Of Fire and Blood

432 20 9

UPDATE: The author has changed the cover since the review.

Word Count: 1863

Title: Of Fire and Blood

Genre: High Fantasy

Blurb: Everything changed the day Silus met the man who smelled of Fire and blood.

With his enemies at the door and everyone he holds dear thrown into world of violence and brutality, one question remains:

Can he save them all?

Status: Ongoing


Starting Points: 30

Cover: I don't think it fits. It's isn't actually bad though. I can easily tell that this is going to be action packed, yes, but I'm not sure about it because it seems like it would fit in the apocalypse genre. The summary and title makes me think this is a historical fiction/fantasy book. Basically there are cover makers who can whip you up a much more gripping and authentic book cover. I can recommend you via PM if you care for a change that can save millions. (-3)

Title: I've got nothing to shit on you here. Hopefully, there is tons of gore and death. I'm excited!

Summary: And you ruined it that quick. It's actually good, don't get me wrong! I would have read on regardless, but the fact that your main genre is Fantasy makes it very underwhelming. You just kind of stated the main conflict and kept it moving, which is a turn off in my opinion. Give a bit of background of the main character, but not too much. It can make the reader actually care about this conflict your presenting, without it no one will actually care to open the book. Who cares if this dude has to save people? You didn't give a good enough reason for anyone to care. Also, since this is a fantasy maybe you should give more tidbits about the world?

Give the readers some information besides three vaguely-worded sentences, dammit! (-5)

Plot: Silus has to join forces with a murderous bum to save the world.

*Rolls eyes*

Opening thoughts:

-*Is "shook"*

-My scalp has been snatched and that journal entry was eloquently written. I'm bald.

-Hopefully this scalping session continues.

-Great descriptions, so far.

-Distinctive thoughts outside of narration should be italicized. It doesn't matter if the narrative is in first person. (-3)

-Excerpt: Calm down. He's not following you.

-"What could go wrong in a couple of days?"

*Rolls eyes for 300 years*

-Why do people feel the need to add this bull?!

-It isn't necessary! Just let the story play itself out! Foreshadowing is great, but try being a bit more creative and more subtle. I would take off points, but I'll let it slide this once.


-The main character Silus is typical teenaged boy. Running away from home. Lying. Getting excited for getting a shit job. Being ugly. I already don't like him. Hopefully, things don't work out for him in this book! :D (-1)

-Okay, in the first chapter where we are introduced to his parents had me dying, I'm sorry. His dad supposedly "hates" him. Apparently, calling your son "son" means you love him, and "boy" means you hate him. Maybe he just forgot his name? Why is he so sensitive?? The reader (I guess) is supposed to feel bad for him, but I'm really just holding back laughter at the scene. I'm from the Caribbean and my mum always calls me and my sisters "you" or "girl," if Silus doesn't sit his hurt ass down...

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