Chapter 27

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"Lou, wake up." I gently shook the sleeping boy that was laying on my chest. He groaned and snuggled closer to me, tightening his grip on the handful of my tee shirt that he had. I shook him once again, slightly harder.

"Mmf," Louis groaned, fluttering his eyes open. Once his blue eyes focused, he automatically smiled up at me. I grinned back, kissing his forehead and letting my lips linger on his skin.

"Morning," I smiled against his forehead before pulling away to see his eyes closed and a beautiful smile across his face. For once in the past month and a half, I have finally gotten a good nights rest and it was because of Louis.

"We should get up and eat, so we aren't late to school. I'll go make breakfast and you can pick some clothes out and take a shower. I think if you look hard enough you'll find some of your own clothes." I told him, dragging the two of us out if my bed.

"Thank you, for everything." That's all that was said, both of us understanding what it meant. I nodded and left my room as Louis went into my closet.

I stumbled down the stairs and into due to my lack of coordination. I managed to find a few eggs that were still okay and began to cook them. I found some orange juice in the fridge but when I poured it the rancid smell made me gag and throw it away immediately. I sighed, knowing I would have to go grocery shopping after school.

I stood at the stove, finishing up the eggs when a pair of arms snaked their way around my waist and a pair of lips attached themselves to my neck. I let out a groan when Louis started to suck on my neck. I tilted my head to the side so he could have more room, to which he responded with placing small kisses up and down my neck.

"Lou," I moaned before clearing my throat, "Stop, you're going to make me burn the only food in this house that's edible." I felt Louis pout his lips against my neck, kissing it one last time before stepping away and grabbing plates for me.

We ate quietly, glancing at each other every so often only to catch each others eyes and look away while blushing furiously. We were like two middle school girls around their crushes. Well, in a way it was sort of true. After breakfast, I went up to my room and got dressed and brushed my teeth before coming back downstairs to greet Louis. We decided to take one of the expensive cars to school and climbed in. As I drove, I asked the same question as last night.

"When we get to school, are you going to leave me again?" The fear of being left was audible in my voice, tears welling up at the thought of being left alone again.

"No. Never again will I leave you." Louis said with a firmness in his voice that caused me to believe him, letting out a breath that I had been holding. He reached over and grabbed the hand that I wasn't using and intertwined our fingers, resting our hands on his lap. "I promise."


"Are you ready for this?" I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, nodding my head.

"Yeah, are you?" I squeezed his hand tightly.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He said, a determined look on his face. We let go of each others hands and got out of the car, pulling our bags out behind us. As we walked across the car park and up to the school, everyone was staring. It was dead silent and all eyes were on either Louis, me, or our hands that were linked together again.

"Just ignore them, babe." Louis whispered, squeezing my hand. He sounded like he was trying to tell that to himself too. My cheeks were probably tainted pink at all the eyes on me and the fact Louis just called me babe.

"Louis, what if they start hitting you too?" I asked in a broken whisper, starting to shake slightly at the thought of him getting bullied too. He stopped just as we got to the doors of the school, pulling on my hand to make me turn and face him. He had a strange look on his face, one between pity and awe.

"I'm not going to let that happen, okay? Nobody is going to hurt either you or me, got it? Now come on, don't want to be late to class." Louis shot me a bright but nervous smile, leading me to music class. We were stared at, even given dirty looks, but nobody said a word to us.


"Hey mate! You and Louis finally make up?" Zayn asked us as he plopped down in his chair next to Louis and I. I looked at my lap and smiled, glad he didn't mind us holding hands.

"Louis wouldn't stop moping around after that one day. I swear, every time he hung out with us it would always be 'Harry this' and 'Harry that' I got tired of hearing it after a while." Zayn chuckled, patting a bright red Louis on the back.

"Did not," Louis mumbled weakly, making it obvious that it was true.

"Awe, babe, nothing to be ashamed of. I probably would have been the same way." I confessed, bumping his shoulder with mine.

"I'm glad you guys made up though." Zayn said just as the teacher walked into the room, calling for our attention. The rest of the day went smoothly, not a single word was even muttered in my direction and if someone gave me a dirty look, Louis would glare at them. When I didn't have a class with Louis, one of his friends or their girlfriends were with me so I wasn't sitting by myself. To say that it was the greatest day I've had in a long time is an understatement. It was the best.


A/N: So here it is!! Next chapter is going to be their date! I felt like an update was long over due so I whipped this up quickly for you guys! I love you all! Stay amazing! Xx

Tutoring My Bully ~Larry Stylinson AU~Where stories live. Discover now