Chapter 12

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Louis' POV.

Shit. Why did I do that. Shit, I am so fucked. Why on earth did I say Zayn's name!? And the look on Harry's face after I said Zayn, ugh. I hate myself so much. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I'm in love with Harry and I lied to him about it, or that I have to pretend to like Zayn now.

"Hey, Lou, are you alright?" Liam asked as he came into Harry's kitchen. I was now alone and banging my head repeatedly on the wall. Harry had already went back in the living room because one of the boys called for him.

"Liam, I screwed up. I screwed up badly. What do I do?" I was still banging my head on the wall, hoping it would make my stupidity go away. Liam came over and put his hand in between the wall and my head, stopping me from hitting the wall. I rested my head on his hand before he pulled me away from the wall and sat me down at one of the chairs by the island.

"Wanna tell me what you screwed up exactly?" He asked, still standing on the other side of the island to look at me.

"I told Harry I liked Zayn." I mumbled looking down at the intricate designs on the counter top.

"But I thought last night you said you liked Harry? Why would you even tell him that?" He questioned, trying to understand the situation. I looked up at him, taking a deep breath before starting the story of what happened just moments ago.

"So let me get this right, you told him you like Zayn, even though you don't, just so you didn't scare him away. And he looked heartbroken for a split second afterwards. Well, look at it this way, things could be worse." He smiled at me before dropping it, "You could always act heartbroken when Zayn and Perrie are together and Harry can be there to 'comfort' you. In a way, it's a win win situation because it's obvious you two like each other. It's the worst skinny love I've ever seen to be completely honest." I just stared at him with a blank face.

"He doesn't like me back, Liam. God you're so stupid!" I groaned before slamming my head down on the counter in front of me. I let out another groan as my head bounced off of the hard surface, ignoring the fact that Liam had left me alone. I have no clue what I'm going to do, but for now, I guess I should just do what Liam said and act heartbroken. I should probably let Zayn know so he doesn't get freaked out a bit. Until then, I should go back in the living room and act as normal as possible.


"Shoot him!" Niall screamed at Liam. We were still playing Harry's play station 4, as he opted to sit out and watch because he had no clue how to even work the controller. I felt bad for him knowing what his life is actually like and he was okay with it. Well sort of, he wasn't okay with the beatings but the whole not living like an actual teenager. It was weird.

The doorbell rang and Harry excused himself to answer the door. We had ordered another pizza and were expecting it to come any second now, so we paused the game and ran out to the kitchen to get plates and napkins. Since we had no clue where stuff was, we randomly checked different cupboards to find the needed things. We had finally found them and threw them on the counter, bouncing up and down in anticipation waiting for Harry to come in with the pizza.

"Where is he!?" Zayn groaned, "I am withering away to nothing!" Niall chimed in whilst poking at his stomach. Liam swatted at him and scolded.

"I'm gonna go see what's taking him so long," I said, pushing myself off of the counter and walking down the hallway. "You do that lover boy!" Zayn shouted after me and I heard a smacking sound, probably Liam scolding him too. At least he was on my side on this.

"Hey Harry, what's taking so long?" I asked before I even made it to the door. I immediately stopped in my tracks once I got closer and saw Harry and a girl arguing over something. They obviously didn't see or hear me coming.

"No, you don't understand! I do care about you Harry! That's why I came here as soon as possible when I heard mum was arrested. I was worried about you. Please just let me come in." The girl pleaded. Wait, she said mum as in both of their mum's were arrested. Is that his sister? They do look alike in many ways.

"Gemma, I can take care of myself! I'm fine, I just needed stitches and she deserves to be in jail anyways for what she's been doing to me for years. I don't care if you were worried about me or not because we both know you aren't and don't care about me like a real sister should. You are not coming in anyways because I have people over." He told her almost viciously. The look on her face was obvious that she was torn between crying and actually leaving.

"Harry, just let her come in. It won't hurt for a little while." I voiced, walking closer to Harry. They both looked startled as they stared at me. Harry sighed heavily, opening the door wider for her to step in. Just as she did, the pizza man came up the path, gawking at the house. I motioned to Harry that I had it so he walked into the house with his sister.

I exchanged the money for the pizza before thanking the delivery man and wandering back into the house. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I could feel the thick tension hanging in the air. Everyone was quiet and awkwardly staring at different places. Sort of like they do in the cafeteria during Twilight. I hate that movie.

"Hi, I'm Louis. You're Harry's sister, Gemma, right?" I sat the pizza down and turned to her, sticking my hand out to shake. She nodded her head and took my hand, shaking it before dropping her hand back down to her side. Jeesh, it's going to be harder breaking the tension than I thought.

"Well since these dummies aren't going to do it themselves, that's Niall, Liam, and Zayn." I introduced, pointing to each one as they gave a small wave. We all got our pizza and headed back into the living room to eat, Gemma following suit.

"See Gemma, I can take care of myself and if I need something I can ask one of these guys. I don't need you, you obviously don't want to be here anyways. You can go back home now." Harry spat bitterly half way through us eating pizza. The look on Gemma's face showed that she was surprised by Harry's words.

"Can't you see I am sorry?! I'm trying to make it up to you but you keep pushing me away!" She cried out, throwing her empty paper plate onto the coffee table and stormed out of the room, tears streaming down her face. Harry didn't look any better as he buried his face in his hands, letting out a long groan.

"Do you want us to leave?" Liam spoke up. Harry shook his head, not looking up.

"You guys can stay if you want, I don't care. She can stay up in her room and sulk if she wants, it's what she's going to do." He finally picked up his head to look at us, his eyes were red and puffy indicating he had just cried.

"I don't know what exactly is going on but it'll get better man." Zayn said patting his back. Harry nodded and picked his pizza back up and started to eat again. We all did the same before ending up playing Harry's play station again with him just watching. It was obvious though that his mind was on his sister and what he was going to do because he kept making these adorable faces. I only knew because I ended up watching him more than the game we were playing which resulted in me losing every time.


A/N: I was inspired to write a new chapter so bam here it is. I don't care if it's short, your going to deal with it. Haha sorry I'm in a cocky mood for some reason today. Anyways I hope you enjoy! I honestly do not know what I am going to do with Harry and Gemma's relationship. Or how the whole Louis liking Zayn thing. Im hoping for the best haha. Keep voting commenting please. Oh and this chapter is dedicated to justlikelouis because her comment made me smile for like an hour. Stay wonderful. Xx

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