Chapter 23

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Louis' POV.

"I have mild depression, bipolar disorder, and maybe a little bit of schizophrenia." I confessed, watching Harry's face for a reaction. His face contorted into confusion then morphed into shock and realization, finally ending in pity. Exactly what I didn't want him to do. "No, don't give me that look. Don't pity me." I tried to stay calm, feeling myself already start to slip.

"I'm sorry Lou. I just don't know what to say." Harry told me, getting up from the couch he was sprawled across and coming to sit next to me, placing a comforting hand on my knee."What do you expect me to say and do? I don't understand why you came and told me this." He went back to looking confused again.

"Don't say anything, just hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright like they do in movies." Harry opened his arms for me to fall into which I gladly did. He leaned back so he was laying flat on the couch, me on top of him. I buried my face into his neck, breaking down again. Harry didn't say much as he tried to comfort me, rubbing circles into my lower back. Eventually I cried myself to sleep, almost passing out with fatigue. I haven't slept well the past few weeks to be completely honest, and this just seemed to make my exhaustion worse.

"Can I stay the night?" I mumbled sleeping into Harry's now wet neck. I'm not going to be conscious for very long, I can already tell.

"Of course you can, you don't even have to ask anymore." His low voice rumbled within his chest beneath me.

"Thanks Haz. I love you." I sleeping said, not sure if I was awake or asleep anymore. I felt Harry tense under me, his hands stopping their circular movement.

"I love you too, Louis." I felt something in my hair and the sensation of being lifted into the air and moving before I was finally out of it. My whole screwed up world going dark.


"Lou, wake up, please? I gotta use the bathroom." Harry's voice rasped from under me. I wasn't quite awake yet and I didn't want to be. I mumbled and groaned, wrapping my arms tighter around Harry's waist and cuddling into his chest. "Lou! I'll be right back, I promise! Just let me go pee!" He pleaded under me, wiggling around like a worm. I groaned, rolling off of him, feeling the covers lift up for a few seconds, letting the cold air into the warm pocket I was snuggled in.

I let out a whine at the cold air, rolling back over to where Harry was. I buried my face into the pillow, still able to smell him and enjoy his warmth. It would be better if it was actually him though. Harry came back into the room, lifting the covers once again to slide in next to me.

"Brrr, it's cold in there. You're so much warmer than anything else besides the bed." Harry said, pulling me closer to him after I had scooted out of his way to get back in bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling on top of him, trying to get comfortable. It was only then that I noticed that we were both in just our boxers. I blushed and smiled, pressing my face into his neck.

"What are you smiling about so early in the morning?" Harry asked, a smile heard in his voice.

"You had to undress me last night," I giggled, thinking about how hard that must have been while I was out cold.

"Yeah well, I wasn't going to let you sleep in jeans. You are very unresponsive to anything in your sleep. I bet if I had a marching band in here, you wouldn't even notice. I mean I did drop you down the stairs after all." I sat straight up, straddling his stomach, as I stared at down at him cheekily smiling. His hands moved to my thighs, holding me in place.

"You didn't-!" I tried but he started to laugh, shaking his head. Phew, at least I know it isn't true.

"You should have seen your face, Lou! Priceless!" He smiled up at me, causing me to blush over my foolishness and his smile. It's just so gorgeous. We continued to stare at each other, smiles slowly fading away as we realized what position we were in. I was still straddling him as he held onto my thighs. This isn't the least bit sexual at all. Nope.

Tutoring My Bully ~Larry Stylinson AU~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt