Chapter 6

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I'm so confused. Why is he being nice to me? Why did he stand up to my mum for me? Why did he take me to go get food? Why am I going to his house now instead of mine? So many questions were racing through my head as Louis drove towards his house. I am absolutely terrified to be honest.

The whole car ride was quiet, beside the radio playing softly. I didn't want to say anything and have Louis do something to me, like hit me or take me home. He also didn't say anything, probably mentally screaming and yelling at himself for doing this. For making it seem like he cares about me. I don't deserve it. After all, I am just a worthless piece of good for nothing shit, in the words of my mother.

"Uhm, my mum is home with my sisters, they should be leaving soon." He said as we pulled into his driveway, looking at the other car he parked next to. I shrugged my shoulders as we got out and walked up the path to his front door. He stopped and turned to look at me with pleading eyes before he opened the door.

"Please, just pretend we are friends. I'll try and ignore the fact that you're a disgusting fag and you can try an pretend I don't hate you and beat the shit out of you a lot. Okay? Okay." Before I could mutter a word he turned and plastered on an obvious fake smile before walking into the house, yelling he was home and brought a friend.

"Hi honey, hello again. I'm Jay, Louis' mum." His mother came into sight, introducing herself.

"H-Harry," I squeaked, sticking my hand out to shake hers. She pushed my hand away and hugged me, which surprised me. I awkwardly hugged her back. This is what a mothers hug feels like? The only touching of me my mum does is to smack me around instead of hugs. I don't remember ever even receiving a hug from anyone, let alone my mother. Who would want to touch a disgusting freak of nature like me anyways unless it's to cause pain and suffering.

"We do hugs here in this family, Harry." She said as she pulled away, smiling brightly. I nodded, not knowing how to respond, and looked at Louis. He seemed to understand as he asked where the girls were.

"Lottie is in her room, and i think Fizzy and the twins are playing a game of hide and seek around the house." She told him as she walked out of the room and into the kitchen , us following in her wake.

"We were going to go shopping today, like I told you this morning, but the weather says there is going to be a huge storm soon so we decided just to stay home and go another day." I watched as all of the color drained out of Louis' face.

"You have about an hour or so Lou. Until then, you should decide if Harry is staying or leaving. If you trust him, he can stay, if not well it was nice meeting you Harry." She stated, her tone serious, before hugging me again and walking out of the kitchen.

I'm confused again. What did she mean by saying if he trusted me? Obviously he didn't so why would she ask that? Wait, she thinks we are friends, but it still doesn't make sense.

"I'm not taking you home to that bitch if a mother. I really don't want you staying here but there is obviously no where else you can go. I hope this is a quick storm-" Louis got cut off by two little girls running through the kitchen giggling like maniacs. They stopped where they were before they turned around and threw themselves at Louis, squealing his name. He caught them both in time, laughing along.

"So my little mischief makers, what are you two up to?" He asked, setting them back on their feet one at a time.

"We are playing hide and seek!" One of them happily told him. The other, equally happy, added, "Fizzy is the seeker!" Louis was immediately smiling down at the two before ushering them out of the room to probably go hide together, while I was left behind to stand alone awkwardly.

I waited a few minutes before I heard feet coming towards the kitchen, praying it was Louis and not another sister. Since my luck is horrid, an older girl walked in and went straight to the fridge, pulling out an apple and turned around as she bit into it. Her eyes widened as she saw me and took the apple out of her mouth.

"Who are you?" She asked with a mouth full of apple.

"H-Harry," I stuttered, once again. I really hate meeting new people, especially the family of my bully that thinks we are friends.

"You're cute. I'm Lottie by the way." She said, taking another bite out of her apple. I could feel my cheeks turn a bright red as I stared at my suddenly interesting socks.

"T-Thanks," I quietly replied, feeling another presence enter the room.

"Louis! Get in here, now!" Jay yelled, causing me to noticeably flinch and step back, staring at Jay with fearful eyes. Lottie just glanced at me curiously when I did this. Louis came running in with the two twins, stopping right in front if her, glancing between her, Lottie, and I.

"What's the problem?" He asked, oblivious to everything. His mum crossed her arms and tapped her foot before telling him.

"You left your friend in here all alone while you go frolicking around the house with Phoebe and Daisy! You could have at least included him!" She playfully scolded him before another girl joined the room and they all started talking and laughing about something. I forgot this is a normal family, and in normal families the mother doesn't hurt the children.

I shrank back into the wall and watched as Louis and Lottie picked up the twins and started to play chicken with them, Jay and the other girl cheering them on. This is what a normal family looks like, not what mine looks like. Why can't I have this? Oh right, because my mum hates me and my sister moved out because she couldn't stand to watch me get hurt. Her moving out only resulted in me getting hurt worse. They all look so happy and loving, while my family is broken and full of hatred. What went wrong? Watching this makes me want to run away, scream, cry, do anything but I'm frozen here, forced to watch as the family continues to love and mess around with each other.

"Harry! Help me!" Lottie shouted at me while laughing as she laid on the floor underneath the three girls and Louis who were tickling her. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I shook my head but walked closer.

"He doesn't need to help you! You deserve this for cheating at the game!" Louis shouted over the laughing, still tickling his sister. He stopped suddenly and looked up at me with an intense look. He jumped up and threw me down to the ground. He wouldn't do this in front of his mother and sisters, would he?

"Tickle him!" Louis shouted like a battle cry. My eyes widened as I felt several sets of fingers dig there ways into my sides and start to tickle me. I started to laugh uncontrollably as they tickled me more and more. By the time they stopped a few minutes later, I was gasping for air.

I sat up after I had caught my breathe and looked around at everyone else who seemed out of breath too from laughing.

"Is it always like this at your house?" I asked, looking up at Jay who was watching the whole thing. She nodded, her mouth opening to speak but was it off by a loud clap of thunder followed by a flash and the power going out. Even though it was mid day, it was dark out due to the storm.

"Louis, are you alright?" I heard Lottie ask. Whimpers were heard next before a flashlight was turned on by Jay. Jay passed out flashlights to the girls and told the older two to go light some candles, taking Phoebe and Daisy with them. She looked over at Louis and sighed. He was curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth, with his eyes shut tightly.

"I know you probably don't understand but he can explain later, but for now can you just hold him and tell him he's going to okay? I have to go watch the girls." She said, leaving with the only source of light in the room. Another clap of thunder sounded and I heard Louis let out a strangled whimper or cry.

I slowly crawled over to where Louis was and hesitantly pulled him closer to me. He fling himself on top of me, wrapping his arms around my neck and made it so he was sitting in my lap. He held on to me tightly and buried his head into the crook of my neck and cried. I slowly wrapped my arms around his lower back and rocked him side to side. No matter how much this is going to get me beaten when this is over with, I am still doing it because of Jay, not because Louis looks like a fragile little kid when he is like this. Who am I kidding? The sight of him like this is just saddening.

"Shhh, Louis it's gonna be okay. Don't cry. Shhh," I kept repeating over and over quietly into his ear until his crying had slowed down, claps of thunder causing him to whimper and tighten his grip on me.

We stayed in the same position for about an hour and a half before the rain finally let up enough to where it was only a light drizzle. Louis had fallen asleep on me almost half way through the storm but would still whimper in his sleep.

Jay finally came back in with the flashlight even though it was starting to get light out again. She looked at us and cooed before coming over and gently shaking Louis awake.

"Go away mum, I'm comfortable." Louis complained half asleep still and his head still in the crook of my neck. He nuzzled into my neck, tightened his arms around me.

"Lou honey, you're still on Harry." She told him, her hand rubbing his back. Once he had heard this, his head immediately snapped back and gave me a bewildered look. He then looked at his mum and then she left like they just had a silent conversation where he told her to leave. He turned back to me, his red rimmed blue eyes staring at me.

"Nobody finds out about this," he mumbled as he nuzzled his face back into my neck and fell back asleep almost immediately, me following his lead soon after.

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A/N: Hey you guys! You know I love all of you right? Well I do. Because of you guys, I have gone from like 43 reads on this story to 101 in less then two days. Thank you so much.

Okay so some depressing/sorta good news. I've been busy this past week with cheer practice and learning the routine everyone needs to learn to try out and well there are a lot of people trying out this year and I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it this year. Try outs are tomorrow after school so wish me luck and I will let you know if I made it or not next authors note. But the sad part is, if I do make the team I won't be able to update as often as I would like.

Alright enough about me and my personal problems. Thank you for reading everyone. I love you. Please vote and/or comment! I love feedback. Until next time, stay crazy you guys! Xx

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