Chapter 11

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"You live here!?" Niall exclaimed as we all stumbled out of Louis' car. All of the boys stood gaping at my mansion of a house before Louis spoke.

"I said the same thing." He laughed a little before they all followed me up the path and into my abandoned home. I cringed at the sight of my dried up blood and broken glass just inside the doorway.

"You guys didn't have to come in you know. I can take care of myself." I told them as they wandered down the hallway, exploring the house for themselves. Nosy people. I sighed, keeping my shoes on and went to the kitchen and grabbed a broom and dust pan, going back to the hallway to clean up my mums and Robins mess.

"Do you need any help?" Louis' voice rang out from a couple feet away, startling me and causing me to drop the full dustpan that spilled everywhere. Louis laughed before bending down to help me pick it all up again. Louis stood up with a now full dustpan, following me to the kitchen again to dump it out. As he dumped it in the trash can, I pulled out a bucket from beneath the sink and filled it with warm water and lemon scented soap.

"Where do you want these?" Louis asked, waving the broom and dustpan around. I pointed to the closet and as he put the things away I turned the water off and lifted the bucket out of the sink. "Can you grab me the mop?" I limped back to the hallway seconds before Louis showed up behind me with the mop. I went to reach for it but he pulled it away from my reach, shaking his head.

"What?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side confused.

"I'll do it. You need rest, go lay on the couch or something, yeah? I will take care of this." He started to mop up the floor as I stood there speechless. They really are going to be nice to me. I need to get used to this. I went to leave but I stepped in a puddle and my feet slipped out from underneath me. I waited to hit the floor, but I never did. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Louis' concerned face looking down at me. I was leaned against his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled sheepishly and stared back up at him, since he hadn't let me go yet. We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like ages. His blue eyes seemed to pierce my soul and look through me. Like he was studying my eyes, memorizing them almost. I watched as his eyes flickered to my lips briefly. Not thinking about what I was doing, I let my gaze lower to his pink lips. I watched as he licked them before looking back up at his eyes. Our heads slowly got closer, gazes still flickering to lips more often, breaths mingling together.

"That's freaking adorable!" A voice broke us apart, Louis letting me go and stepping back, as I fell onto the floor due to the water puddle. Both of our faces were bright red as we looked up to see the three other boys standing in the doorway, cooing at us. Liam turned to smack Zayn, giving him a 'Shut up you just ruined it' look.

"That hurt," I casually said, rubbing the back of my head, trying to divert the attention on the whole thing that just happened. "Some one wanna help me up? I don't think I can on my own..." I trailed off, motioning to my leg.

"Sorry, forgot." Louis muttered before helping me back up with Zayn. I thanked the two of them as I wobbled into the living room behind the others, Louis still in the hallway mopping up my dried up blood.


I was sitting on the couch rubbing the cut on my thigh absentmindedly as I watched the others play some sort of game on a gaming station my mum had bought to make us seem like a normal family if we ever had company. Niall cheered as his character shot something on screen and the others groaned, throwing their controllers down and pretending to attack Niall. They eventually stopped and laughed before continuing the game. I got bored and decided to go get something to drink because I haven't drank anything in a while and I didn't want to get dehydrated. I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen, not being acknowledged by the boys.

Tutoring My Bully ~Larry Stylinson AU~Where stories live. Discover now