Entry 19

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Monica Hatton's memorial service was brief but very emotional. It left an impression to everyone at uni that life is to be celebrated, not to be lamented. Her short-lived life on earth had been good and her parents are proud of her. Who wouldn't be? She did everything a girl her age won't be able to accomplish. I admire her and it's sad to see her die like that.

I actually saw myself in her. She's the kind of daughter who never fails to meet her parents' expectations. She's good studies and she has an exemplary character and scholastic track record. She was a swimmer during her freshman year til her sophomore year. She's the president of the debate team last year, and a resident photographer for the school paper. You can understand why her loss is felt all over.


"Teresa, hi!"

She sat beside me along with her tray containing kale salad, a crossaint and apple juice. She's sporting her usual big black waves and peach lips. She really has a unique taste in makeup and styling or maybe it's just that I don't really use makeup and I wear plain clothes.

"So, how's my brother?" She sweetly smiled. Oh this slut really wants to know if I already boned her hot brother. Well, guess what? I haven't, knowing how horny I can be.

"He's very gentleman. The way he talks is just pure... cleverness. I don't know all of him yet. We only had one date and the second will be this coming weekend. He invited me to this gallery in the city, so I think we're cool." I smiled at her as I eat my blueberry muffins. The way she eyed my food tells me that she doesn't have a good metabolism. She's the calorie-conscious kind of person.

"That's great. I hope you don't see me as an opportunist. I would never do... him behind your back. I already stopped. We stopped because he told me how much he likes you. He likes your confidence and simplicity. I do too." She smiled and began eating her sad meal. Yes, I think the kale and juice kind of meal is sad compared to the back back ribs and mash that I just ate paired with blueberry muffin and a can of root beer.

"I'm not really that likeable. Maybe he's just being nice." I told her. She just giggled.

"No, he's not. You're really pretty and smart. You have an impressive academic record. You're always the one teaching in our study group. You help us and I'm thankful that you do. You have no idea how much you make things easier for all of us in the group." Then she smiled again.

She's obviously clueless. The truth is, William and I keep on seeing each other and we even became fitness buddies. We run a lot and it just confuses me why he hasn't told her yet. Maybe he doesn't want her to be jealous?

What if I'm really a front so they could continue their incestuous affair?

Her nude gel polish shines and it really caught my attention.

First, she's having difficulties in her lessons but got time to hoe up with all these makeup and painted nails? She's obviously spending time with useless stuff.

No wonder she's always on the bottom.

"Of course. I'm here to help the study group. Tell Lucy I might not make it next weekend. I made plans with your brother. We're planning to go to Coney island. Sounds lame-"

"What?! He... he never told me anything like that? Why would he lie to me? Why would... Coney island? That's hella far from here? Are you staying in a hotel-"

"Teresa! What's wrong with you? Oh my god, don't tell me, you're still hung up with your brother?" Her eyes grew wide and remained speechless. I saw her grip on the fork tightened like she wants to attack me or something. I prepared flr the worst when she suddenly calmed down.

"Yes. I can't bear to see him with girls but you... I approve of you. I hate myself for getting so angry. I asked you for help and this is what I do in return? I'm sorry." She bent down and lost the appetite to finish her salad.

I cleared my throat and tied my curly big brunette hair in a bun, with loose curls falling on my forehead. I put on my glasses and ready to leave her. I can't deal with this drama now that I'm going to investigate Monica Hatton's involvement with Prof. Simmons.

"Clear your head for a while, Teresa. I'm you friend. Just tell me if you want me to reject him so I can do it properly. I can't-"

She stood up. "God no! Please. My brother sincerely likes you. The truth is, he pitied me. He loves me just like a sister but I love him differently. Were actually half siblings that's why I feel different towards him. You have to understand my situation. But please, don't reject my brother. He probably never intended to tell me so I won't ruin his chances. He knows me too well." She embraced me and left, not finishing her meal.

I grabbed my books and headed to Prof. Simmon's class.

Okay, so it was found out that the girl he accused was indeed stalking her and she's IT so they immediately assumed she's the culprit. They discovered that she placed a bug on his pc so she can see him 24/7 and that's fucking creepy. Who would do duch a thing? That's a ticket to psych ward.

Prof. Simmons regained the students' trust and even symphatized with him, but not me. I won't.

I won't stop until I give Monica's death some justice she deserves. That poor girl didn't deserve to die a death in vain. I don't know how he can smile to everyone like nothing fucking happened. He's the one who needs to be sent to mental Institute ASAP.

"I sent you all e-mails just now for your references in the coming finals week prelims. Make sure you copied everything right and I don't want any of you making excuses that you didn't receive my file. Come forward now if you had problems of receiving it. We still have twenty minutes left before your next classes." He sat on his metal chir and went back on his laptop to prepare the PowerPoint presentation he's going to show us for the remaining lecture.

Sadly, this bastard became my professor again for PHYSICS II this semester. God, he was flirting last semester and God kows what he might attempt this time.

I opened my laptop and clicked the mail.

This time it had me sweating.

From: richardsimmons@dartmouthcollege.com
To: ninarainsawyer@outlook.com
Subject: secret


Warning: make sure the audio is off or you're wearing headphones. Enjoy.

I slowly clicked the link and it brought me to dropbox. I downloaded the video and played it.

It was Prof. Simmons having sex with some freshman. Glad I have my earphones and it didn't make any sound. I closed it immediately and looked at my seat mate's laptop. Guess what I found out?

I'm the only one who received it.

Love, Nina

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