Chapter 9

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Louis' POV.

I feel horrible. I am so confused. It's all Harry's fault too. I keep thinking about him, everything I do he is on my mind. If I do something, I want to know if Harry likes doing it too. If I eat something, I wonder if he has eaten and what he ate. I want to know when he is sleeping and if he had a bad dream or not.

I keep beating him up and calling him names every time I see him, hoping that whatever this is will go away. It has been two weeks that I've been doing this, ever since that day in the bathroom. We made him pass out and then we left, afterwards I felt bad and went back and sat there staring at him until he woke up. As soon a he came to though, I was out of there, not wanting to be seen. The thoughts keep getting worse and more frequent, thus making the beatings worse and worse. I try not to feel guilty but I do when he comes to school with a swollen and bruise covered face from the day before.

Right now it's a Friday, last period of the day. Tonight I am having Zayn, Niall, and Liam over for a movie night. We need to hang out again because it has been a long time since we've hung out.

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Harry's POV.

The last school bell of the day rang and I stumbled out of my seat and down the hallway to my locker. I prayed to every God there is that I won't get beaten up again today. I'm glad that my prayers were answers because nobody bothered me.

Instead of going to the library to tutor today, I decided to go home. Only I didn't know that it was going to change my life forever.

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And this is the end of the story. Ahahaha omg I'm kidding I just really wanted to do that. Okay back to the story.

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I opened the front door and stepped inside, closing it behind me just seconds before I am thrown into it by large hands. I look up to see Robin, my mums current boyfriend, standing there glaring at me. My mum stood behind him giving me a nasty look too.

"Welcome home you worthless piece of shit. Ready to get beaten again?" Robin growls at me, not waiting for an answer as he punches me in the jaw. I drop my bag and cup my already bruised face. Tears of pain were already pricking at my eyes. Robin punched me in my face a few more times along with my stomach before picking me up by my throat and holding me up in the air.

"P-Pl-ease" I choked out, gasping for air as I was punched further into the wall by the door. He pulled me away from the wall only to slam me back into it seconds later. My vision blurred as my head bounced off the wall multiple times a he repeatedly slammed me into the wall.

"This is what you get for being a pathetic excuse of a son." My mum yelled at me. Robin dropped me, letting me fall to the floor, gasping for air. He knelt down over top of me and started punching me over and over again anywhere he could. Tears were pouring heavily down my face as I whimpered and whined. The entire time Robin was beating me, my mum yelled at me about how disgusting I am.

The next thing I knew, Robin was holding a knife in his hand right above my face. He said something that I couldn't understand before I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I screamed so loudly I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear. My mum called me a few more names before disappearing, leaving just Robin and I. He punched me in the gut before standing up and kicking me in the ribs and walking away.

I lay there on the floor, crying and bleeding everywhere. I don't know what was going through my head when I struggle to stand up and leaving the house. I still had tears streaming down my face, blurring my vision, as I limped down the sidewalk with the knife still in my leg. The only place I knew I could possibly go to was Louis' house, which is only a couple blocks away from my house.

When I arrived I was really light headed and dizzy from all the blood loss. My whole upper pant leg had been soaked with the warm blood seeping out of my thigh at a rapid pace. I banged on the door, leaning against the side of the house heavily as I waited for someone to answer.

"Hello?" The door swung open and revealed Zayn, not Louis or his mum which I was hoping for.

"L-Louis," I managed to get out before I fell on top of Zayn, everything going black.

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Louis' POV. (sorry for the pov changing so much)

Liam, Danielle his girlfriend, Niall, Zayn, Perrie and I were all sprawled out across my living room on various couches and chairs waiting for the pizza we ordered. As we were waiting, I was trying to get a movie to play.

"Hey Zayn? Can you answer the door?" I asked as I heard the pounding on it. He nodded and left the room only to shout frantically back inside the house, "Louis! Get out here! Now!"

I groaned and dragged myself up of the floor, leaving the DVD player behind and walking down the hall to Zayn. When I saw him I stopped dead in my tracks. No. This can't be real. That isn't who I think it is. I walked up slowly to Zayn, regretting it immediately.

Harry was slumped on top of him, unconscious with bruises littered across his pale face. But that wasn't the worse part. Harry had a freaking knife stuck in his thigh and his leg was covered in blood.

"MUM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, pulling Harry off of Zayn and carrying him into the house. My mum came down the stairs and racing into the living room, "What is so important that you need to screa- Oh my god!"

I sat Harry down on the coffee table as she ran out to go get whatever she needed. Danielle and Perrie squealed at the blood, Niall and Liam just staring. Zayn came back in the room, still shocked as to what he just opened the door to. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, Harry's mum getting this violent, but I never thought it would be so soon.

"Move away from Harry!" my mum called out as she came racing back into the room. Everyone backed away except for me, I stayed next to him, knowing my mum was going to need help.

She set to work at his leg, pulling the knife out carefully before trying to see the damage. She looked up at me and I could tell by the look on her face that she couldn't tell unless his pants were off. I nodded and watched as she in did his belt and yanked his bloodied pants off, showing off a huge gash in his thigh where the knife had been. She cleaned it and stitched it up in about twenty minutes. It was obvious that it was deep but it was hard to tell how much damage it had actually done.

"I am going to need you to take off his shirt because there's blood coming from under there too." She told me as she finished the last stitch. I quickly undid the buttons to his dress shirt to reveal his chest and stomach covered in cuts and bruises. I am actually glad my mum has taught me a few things from being a nurse, so now it doesn't bother me when I see blood.

My mum started to clean up the few minor cuts along his chest and stomach as I did his face. God, I can't believe his mum and boyfriend would actually go this far. I feel guilty because I am also a reason he has these bruises. My mum finished up before me, leaving the room to put away a few things and gather some towels to soak up the blood on the table.

Just as I finished dabbing some alcohol on his forehead he sucked in a heavy breath and winced, his eyes snapping open immediately. His piercing green eyes stared into mine for a second before it registered in his head who I was, causing him to try and sit up to get away from me.

"No, Harry I'm not going to hurt you! I helped fix you! Just stay still please?" I tried to calm him down, pushing lightly at his shoulders so he would lay back down on the coffee table. Reluctantly he did, still jumpy around me. I wouldn't blame him because of what I've done to him the past two weeks.

"She did this, didn't she?" I whispered, trying to keep him calm. He nodded his head as tears welled up in his eyes. "Hey, you're okay now, you're with me, they can't hurt you anymore, I promise."

"Wh-where are my clothes?" he asked, looking absolutely exhausted.

"We had to take them off to stop the bleeding. Plus they're covered in blood so you can't wear them. I will get you some." I told him, stopping him from panicking too much. I got up and ran up to my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a teeshirt and ran back downstairs.

"Here ya go, Haz." I said, handing him the clothes. I tried to ignore the fact that I was just now remembering that I had company over and I just called him Haz.

"T-thanks," he mumble quietly and pulled the shirt on while sitting up on the table. He went to stand up but his leg gave out. I caught him just in time so he didn't smack his head off the table. I helped him stand up, letting him lean on me as he put the pants on.

"I'm confused, why did you just call him Haz and why is he even here if you hate him so much and why did he look like that-" I cut Zayn off by holding my hand up. I helped Harry over to one of the couches and sat him down. Just then my mum came back into the room.

"Should I call the police? I can't let him go back there and have this happen again or have it get worse." She asked, looking at how pale Harry was.

"Y-yeah, it's my mum, Anne, and her boyfriend Robin that did this. Robin is the one who stabbed me." Harry spoke up, everyone staring at him. My mum nodded before walking out, calling the police on the phone she picked up.

"So do you want to explain whats going on?" Liam asked, patting Danielle's leg so she would slide off of his lap.

"Uhm, can you explain? I'm still tired and dizzy," Harry looked up at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and agreed, sitting down next to him. He closed his eyes and started to fall asleep, which he obviously needed. As I started telling them what all had happened, leaving out the part where he has made me so confused about my sexuality.

Without realizing it, Harry head had fallen into my lap and my fingers had gravitated to his hair and were now running through his soft curly locks.

"So, his mum abuses him too? Not just you guys at school?" Liam asked. I nodded my head to answer, ashamed of myself.

"Poor Harry. I didn't know he had it so bad. I feel so guilty for some reason even though I didn't do it." Perrie said, twirling some of her purple hair on her finger.

"I agree with Perrie, you guys should try and make it up to him or at least try and be nice to him." Danielle said.

"I uhm," I paused to see if Harry was still asleep. "I tried being nice but I don't know what's wrong with me but he's gotten in my head and he is all I can think about. That's why I started to beat him up more often, hoping these thoughts would go away but they haven't. They just keep getting worse and it's freaking me out." I tugged lightly at a knot in Harry's hair.

"Have you ever thought about the fact that you might like him?" Perrie suggested. It can't be true, can it? I mean it has crossed my mind once or twice but I just pushed to the back of my mind because I thought it was absurd. I've never thought I would like a guy before but I sort of do because of Harry. But what if this is just my mind making me feel guilty and always reminding me of it. No, I feel guilty about beating him but its not that. Maybe I actually do like Harry? but what does that make me because I've always thought I liked girls. Does that make me bi? I guess so.

I looked up from Harry at my friends with a scared look on my face. "Guys, I-I think I l-like Harry," I quietly choked out, still shocked by the recent discovery.

"Hey man, we're here for ya. We won't leave you no matter what your sexual preference is." Zayn spoke up for the first time.

"Thanks you guys." I said gratefully, looking down at Harry. I like a guy, and that guy is Harry. From now on, I won't hurt him, I'll try and be his friend.

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A/N: the ending is sucky but whatever. Please vote and comment! The more you guys comment and vote the more I want to write. I love you guys so much. Stay crazy. Xx

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