the hot mug.

As I told her the story, she never once interrupted me, only nodded along to show she was paying attention and understanding. She made a few disapproving faces at some of the things I told her, but over all it was sympathetic and understanding.

"So, you just left the poor boy standing alone in the hallway as you ran out?" I nodded, "Now tell me, why on earth would you do that if you love him? Lou, he feels the same way about you, I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. Trust me, a mother knows best, and I know that he is just as confused as you are, if not more by what you did. At least try and talk to him tomorrow, yeah? Don't avoid him like he doesn't exist like I know you were going to." I nodded again, unable to come up with a response. We sat in silence for a few minutes as I thought over what she had said before the thought hit me. I immediately froze, not daring to look up from my almost empty tea. She just acted as if it were actually normal, maybe she doesn't really care about it and loves me anyway, or she just hasn't let it sink in yet. Please let it be the first one.

"Mum? Are you okay with me liking Harry?" I asked, breaking the silence. I wasn't able to go another second without knowing. I really hope she is okay with it, I don't want her to end up like Harry's mum. I shivered at the thought, looking up to see my mum smiling at me. That should be a good sign, right? I hope so. Why am I so nervous about this? My trembling hands almost dropped the mug of tea as I raised it to my lips for the final gulp of it.

"Louis, I don't care who you love, just as long as they love you back and treat you well. I don't want to see my boy heartbroken and upset all the time. And if Harry is who you love, then I love him too. Well, I actually do already because that boy needs some sort of love in his life, especially from a mother." She smiled the entire time, eyes sparkling at the thought of being Harry's source of mother love. I smiled back at her, obviously happy with what she had said, glad she hadn't chose to take Harry's mum's way about this.

"Thanks mum, it really means a lot to me that you approve." I said, standing up to hug her again. She does know what's best, always has and always will.


"Hey man, where were you today? I saw you this morning but you weren't in gym or history so I thought I'd call to see what's up." Zayn's slightly concerned voice came through the speaker of my phone that was currently laying on my bed as I lay face first on the ground beside my bed, to lazy to get up.

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