Entry 21

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My cousin Matthew FaceTimed with me to show him the car my mother got for me.

She got me a fucking Mercedes. I didn't expect that but she was seriously impressed with my academic performance. I was given commendation for my excellent record last semester from the dean. It perfectly got sent to her the day she planned to get the car.

"Oh my god! That must be fucking expensive, Nina. Fucking expensive."

"I know, Mattie. I didn't expect this to be honest. Mom's always been cheap but now she's different. I can't even believe it's mine! It's on my name!" He laughed.

"Bitch, you better drive us in that car. The leather seats probably smell nice. What a lucky hoe." Then I saw mom walking towards me.

"I'll just call you back, Mattie. Mom's here." I told him and we ended the call. She just went back from the restroom.

"Thank you so much, mom. I didn't expect this. I love you!" I embraced her and she smiled, obviously delighted to see her perfect little daughter living uo to her expectations? Except the fact that I don't dress well and I eat unhealthy meals at night.

"I made sure the dealer gets you black. I told him silver is so awful. This one, is better for you. I can't believe you're so good. My girl finally has her car." She smiled as she sat with me in the steakhouse across the dorm.

"Of course, mom. I'll drive safely all the time. I won't waste gas because I prefer to walk most of the time." Then she whispered to me something.

"That car is bulletproof." She told me.

"What? Why?"

"Don't you know that there are college rapes everywhere and there are people who would steal cars and stuff. That car is difficult to break in to. Just make sure your keys are with you all the time. Keep the copy somewhere safe. I sound like a paranoid but don't walk at night. Drive all the time and keep yourself safe. I also got you a microwave oven and mini fridge. They will deliver those this week to your dorm room so you don't have to get out at night."

That's my mother, folks. She's smart and all.

"Thanks mom. Of course, I won't disappoint you. You're a little paranoid actually. I didn't expect a bulletproof car from you honestly." Then she smiled.

"Honey, I've always protected you since prep school. I made sure things are easy for you. I would never let things happen to you. Besides, there was a serial rapist before in this university because the girl was walking alone at night. That's why you should never walk alone at night. I checked your parking lot and there's a security guard and proper lighting that's why it's safer to drive." Oh so that's why. I've never heard anything like that. Rape? Maybe I should do a little research.

Then she cleared her throat.

"So, any guys hanging around with you? Your cousin has a suitor from Harvard College of Law. I expect you'd have someone of same caliber." I didn't expect that for her to say

"Honestly mom, yes. His name is William Montana. His parents are doctors. We only went to one date I swear. You know me." Surprisingly, she smiled. It's like she's delighted to hear I'm dating someone.

"Is this guy good-looking and smart? Is he tall? Make sure he smells good. If things go well, I wanna see him. He's probably okay since his parents are doctors. He must be smart, right? He has to be." She told me like it's just a casual thing.

"He's in his third year. He's a mathematics major." I told her and she seemed pleased.

I don't know how she changed. She became a gossiping suburban housewife and now this? I can't even recognize my own mother. She changed a lot.

"How's dad?" I asked her.

"Oh he's fine. We actually went to spa last week and he loved it. I told him it's good for his body to relax and he did. He loved it so much and now, he's sleeping soundly at home. He's been pretty tired with work. We have to support your dad all the time." I nodded and began slicing my steak.

"Nina, I told you to get yourself decent clothes. What if people assume that I starve you? You should always look good. Are you short in money?" I smiled.

"Nope. I still have left." She smiled.

"Don't worry. You'll have access on your account this coming May on your birthday if you show me a good performance this semester. I can even fund your interest in computer geek stuff if you promise me that you will excel most of the time. Make sure that guy won't affect your studies. You have to promise me, Nina. You're my only daughter and I love you so much."

Then it hit me. Why would I even plan on leaving my parents of everything they do is all for me? They did a lot of good things for me to even think of running away.

They even let me get the access on my trust on my birthday.

"Thank you, mom. I love you too. Don't worry, I'll buy decent clothes tomorrow after school. I promise to look good." She just smiled and handed me the car keys.

I have a Mercedes. I have a frigging Mercedes sedan. I'm so excited to drive my car. Dang.

"This is so real mom I can't believe you got me a Mercedes. A Camry would be fine but this... way way better."

"Of course, Honey. It's because we love you so much. You're our only child."

I love you both. I love my parents and now, I have to do good. Not just for myself, but for the people who love me.

Love, Nina

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