Entry 11

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Sylvia picked me up at the airport because I decided to just go home and spend Christmas with my family. I'm running out of money as well so I decided to come home for the holidays. I rejected William's offer to spend holidays with his family because seeing him together with his sister makes me want to vomit. I still can picture the incestuous relationship they used to have. Well, I have no idea if they are still doing things but William seems honest.

Anyways, my cousin Sylvia lied to her mother that my flight will be around 7 PM so we headed to her dealer's place to get some cocaine. We will get high in my room and talk all about the boys we screwed this semester. We sound like sluts or some degrading kind women this society can't accept but, it's within our blood and we can't both deny that.

"How much would it be? You know I'm broke." I told Sylvia.

"Oh, mom gave me $600 last week to get myself some good clothes. I only spent around half so I guess that covers the amount we need." She got a new car as a present and she's goddamn lucky. Her new Audi smells like one of those cars you see in the showroom. Her family is really rich. Aunt Gemma did bag a man made of money.

"So, when are you getting your own car?" Sylvia asked me out nowhere while stuck in traffic.

"Oh my mom promised to get me a Camry this Feb. I actually want an SUV but that's fine. At least, she thought about getting me a car. After all, I went to Mona's wedding. The Honda Accord is acting like crazy on the road. Plus, my dad just handed me down that car with a huge dent at the back." I blew a smoke out of the window. Smoking while on a drive is liberating.

"You went to that old hag's wedding? God, her husband looks so ancient." Sylvia acted like she's gonna puke. Well, her husband really looks horrible.

"I did and the cake was amazing. That's the only good thing that happened to me in that wedding. Who would've known? Anyways, I never told you that my Physics professor got hots for me. He's really gross."

Then she turned right. "How gross? Like 55-year old gross?"

"No, like 37-ish gross."

"What? Nina, that's hot. Are you fucking kidding me? I would bang the shit out of him."

"Gross. He's narcissistic and arrogant. That bastard is really gross. Just by thinking about him gives me the ultimate creeps. Imagine, he still thinks I was flirting in my fucking lilac sweater. I was wearing a damn sweater! That guy's head needs a damn check." She just laughed.

"I wanna bang someone older. God, I would totally do your professor, Nina."

"Oh Sylvia, you're such a fucking slut."

"I know, bitch."

We parked in front of a meat shop and went to the blue house just three blocks away from where we parked. She knocked four time at his door like some kind of code. A guy in grey sweatpants opened the door holding a brown bag with hello kitty sticker. I don't know what kind of sick fuck would have a Hello Kitty sticker? Or maybe that's a code as well. These dealers really are part of the weird bunch.

"$450." He said.

"What? Last time I checked it was $300. Your price gets higher every week, Josh." Sylvia looks so pissed. She began tapping her expensive shoes on the ground like a sign of annoyance. She gets annoyed pretty easily.

"That's the new price. This thing gets harder to get especially cops get fucking smarter everyday. Dogs get smarter too so they formulated this to perfection that would totally be stealth to K9 dogs. Trust me, it's a high-end stuff you got here." Sylvia frowned and took out the money in her Gucci wallet.

"This better be good, Josh or Matthew will know. This better be." She grabbed the brown bag. We quickly got inside her car. She tossed the brown bag in her small duffel and she started driving.

"Don't worry, Nina. This bitch already has access to her trust."

"What a lucky bitch. I can get access on mine once I turn twenty one. Fuck, that's like in two years." She giggled.

"Don't worry, I got you covered. Besides, Matthew decided to hangout."

"What?! Oh come on, Sylvia. You can't! He's a nosy bastard." Matthew our cousin is such a nosy little bitch. He once told my mom that I was seeing Lucas but she didn't believe him because I was in Honor Roll.

"Come on, Nina. Matthew loves cocaine and... he's gay."

"What the actual fuck?!"

"You heard me right, bitch. That bastard is gay. But that's not the whole story. He actually has a gift to the both of us that you'd really like."

"What gift?"

"Do you still know what we really wanted way back junior high?" Then it snapped to me. I know what she's talking about.

"Oh my fucking goodness, Sylvia! Is that what I'm thinking?!" I squealed in excitement. She just grinned.

"Oh yes it is, bitch. He promised and that will happen tomorrow night. He already told our moms that he's bringing us to his astronomy club party and they both agreed. You know how good Matthew's image to everyone, right?"

"I know. That bastard now has a use finally."

I know I can't wait for that to happen. It's been the very thing I've always wanted.

Love, Nina.

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