Entry 17

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The moment I heard Trisha's news about Prof. Simmons had me thinking of my actions? Did I go a little overboard? I don't why I'm struggling to correct this mistake. I should feel guilty, but I dont. I feel good about blackmailing Prof. Simmons. He's a leech that sucks all the goodness to its prey. He's a monster.

"He's a self-proclaimed heartthrob. I hate his guts at Physics class." I told her. Then she sat on her bed to face me, trying to get some gossips from me. I was about to speak when the door opened, only to show her boyfriend Jackson with paperbags of food.

"Hey good girl. I brought enough for the three of us." I rolled my eyes and faced Trisha.

"You do know that he's not allowed. I don't wanna suffer from demerits, Trisha. I wanna go out at night and if he keeps on showing up here, it's gonna be a problem for the both of us." I told her. She just giggled and took the bags on his hand to place on the table.

"Come on, it's fine. Just loosen up a bit. I'm famished! Come on. Barbeque sandwiches from this place will have you flying to the moon." She pulled me up. I sat on a mono block. Jackson smiled at me, flashing his blinding grin. He's really... well flashy.

"So you have Prof. Simmons for Physics class. He seems to be not the kind of guy to prey on his students." Trisha told me as she devoured her sandwich, with juices oozing on the corners of her mouth.

"Well he showed signs of narcissism. I once bumped into him in the library and touched my arm in an uncomfortable way. I don't know but I just didn't make a fuss about it because I just don't see him that way. He tried to push his luck I think. I didn't respond because I'm not into old men." The gossip I fed her made her satisfied. Jackson obviously itched on asking me questions but he remained silent.

"I heard he knocked up a student." Trisha told us. I am somehow stunned to realize that I'm not the first one to know about Monica Hatton. Maybe some people know about it. Or maybe it's really a news. Maybe it's a common knowledge to everyone.

This gossip can sensationalize her death.

"You... know this girl is, babe?" Jackson asked her. She shrugged.

"Nope, but it's quite a gossip at the hall. Everything about him is slowly unravelling and maybe by tomorrow, all skeletons in his closet are probably available for public viewing. At that age, he's single so he probably don't wanna settle to fool around. Guys like that are dangerous. Be careful, Nina." I just nodded and began eating ny sandwich. She had me thinking about poor Monica Hatton. That poor girl died in vain and he's getting away with it. I can't let him off the hook.

"Earlier at class, he paled. He was going through some notes on his laptop when he stopped talking and stared at the screen of his computer like he saw something that threatened him. My classmates were talking about it when he dismissed the class. We had like 20 minutes earlier and we haven't tackled anything today. He seemed rather odd to me." I faked a reaction. Of course, gossips like this are difficult to deny. He has 37 students at his Physics class so all of us could've spread the gossip like wildfire.

"He was once my Chemistry professor and we have this pretty classmate named Mandy. She's always seen talking to him. I didn't mind it at all until she tried ending her life once. It was a controversial news. We were freshmen too." Jackson told me and Trisha nodded like she's backing up the story.

Mandy. Who is this Mandy? I need to know her. I need to uncover this. I'm only starting and I need to know if her attempted suicide is connected to Monica's death?

Maybe I have to stop. I'm not Nancy Drew and I can't uncover anything. I don't have a Ned. I don't have a dad who can support this sleuthing.

"Earth to Nina." Then Trisha spoke.

"I'm sorry. I just remembered this report I forgot to make. I'll probably rush it later." I told her.

"You have to take it easy. You're just a freshman. You need to enjoy college and make this memorable for you. You have to keep yourself balancing fun and studying. Learning process isn't always inside a classroom." Monica finished her sandwich and grabbed a bottle of coke and poured me some on a paper cup.


"Wanna hang out after this? We have this beer pong tournament at a bar across the street. Just clean booze and fun. Come on." Trisha offered.

"Hmmm. Not sure. I have a report to finish. I need to wake up a little early. I have a breakfast date with William." Both of their mouths are in 'oooh' shape like they're shocked to hear that I'm dating.

"Hey. I'm serious with him." I told them and they just giggled.

"What's with you nerds and waking up early? Your classes are usually in the afternoon." Trisha giggled at Jackson's joke.

I looked at him and asked. "How did you know I don't have classes at morning?"

I don't know why that left an impression that he's observing me.

That he's investigating me.

Love, Nina.

Love, NinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang