Entry 14

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At the back of Matthew's pickup, I'm currently writing to my journal. They always ask what I write in here. I told them that I was writing formulas or something regarding school work. They know that exams will be around the corner.

Well I'm completely hammered. The tequilla and all got me so wasted earlier and thank goodness Matthew's mom got us covered so we're crashing there.

The reason why I'm writing is because  something happened. You know I always write if something happened for the day or its really something worth writing, right? Well, something did happen.

I heard Sylvia crying while she's so drunk. She's crying about the child she aborted two months ago. A guy named Craig knocked her up. He also goes to Yale with Sylvia. The thing is, she was ready put all the shameless acts behind because of him. She was so ready to pull all her shit together just for him. To think ny slutty cousin was ready to give up everything was such a revelation to be honest.

"I was ready. I was studying really hard and I ditched alcohol and all God knows what! For fucking him. Just for him, Nina. He was amazing. He really was... but his parents set him up to marry Dorothy Samuels! She's the senator's daughter for crying out loud!" She's really weeping. I took off her coat since she's sweating all over from crying.

She took another shot. "She's so fucking perfect, Nina. She's tall, brunette with icy blue eyes like yours and way toned. Fucking toned. She eats kale for lunch! Fucking kale, Nina! I bet she eats granola at breakfast too. That bitch stole my man." Then another tequilla shot.

Matthew and his friend Isaac went from smoking joint behin the bar. I told him we'll pass because Sylvia told me we should stay inside.

"Okay. So abortion? God, you must be very scared, Sylv."

"Of course I was fucking scared. I loved that child. I named the kid Sam so it's gender neutral. I was ready to become a fucking suburban mom for him but he said, he can't. He blew me off. I can't blame him though. His father is a powerful man; a shipping magnate." She sighed and leaned back on her chair.

"Don't cry for that guy, Sylv."

"I'm not crying because of him, it's for my kid! I killed my child. I loved that child, but I can't keep him. He'll live a lonely life full of sadness and frustration. I can't let him know that his father is a scum of the earth." She sniffed again. I got her a glass of water and she gulped it right away.

"I love that kid and now what am I gonna do? Of course, I have to fix ny life so he could be proud of me. He should be proud of me, Nina. I'm gonna date that guy from Harvard and make Craig see how I've moved on. Isaac's a nice guy and his personality us good as well. He's such a genteman."

"Yep. But please, don't lead on the poor guy and drop him like a hot potato."

"Of course not, Nina. I'm serious about this, so, all my cocaine is yours. I'll get the remaining ones in mystash at home."

"I'll pass. We have a drug test coming up this feb. I need to be clean." She laughed.

"Oh yeah. That shit is also around feb in Yale. Dartmouth seems good to you, Nina. Your grades are fucking high like what your mom told my mom."

"Of course. My allowance gets higher then my car will arrive in February so I need to be a little good." She rolled her eyes.

"What little good? You're a fucking child prodigy ever since. You play the violin like a fucking pro." Oh yeah, did I mention that I was considered a genius way back then? That's the reason ny mother got so focused in making me sure I don't end up bad. She always tells me how lucky she is to get a child just like me. No one on both of their sides have the same IQ as I do.

"Oh you stop, Sylvia. I'm not done with this yet. I need Master's and PhD to satisfy my mother. I have a long way to go but being a slut keeps me sane from all these things... and cocaine. Oh, I can't be a slut anymore. William is there now so, I cant. He's gonna keep me company from now on."

She sniffed again. "Oh you date that guy well, Nina. You better do. We need to end our slutty adventures from on. We can't let our lives live around that lifestyle. I hate it. I... just felt degraded. Thank goodness I got sick or I'll have to bury myself with that embarassment."

"I guess slutty days are finally over?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I gues it is."

Matthew went back with Isaac and sat across the both of us.

"God that was amazing. Joints are healthy but addicting. Did you know it helps with my asthma?" Matthew announced.

"Of course it does. These cock-sucking pharmacies just want us to pay for meds that don't work much." I told him and they saw how sad Sylvia looks like.

"Why don't we go to the carnival then use the remaing cocaine we have?" Matthew offered.

"You in?" I asked Sylvia. She just nodded.

"It's settled then." I told everyone.

God knows what's gonna happen next.

Love, Nina.

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