Chapter 33

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"Who said I was gonna go? Who said Louis was gonna be there? Who said I even wanted to see that lying and manipulative bastard? Gemma, you know what happened the last time I saw him. I don't even wanna go. I mean sure, I would get to see you and Levi again, but I don't like anybody else from high school." I ranted, making excuses for not wanting to go. I would love to see Louis again, but it would only cause more heartbreak and pain.

"Awh c'mon, please Har-Bear?" Gemma pouted at me. I shook my head, "No Gem, I don't wanna go."

"It's just because of Louis isn't it? You're afraid of seeing him again." She accused.

"No! I don't care if I see him! He probably has a girlfriend or some chick knocked up anyways, why should I care?" I raised my voice slightly, waking Libby from her slumber. She honked softly, wriggling in my arms. I sat the disoriented penguin down beside me, running my hand down her back to reassure her she was fine before turning back to face Gemma.

"You still love him, don't you Harry?" She gave me a look of sympathy when I didn't respond. "Oh Harry, you need to move on. Like you said, he used you and he probably has some slut knocked up by now." I nodded, not looking at the screen. I know it's most likely true, but it still hurt.

"I've tried to move on, I really have. I just always end up thinking about him again. He won't leave my head." I admitted, picking a piece of lint off my jeans.

"Come home Harry. Go to the reunion. Maybe seeing him one last time will help you get over him. If it doesn't, you can say I told you so and go back to Antarctica. Just, give it a chance?" I sighed and agreed, hoping it was the right decision.


"I missed you so much, Harry." Gemma breathed into my ear as she enveloped me in a tight hug. I chuckled and hugged her back. I had agreed to come home two days ago, leaving one more day besides today until the reunion. She had agreed to pick me up at the airport, letting me stay a couple days at her flat. She refused to let me go back to the house, saying something about how she needed to see me more than just when she picked me up and dropped me off.

"Missed you too, Gem. Has it always been this warm here?" I asked, wiping sweat off my forehead. I've spent the majority of the past year down in Antarctica where the temperature was always below freezing and coming up here at the start of summer is a drastic change.

"It's just 'cos you're used to the cold. C'mon let's get you home and settled in." She grabbed the handle to my suit case and started walking in the direction of the exit. I rolled my eyes but followed my sister out to her car.


A day later

"Oh my god I am freaking out, Gemma! I don't wanna go! What if everyone still hates me?" I shouted, pacing the living room of her flat and pulling at my long curls. I really should get it cut, but it helps keep me warm in Antarctica. There is about an hour and a half until 8 o'clock. That's an hour and a half until the reunion. I can't go. I have to. I have to see Louis again. I have to get over him. What if he doesn't go? I'm so screwed. I will spend the rest of my life forever alone and hopelessly in love with a man that I will never see again. What if he does go and still hates me? Will he-

"Oh my God, Harry! Calm down!" Gemma plopped down on her couch, watching me pace as she bit into an ice cream cone. "Just go take a shower and I will pick out some decent clothes for you to wear. Stop over thinking this. Like you said, he might not even be there so why get worked up about it?" She waved me off, finishing off her ice cream cone.

I shuffled out of the room and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I turned the water on and stripped, getting in afterwards. I went through the motions of washing, not really paying attention due to my thoughts being so jumbled. I finished with wrapping a towel around my waist after drying the majority off, including my long luscious locks. I'm going insane. I'm starting to sound like a girl now. But seriously, I need a hair cut.

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