Chapter 29

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Sorry it has been so long guys. I've had major writers block for this story but while I was trying to attempt this chapter, I started an entire different story! It's called 'I'm in love with a Killer' check it out! Well thanks for sticking by me and continuing on with this crap I call a story. I love you all! Stay weird. Xx

Louis' POV

"Harry open up! I need to talk to you!" I shuffle behind Hope as she pounds on the door to his mansion. I don't think her plan will work, but there's no harm in trying, right?

"Jesus, what do you want!?" Harry slams the door open, standing in the doorway shirtless and blotchy eyed, breathing heavy as he glares through Hope and at me. "Go the fuck away Louis! I don't want to hear whatever shit lie you've managed to come up with to feed me! I'm not falling for it again! I don't care if you're a bipolar freak, just go away before I call the police!" He seethes, focusing only on me. It makes me miss when he would focus on me and me alone, but right now it's not the way I want. I whimper as the harsh words hit me, cowering behind Hope and grabbing at the back of her band t-shirt, crazy girl wearing just a t-shirt in this weather. I knew this plan wouldn't work, I told her it wouldn't.

"Harry! Look at what you are doing to him! Stop this now! What you saw today wasn't what it looked like! Trust me when I say you need to listen to him! Please! You are scaring him and calling him names isn't going to get you anywhere." She tried to reason with the angry man in front of us, putting an arm out as if to stop him from lunging at me. He says nothing, just glaring at me with burning hatred. I can feel the tears building up behind my eyes. A few months ago it would have been the other way around, him cowering in fear of being abused. It shouldn't be like this. We should be cuddling and watching cheesy love movies, going on romantic dates, walks in the park with our hands linked and swinging between us, not like this.

"Fine, you have two minutes." Harry sighed heavily, crossing his arms over his bare chest, trying not to shiver at the cold air. Hope smiled at him and thanked him, lowering her arm to wrap around my waist and pull me out from behind her. She kept her arm around me, making sure I couldn't turn away and run like I wanted to. I kept my head facing towards the ground, not daring to look up at Harry. Hope pinched my hip when she realized I wasn't going to be willingly talking any time soon.

"I-I am sorry Harry! I stayed behind today because I was going to get some help with a class I am failing in, ya know, try and get some extra credit? Yeah well, when I went in there these douche bags were calling Eleanor all these names and it made me think about you and feel guilty about not speaking up. So, trying to be nice I tried to defend her which led to the both of us lying about dating because they started calling me a faggot. What you saw in the hallway was all a misunderstanding, my fault really. She thought I was being serious so she tried to kiss me but I pushed her off, she tried again and then you saw and ran away mad at me. I tried to explain to you but you wouldn't listen. I really am sorry, Harry!" I blubbered, trying to hold back tears as I tried to explain what happened in the little amount of time I was allowed.

"Please believe me," I whimpered, pathetically flinging myself on top of Harry, wrapping my arms around him and trying to bury my face into his shoulder like I do when we used to cuddle. I felt Hope's small hands grab hold of my arms, pulling me off Harry. Hope shot Harry a look I couldn't quite decipher, probably apologizing for my behavior. I turned away from Harry, wrapping my arms around Hope and clinging to her, sobbing into her shoulder. I kept murmuring my apologies into the fabric of her shirt, barely audible to Harry and Hope. I turn to face Harry rubbing a hand over his face when I hear him sigh again.

"I can't keep doing this Lou, this back and forth and fighting between the two of us. We need to communicate better-" Hope started to say something but Harry continued. "I know I sound like a hypocrite but it's not just me, it's you too. I think we should just take everything real slow, I mean, like start everything over. Forget about everything that has happened between the two of us, learn things about each other before we try to jump into a relationship. I don't even know what your favorite color is for crying out loud! Or what you fear most? See what I mean? We don't know each other but yet we think we are in love. So what do you say, start over?"

"Yeah, I think that sounds good." I nod vigorously, afraid my head might fall off. Harry smiles at me, the one I know that's reserved just for me when he thinks I look adorable. I do know that he smiles a certain way around me, even if he doesn't.

"Stay right here." Harry tells me, stepping back into the house and closing the door. I turn to look at Hope but she just shrugs at me, clueless as to what's happening too. My phone vibrates in my pocket a few seconds later so I dig it out and unlock it after seeing it's a text message from Harry.

From: Hazza

Knock on the door (: -H

I frown at my phone confused before putting it back in my pocket. I take a deep breath and let it out, raising my fist and gently rapping my knuckles against the wood of the door. I shuffle around, unsure as to what's going to happen. My head immediately shoots up when Harry opens the door again.

"Hello?" Harry asks, fighting a smile.

"Uhm, hi?" I question, still confused to what's going on. Hope is beside me still, a grin on her face like she knows what is happening. Am I the only one that's clueless!?

"My name's Harry, what's yours?" I grin goofily at him, figuring out what was going on. He is such a dork. He is my dork though.

"My name is Louis, this is my friend Hope." I introduce ourselves, shaking Harry's hand and maybe holding onto it for longer than necessary but neither of us are complaining.

"Louis!" Hope squeaks, hitting my arm. I turn and raise an eyebrow at her, wondering why the hell she- Oh my gosh I said Hope instead of Eireann. She is going to kill me.

"I am so so so so sorry! It slipped! I didn't mean for it to happen! Please forgive me! Oh my go-"

"Shut up will ya? It's fine, I've been planning on telling our friends for a while now." She explains to me, both of us completely forgetting about Harry until he clears his throat awkwardly.

"I will explain later," Hope tells him, "but for now I think you two should hang out. And don't be awkward and weird about it. You already know each other so don't act like you just met. I gotta go back home, Niall is still there probably wondering where I am. See ya 'round Harry! Love you Lou!" Hope skipped down the path and to her car, getting in and waving goodbye as she drove away. Harry and I wave back until she is out of sight.

We turn and look at each other, Harry scratching the back of his neck while I shuffle on my feet again.

"Wanna come in?" He asks, opening the door wider for me to come in.

"Yeah, sure. I just- put a shirt on please? You are distracting me." I laugh as I pass him. He pouts but agrees, closing the door behind me.


I roll over in my bed, holding my phone in my hand. Harry and I spent the afternoon at his house talking about nonsense, trying to get to know each other better.

From: Hazza

I'm falling asleep here Lou. I will see you tomorrow -H

I blink sleepily at the message, knowing I am falling asleep too. Before typing out a few words and sending it to him.

To: Hazza

Okay, night Hazza! Btw red and thunderstorms... -Lou

I am about to fall asleep when I get another message from Harry. I groan lightly as I read it and reply.

From: Hazza

What are you talking about?

To: Hazza

You said earlier you don't know what my favorite color is and what I am afraid of... Well it's red and thunderstorms...

From: Hazza

It all makes sense now from that first time I spent the night at your house. Alright I seriously need to go to sleep now. Night Lou -H

To: Hazza

Night Hazza see ya in school tomorrow -Lou

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