Chapter 19

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Harry's POV.

I looked up from my position on the floor to see Louis frozen in fear. My mind was spinning from all of the recent events that happened in the past twenty minutes. I just kissed Louis, correction, I just snogged Louis. God, that was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. But then Levi came in. I feel so guilty and horrible, not just because he punched me in the gut or the pounding in my head from the concussion.

"Lou?" I quietly asked, standing up slowly so I didn't cause myself any more head trauma. His head snapped over to me, immediately crumbling in front of me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! You were just going on and on and you wouldn't shut up and you were swearing and jesus that was hot and I just-" I cut his rambling off by connecting my lips with his again. This time it was him who froze but seconds later was moving his lips too. I pulled away before it could get too far, resting my forehead against his.

"Shut up, would ya?" I smiled at him which he returned with a bright smile of his own, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"What are you going to do? I mean, Levi just punched you and I kissed you, shit, I just kissed-" I cut him off again by pecking his lips and pulling away giggling. He started to giggle too, and then the fact we were giggling like little girls hit us and we were full on laughing.

"Knock knock!" A nurse came in, smiling brightly and holding a clipboard. Louis and I stopped laughing and turned to face her.

"So, how are ya feeling? You took quite a nasty fall off that bridge!" The bubbly blonde nurse exclaimed, looking at the machines. Louis made a weird face at me, which I sheepishly returned with a smile and a shrug. I couldn't exactly tell them he tried to commit suicide for some reason.

"Uh, yeah. I'm doing good now, my head and throat hurt a bit though." Louis explained. The nurse nodded, saying it was normal and that I could leave soon.

"I want you to take it easy for a couple days, okay?" She asked cheekily, winking at him. He blushed and looked down at his fingers.

"W-we aren't-" He stumbled on getting the words out.

"What he means to say is that we have no clue what you are suggesting, don't we Boo?" I smiled cheekily, reaching up and taking his hand to lace our fingers together. He caught on, smiling, he nodded his head. The nurse giggled and left saying a quick 'be right back!' leaving Louis and I alone again. He immediately took his hand out of mine, muttering a quiet sorry.

"Why are you sorry? I was the one who did it, not you." I explained.

"Yeah and if I hadn't of choked, you wouldn't have to save my ass for the second time today!" He raised his voice at me a bit, not too loud though as to draw attention to us. We didn't want unwanted company in the room anymore than needed. Plus, this was a conversation that didn't need an audience.

"Louis, why are you doing this? Stop pushing me away, please." I almost whispered, unable to look up at him so angry. It reminded of me when he used to beat me up. I still have nightmares.

"Stop trying to get so involved with my life, Harry! Just leave me alone and go back to Levi! I don't want you hurt anymore." He attempted yelling at me but ended up whispering the last part.

"If I leave, I'll only get hurt more knowing I'm not with you." I took a deep breath, looking straight into Louis' eyes, preparing myself for what I was going to say. "I love you, Louis. I don't care how much Levi will beat me up for breaking up with him, but I need you to know I love you so, so much. I tried ignoring it like I thought you were doing to me, but I always ended up thinking about you instead of whatever I was supposed to be doing. And it killed me, thinking I was going to loose you, please just, don't ever try that again." I confessed, tears running down my face. Louis was crying to but he had a smile on his face so I took it as a good sign.

"I love you too, Harry. I won't ever do it again, I promise." He said, drawing an 'X' over his heart with his finger.

The nurse came back in moments later, giving Louis some paperwork to sign before we left. I waited out in the hallway as Louis changed out of the ugly hospital gown he was put in. When he came out, no words were needed as we started walking away, holding hands like we didn't have a care in the world. But I was worried, afraid even. How was Levi going to handle me breaking up with him?


"Hey, are you okay? You seem upset. What's going on in that curly haired head of yours?" Louis asked, tugging me to stop and look at him. We were now two blocks away from the hospital, walking since my car was still on the bridge.

"Nothing, just wondering what would have happened if I wasn't there in time." I admitted only partially of what was on my mind, looking at the ground.

"Hey, you were there, that's the important part. Plus, don't think such depressing thoughts! It's going to ruin the rest of my day!" He exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. Wow, can he get anymore bipolar? Next thing you know, he will be curled in a ball crying like a baby. Note the sarcasm.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But what am I going to do about Levi?" I asked, starting to walk again but imprisoning to our intertwined fingers. Louis' face fell a little before sliding his hand out of my grip.

"I don't know. I want to say break up with him but it's not my relationship so I have no say in it. It's up to you what you do. This is where I turn, goodbye Harry. I hope you make the right decision that makes you happy." Louis said, turning away and leaving me confused about who I should pick. My mind and heart were screaming to pick Louis, but picking him over Levi made me feel guilty for some reason. He did say which ever makes me happy, didn't he?

Levi makes me happy, but I really do think we were meant to be just friends. That, or he is ashamed of being with me because we never go out in public, and when we are, he doesn't really seem like he wants to be with me. Louis on the other hand, he seems like he would take me out and treat me how I deserve. The choice is so obvious.

I choose Louis.


A/N: Here it is! Happy New year everyone! Hope it was as great as mine! I dedicate this to my only friend on here @paynewrcked hope you get better soon! He is sick so I feel like he needs this(: short authors note but there's nothing really to say so thanks for reading (like always). Stay awesome. Xx

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