Chapter 8

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I entered the school, keeping my head down, hair flopping in my face, so nobody saw the bruises on my face. I fought through the pain as I tried not to limp, my entire left leg was bruised and swollen. After I had gotten home Sunday morning, my mother and her most recent boyfriend beat me. He did a lot of damage to my already bruised and battered body. I'm pretty sure if someone just brushed past me right now, I would surely scream in pain.

I did my combination at my locker and opened it, waiting for it to be slammed shut likes always. Only the slamming shut never came. For once, I was left alone at my locker, or so I thought. After I had grabbed all of the textbooks I needed, it was slammed shut. I looked up to see Zayn smirking down at me. His smirk faltered as he saw my face, causing me to look back down immediately.

"Wow, who ever did that to your face, they did a pretty nice job." He circled around me. "I know I didn't do it and neither did Niall or Lou, so who did fag?" He questioned. I stayed put, still looking at the ground quietly. Zayn knocked the books out of my hands, pushing me back into the lockers. I screamed in pain, falling to the floor and curled in on my self, waiting for the kicks that were about to come to my already broken ribs. The tears I had been trying to hold in all morning finally broke free and made their way down my face. Surprising me for the second time today, the kicking never came. Daring to look up at Zayn, he stood there completely astounded. He squatted down next to me, looking intensely at the bruises on my cheek bone and jaw.

"Holy fuck, they really fucked you up didn't they?" He whispered so the crowd that was gathering couldn't hear. He looked around at everyone before looking back at me like he was trying to decide something. He muttered something that sounded like 'fuck' before standing up and walking away like nothing happened.

Well that was definitely odd.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

It's now lunch and I am just sitting at my table in the corner all alone, staring at the tray of food. I am hungry, but the food honestly looks like it should start walking across my table. I sighed for the umpteenth time today and picked up the tray of glop.

As I was carrying it over to throw it away, a snotty cheerleader stuck her foot out and tripped me. I landed hard on top if my tray, food getting all over my shirt, nearly screaming because of the pain I was in due to my assumption of broken ribs. If I didn't have a broken rib or two, they were definitely bruised badly.

"Whoops," she glared at me, "I am so sorry!" She cackled evilly before taking her milk carton and pouring it over my head. The whole cafeteria started laughing at me. "That's what you get for being a nerd."

I quickly scrambled up, ignoring all of my aching muscles protesting, and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran all the way to the bathroom, tears blurring my vision. I burst through the door, hoping to find it empty, but was greeted by Zayn, Louis, and Niall all standing there. They were obviously skipping class. I tried to back away without them noticing but they were already looking at me. They started walking towards me, smirking evilly. This is going to be fun, not.

Zayn lunged at me first, grabbing for my wrists and in seconds my arms were twisted painfully behind me. Niall and Louis approached, seconds later fists and kicks connected with everybody part they could reach. My face, stomach, chest, arms, legs. Since I had already been crying when I came in, I was full on sobbing now. I couldn't see a thing through my tears. I started to taste the familiar metallic in my mouth the same time I became dizzy. Blood was now pouring out of my nose and starting to trickle out of the corner of my mouth. I heard faint swears coming from Niall as Zayn let go of my wrists an I fell to the floor, my head bouncing off the dirty tiles. The last thing I saw before everything went black was their shoes running out of the bathroom.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

I woke up with a groan, still on the bathroom floor, but a blurry figure was sitting across the bathroom, staring at me. I sat up slowly, trying not to pass out again because I was still dizzy. Once I was finally able to stand up, I made my way over to the sink, using the wall for support and limping as well because the pain in my left leg was now worse.

I gripped onto the sinks edge and turned on the water. I looked up into the mirror and saw a pathetic useless excuse of a life form look back at me. I ran my hands under the water before bending over and splashing it on my face to rid myself of dried blood stains on my face. Once I was done, I dried my hands and face, turning the water off and remembered that I was being watched. I looked over to where the guy sat across from me, only I was met with an empty space. There was no one there. I probably was just hallucinating because I was just knocked out, yeah that's what it is.

As I limped out of the bathroom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. I don't really know why I have a phone, the only people that text or call me are Gemma and my mum. My mums only reason to make me have a phone is to sed me text messages throughout the day telling me what a screw up I am. Other than that, there is no one, well Louis forcefully gave me his number this weekend saying I should text him when my mum hurts me again, but that obviously will never happen. I dont want him getting involved with my problems.

Turns out, I was passed out on the bathroom floor for the last half of school, it now being the middle of the last period of the day. It doesn't surprise me that nobody took me to the nurse or anything, heck, I'm surprised I was left alone. It was pointless to go to class so I went to the library for peer tutoring. When I walked in the librarian gave me a funny look but went back to putting books on the shelf seconds later. I sat down in the back corner where I normally sit and pulled out my homework for the day that I had recieved from morning classes.

I was halfway through my homework when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it, thinking it was just another reminder from my mother telling me that I am a useless piece of trash. A few minutes later my phone wwas vibrating again, this time longer like it was a phone call. I grabbed it out of my pocket and saw it was Gemma calling me after she had texted me.

"Hey Gem," I answered as cheerfully as possible, slurring because of my fat lip. I could hear her let out a groan on the other side of the phone call.

"Who did it this time?" She asked, knowing about my bullies and mum. She would still be at home protecting me from mum if it weren't for her having to go to college.

"Oh, you know just mum, her new boyfriend, and my bullies."

"Har-" I cut her off.

"It gets better too. It all happened today and last night so I am in so much pain right now. I really think something is wrong with my left leg and have some broken ribs. It only got better when they left me unconcious in the school bathroom on the floor for the last half of the school day. Isn't this just grand?" I faked happiness.

"Harry...." she trailed off, obviously pitying me. "Do you want me to come home for a few days? I can miss school for you if you need it. I hate hearing that you keep getting beat up, especially by mum. You're my little bro, I gotta look out for you."

I was staring at the table during our conversation, only slightly aware of the presence of someone sitting across from me.

"No, I am fine. I can handle myself. I actually thought I might go to the hospital later today and get checked out. I mean, I am pretty sure walking around with broken ribs and probably a broken ankle or something is definitely not good. Then again, what is good in my life besides you?" I responded, telling her my plans.

"Awh Har-Bear, and call me when you get home from the hospital and let me know how it went. Alright, I have to go for now but seriously call me later. I love you Harry, talk to you later."

"Okay I will, talk to you later, love you too." I said into the phone and listened to the soft click of her phone hanging up before I put my phone away and looked up at the person sitting across from me. I shrank back in my chair when I saw Louis sitting there smirking at me.

"Who was that fag boy? Your little boyfriend? I'm surprised you can even get one looking like that. I hope you die along with your fag boyfriend." He told me, still smirking at me.

"It was my sister." I told him, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"She is probably just like your mum, she just pity's you enough to pretend to like you." He shot back almost immediately. The tears started welling up in my eyes. That isn't true, Gemma loves me, right? she couldn't pity me, could she? I mean she does feel bad for me when I get beaten up, but other than that she doesn't really talk to me. Oh my god, my sister hates me too. The only person I thought I could trust, thought still loved me, hates me too.

Louis smirked triumphantly when the tears started pouring down my face for the millionth time today. I blindly shoved my stuff in my bag, trying to get out of the library and away from Louis as quick as possible. I got almost most of the way out of the library before someone from a table I had just walked by tripped me. I fell and let out a strangled cry, grabbing for my now throbbing leg that was engulfed in pain. The kids at the table just laughed at me before getting up and walking away.

After a few minutes, I was able to get back up to my feet and leave the school building. I cried the entire way to the hospital, in pain and heartbroken from what I had figured out with the unwanted help of Louis.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked after I walked up to it.

"I uhm, I got jumped and I'm in a lot of pain and I was wondering if someone could check me out? I think I may have a few broken bones." I wasn't actually going to say what happened to me because if I did they would put my mum in jail and I wouldn't have anywhere to live.

"Okay, just go sit over there for a few minutes an the doctor will be with you soon." She politely told me.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

I ended up having two broken ribs and a twisted ankle, along with a broken nose. I was given a brace to wear on my ankle for a few weeks until it healed, and until it did I wasn't aloud to put all my weight on it. They also wrapped my chest tightly, holding my ribs in place supposedly. I don't really know all of what the doctor said, but what I do know is that I never called Gemma back when I got home, I got beat again by my mum and my mums boyfriend, and that I was left to fall unconscious in a pile of broken glass and my own blood.

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A/N: Okay I feel bad for making Louis a douche bag in this chapter. I also hate how I made Gemma turn out. Oh well though. And poor Harry! don't worry though things are going to change for him soon because I can't take writing much more pain, sadness and suffering for him. Please vote, comment! I love you guys sooo much! I can't thank you enough for reading it makes me so happy. Stay funky. Xx

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