Chapter 18

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Louis' POV.

I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining, hah, no. Far from that really. I woke up in a hospital bed, the bright white lights almost blinding me, and hooked up to a couple machines. My head was throbbing and my throat was raw. I curiously looked around the room before noticing I wasn't alone. Harry.

All of the previous events had came flooding back to me, causing tears to prick my eyes. I looked down at his sleeping figure, seeing there was a white bandage wrapped around his head with a little blood seeping through. He saved me, and got hurt in the process. I'm such a screw up.

I slowly picked my hand up, placing it in his curls and let my fingers tangle in them, only getting snagged a few times. I kept repeating the action, carefully avoiding the bandage. It's all my fault that he's here right now. I should have never called him before I jumped. If I hadn't I would be dead by now. Harry doesn't really care, he probably just didn't want to feel guilty for being the main cause to me killing myself. I wouldn't be in this hospital if it weren't for me falling in love with him. Speaking of hospitals, where the hell are the nurses and doctors? This is a hospital, right?

"No!" Harry yelled, sitting straight up in his chair, eyes wide open. He blinked at me before throwing himself at me, almost crushing me in the hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him. Harry shook in my arms, small tear droplets falling onto my neck where his face was buried. Harry sobbed into my shoulder for what seemed like ages, a nurse even coming in to see what was going on but I shooed her away without Harry noticing.

"Harry?" I asked after about ten minutes, my voice raspy. He pulled away from me, sitting back down in the chair. He tried avoiding my gaze but I stopped him from looking away by gently grabbing his chin and facing it towards me. I wiped away a few of the tears on his cheeks, staring at his bloodshot eyes the entire time.

"Why?" Harry choked out, placing his hand over mine that was still resting on his cheek. I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes and pulled away from him. I didn't want to answer him. I couldn't. It would make me seem weaker than I already am. "Please tell me?" Harry whispered brokenly, causing my eyes to snap open and immediately find his face.

"I couldn't stand the fact that I had bullied you for so long, not knowing I was being a hypocrite. I couldn't handle the fact I had been a main source to all of your pain. And then somehow I ended up falling in love with you, and I couldn't stand the fact that you were Levi's and not mine. All of the stress I had and all of the pain I brought upon myself by hurting you and falling in love with you all piled up until I couldn't handle it anymore. Jumping off that bridge was the only thing I could think to do to end all the pain and suffering." I paused, letting Harry take it all in before I continued. "I watched you and Levi in the hallways, holding hands, kissing, smiling at each other, and the only thing going through my mind was the fact I wished that would have been me, holding your hand, kissing you, receiving those smiles. I'm not though, and I'll just have to get over it, or not call you before I jump." I chuckled bitterly, playing with my fingers in my lap.

"Louis," Harry breathed out sympathetically, "I had no idea-" I cut him off harshly.

"It's not like you actually care anyways, and you wouldn't have known. I've always been good at lying so why all of a sudden is someone going to see through all my lies? They aren't. Just leave me alone, go back to fucking Levi like I know you will. He probably misses you anyways."

Harry looked shocked at first, different emotions taking over his face afterwards. The final one was a cross between confusion and anger. He stood up quickly, the chair scraping the ground loudly. The movement was obviously too fast for him as he clutched the side of his head for a second as he steadied himself. He then turned to me, glaring at me like I had just told him something awful.

"You don't understand that no matter how many times I was with Levi, the entire time I was thinking of you. You were too busy glaring at Levi to even see me staring at you. And then I get the call from you, where you're about to jump off a fucking bridge and kill yourself!? I thought I was going to stop breathing when I heard people in the background yelling at you not to jump! I tried to fucking save you, smashing my head off a rock and getting a fucking concussion for you, and the thanks I get in return is you trying to push me away!? No-" I couldn't take him yelling at me anymore and him swearing was just plain hot. He was still close enough to me so I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, yanking his head towards mine.

Our lips crashed together, Harry taking a few moments to process what was happening and respond. I reached my other hand up and ran it through his hair, tugging at the small hairs at the base of his neck. His hands landed on my waist, gripping tightly. I licked his bottom lip, slipping my tongue in once he opened his mouth. I moaned as our tongues collided, tangling together in a fight for dominance. Before either of us could win, the door opened and someone walked in, we didn't hear the person until he started to speak.

"So, you run out of the house in a panic, just to cheat on me by coming to make out with this faggot?" Levi stood in the doorway, seething, looking back and forth between Harry and I. We looked at each other, Harry's eyes wide with fear, the way they would get before I used to beat him up. I looked back up to see Levi stalk forward and grab Harry by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up from my bed. He punched Harry in the gut, Harry letting out an awful sound before Levi dropped him onto the floor and turned to look at me.

"Tell anyone about this and you'll be wishing Harry hadn't of saved your suicidal ass." Levi hissed before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I could hear nurses yelling at him but I knew they wouldn't be able to stop him. Then it hit me.

Levi just punched Harry because I just snogged him, and Levi just threatened me.


A/N: So I really didn't want Levi to turn out like a douche, but he did. *sad face* Anywhore, sorry for the chapter being so short and lame. I felt like I really needed to update and this is what came out. Sorry it sucks.

Can I just say that I love you guys? Because I do. Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! It legit blows me away! So I dedicate this chapter to all of you for being amazing! I know I say it a lot but I truly do mean it. So because I've got nothing to say at the end, keep shipping Larry! Xx

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