Entry 7

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I completely ignored Prof. Simmons and his advances. He got the idea that I was flirting with him last time in the library just because I spoke to him about Tolstoy. I was so pissed when he favored me over a male student during a quiz. I'm not sure if this is going well. He's obviously trying to get on my nerves.

But that's not the story I want to tell you that happened today. As you can see, I don't write in this journal everyday. I only write when something interesting happened. And today, something happened that I witnessed... well I actually heard.

Teresa Anderson, one of my study buddies told me a story about this guy who was trying to blackmail someone she knows. I'm not sure if it's something she really had to tell me. We're not that close but suddenly, she invited me for a coffee after our study session.

"You seem tense, Teresa. You weren't focusing in the study. Your notes were also incomplete and you got a B in the quiz last week." I told her as I sip on my green tea latte.

"You've been extremely nice to me, Nina. I'm not sure if you think we're close but I think we are. I want to share this with someone because it's been on my head and I'm gonna burst because of this. This is the reason I've been slacking off." I saw her hands tremble as she sip her coffee.

"Well, what's the reason? Surely there is a reason why."

"Nina, my friend is being blackmailed and since I tried helping her out, now he's blackmailing me too. I don't want to tell you because you might be involved in this but just telling just in case something terrible happens."

"Wait... what terrible thing can happen?"

"He would expose me and her. She was sleeping with a middle-aged man.  Me on the other hand..." She sniffed. She's actually about to cry any moment. I felt pity towards her. She's been a good friend here in the university and she's very nice except she's just so pretty that she can outshine all women inside this cafe. But it's fine, since she's exceptionally nice.

"I'm sleeping with my brother, Nina. If this gets out we'll be in so much trouble. You know how my brother William looks like, correct? He's extremely good looking and sweet. We just got suddenly attracted to each other. It is something I'd like to hold onto. William and I share a bond. I can't tell this just to anyone. You have a liberal mind, Nina. I know you won't tell this to anyone. I just want to get this off of chest. This has been a tough ride for me." She sighed. I don't know how will I ever look William on the eyes.

"This person who's blackmailing the both of you wants something, right?"

"Yes, he wants us both to send him a lock of our hair every month. He also wants us to... sleep with him. He wants the both of us at the same time. He's a pervert and he will destroy me." The she started crying. Thank goodness there's not much inside.

I gave her a faint smile. "Teresa, if you wanna ask my opinion, you have to stop sleeping with William for the mean time. You have to keep it low key. And William needs to be seen with a different woman. He will be alarmed once his hold on you is slowly slipping away from his grasp." She took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I can see someone who can make him happy. I don't know. I have a boyfriend and I like William too. I know I seem like a slut to you. I'm sorry."

"Teresa, I think you just have a brother complex like my cousin Sylvia. She had hots for him until she saw her nieces and she moved on.  Just try to think about it. Maybe you just have to let him go. Maybe you need to focus on yourself. And if can let him go, just do it." I told her. She looked hesitant when she agreed with me. She's a nice person but let's be honest, Teresa Anderson is a slut just like me. Even if she doesn't know, I'm happy to know that I'm not alone.

There is someone like me who's hiding something similar in her closet.

Love, Nina

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