Entry 10

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Sitting in front of William Montana was a little awkward. He got this mannerism of biting his lips all the time and I don't know how I was able to keep myself still in my seat. He's the kind of guy women would want to bring in front of their parents. He's the kind of guy parents want to have as a son-in-law. He is that sexy. Seriously sexy.

He's got dirty blonde hair that matches his pale white skin. His eyes are hazel and he got these long fingers that got me fascinated. I heard from Teresa that her brother plays the piano. Maybe he can play me? We'll see but that's not the reason why we met. The main reason why is to help Teresa with her stalker. Oh, and he's shoulders are so broad as well, like Michael Phelps.

"You have amazing eyes, Nina." He told me.

"Thank you. Icy blue eyes look cold and lonely. How can my eyes be fascinating?"

"It's just pretty to look at. You do know you're beautiful, right? You have amazing smile. I... am not really a smooth talker but you just blew me away. You're simple and yet so beautiful. You had me bewitched." I smiled. Of course you're bewitched. My eyes are my battle gear. They fascinate people especially if I look them eye to eye. My eyes are the reason why Prof. Simmons got so fixated on me.

"Thank you, William. Your flattery just boosted my ego like 1000 times." I giggled and sipped my earl grey tea. He ordered espresso and a blueberry muffin. I'm actuallu trying to cut on sugar since I had a high blood sugar yesterday which my head ache so bad after classes.

"So, your major is biochemistry?" He asked me.

"Yes. That's correct. That's why our study group-which your sister is included- requests for my assistance especially in their pre-requisites." I smiled.

There's something about William I cannot fathom. His movements tell me a different story than what his personality looks like. It feels like I'm talking to two different people. Maybe because the word 'incest' stuck in my head and it just won't go. How would it go? I don't know. Fucking your own sibling is just plain twisted. Who does that? Only lunatics and drug addicts.

"You are very smart according to my sister. You have straight A's. I am seriously embarrassed to meet you. I feel like a complete airhead just by hearing all about you. Teresa obviously likes you as her friend. I'm happy to know she's got a good friend like you." And he smiled. Finally, he removed his jacket and hung them in the chair beside him. He called the waiter to fetch him water since his muffin is kind of sweet. Most men hate sweets just like my dad. He feels nauseous just by smelling my mom's home-made pie.

Now I can see his toned arms and his great chest. His black v-neck hung to his body like second skin. Damn it. He's really attractive. Attractive men that fascinate just make me lose ny control. It makes me lose my guts. I get horny and crazy.

This is getting out of hand. I don't have any intention of sleeping with Teresa's brother even if he's extremely attractive. I'll always imagine that he's fucking his sister and that's not a good picture to imagine.

"Teresa is good friend and she told me you want to meet me so here I am."

"Yes. The first time I saw you was in the library. You were reading a lot of books and you're so focused on your laptop as well. I kind of wanna say hi but you got this invisible fort around you, so I didn't try."

I laughed. "Fort? God, I probably looked like a nerd. Did I?"

He smiled. "No, you were actually very beautiful while studying. Your focus was amazing. You weren't annoyed or distracted by the people talking around you. You just studied."

"You are not bad yourself, William Montana. The first time I saw you was in the swimming pool. You were having practice and I kind of saw you there in your trunks and yes, you're really attractive. Then Teresa told me that the hot dirty blonde guy was her brother."

"That's embarrassing. You probably saw how gay I looked like, not that I hate gays of course. I just... ugh! I'm so awkward, Nina. I'm like a dork and I'm never dorky. This isn't my first date either so... you really fascinated me, Nina. You really did and I like your smart mouth. You think differently. You speak your mind and I find that attractive; extremely attractive." I just smiled. The feeling of winter really kind of affecting the atmosphere. The winter just makes him look more romantic and I don't want it. I want to restrain myself from eating William Montana. I can't drag him to my dark side. He'll be disappointed.

But I can't be fake. I only fake myself at home and not here at uni.

"Look, William-"

"Date me. Just try." His hand touched my freezing hand. He felt warm. He felt so inviting.

"Nina, you have to give me a shot. I'm a good guy."

"William, I'm not always good. I have bad sides. I can be... wicked or someone out of your league. You might be disappointed. You might hate me if you meet the real Nina. This is the first time I got sincere with a guy. Normally, I would show how bitchy I can be, but not to you. To be honest, I'm attracted. Really. But the thing is, I am just not sure how long can you handle me. I can be very toxic, William. I can let you go in just a snap." The waiter arrived with a glass of water with two lemon wedges floating in it. He took a sip and looked back at me.

"Everyone has a dark side. I didn't expect you to be perfect. Just give me a chance. I'm not perfect either. Let's try figuring it all out?"


I said 'okay' and I felt the very same elecric shock I had when I was with Lucas.

Oh God, not the electric shock.

Love, Nina

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