Entry 35

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Let me tell you something about my boyfriend, he's nice and handsome. Most of the time,  you only get to choose which one you want. It's either an honest ugly or a handsome liar. Well, I'm not a hundred percent sure that William's the good kind. I have yet to discover if he's a good one.

My day ended fine... well not so fine. I still haven't talked to Teresa but she allegedly texted William last night that she's staying with her friends for the Thanksgiving. I wonder if that's her or the lunatic.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head and focused on my notes.

"Nina!" I saw Sydney running to me, her arms are filled with books as usual.

"I missed you!" I greeted her and tightly hugged her.

"I know. My parents are pushing through divorce so... I guess I have to choose whether I stay here or with mom at New York." She heavily sighed and collapsed on the library table.

"Oh Sydney, I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

"You know what Nina, why don't we just skip school for today? I badly need company."

"Oh Sydney, I thought you wouldn't ask." I smiled at her then I saw Jackson on a corner. He's staring at me. Why would Trisha's boyfriend be staring at me?

I ignored him and walked away with Sydney but the way he looked at me with such intent. His eyes were speaking to me. He's like trying to tell me that... he needs to see me.

Well, Jackson can be a little weird. He's kinda straying on another spectrum. When he cried about hos father's death and his fear of losing Trisha,  I see him now in a different light. Despite all those tattoos, drinking anf jokes, he's a very fragile person. Jackson is just like a glass that needs extra care.

I wonder if his own girlfriend knows that very fact. Trisha can be such a bitch at times. Why? Well she can't deal with her boyfriend's downs. She's afraid that Jackson would pull her down the drain. Jackson is a smart guy. His grades are not bad considering the way he looks. He's on the studious side and that's kinda surprising if you really get to know him.

"Earth to Nina!" She snapped her fingers in front of mt face.

"Oh sorry." I told her and we got in to my car.

"That guy, he was intently staring at you."

I sighed. "Thats was Jackson. He's my roommate's boyfriend. He's kinda my friend but not the kind you're thinking. Well, first he's a little emotional. Second, he can be very unpredictable. Lastly, he's hard to analyze. I'm usually good with analyzation." Sydney laughed as she took the seatbelt and put it on.

"You know Nina, people aren't math equations we can just solve just because we know the formulas. People are kinda hard to understand. We are born complex."

I never understood the concept of relationships until I had mine. There are times I get annoyed with William because he's so clingy and protective but I let it slide because I love him and he just cares a lot. There are times I wanna snap but I realized that he's the only one who can bring out the feelings I never had in me. I always thought that it's always gonna be me and my analyzation skills. And boy I was wrong.

The air was chilly that day and I parked my car in a barely filled parking lot in front of the dorm. I grabbed my coat and wrapped it around while I fish my keys inside my backpack.

Then I heard noises.

The hallway is filled with people in their pajamas.

"Why would he do that?" The girl asked the other girl beside her.

The I realized that it was our room that's flooded with people. The room is crowded until I saw paramedics inside. I gasped when I saw what happened.

"Charge to 200! Clear!" Then the EMT placed a stethoscope on his chest. He checked for pulse.

"Okay, we got a pulse." Then I saw who it was.

It was Jackson, with a rope around his neck, barely breathing on the floor. His neck is bluish red and his eyes ate filled with tears. I can see him looking at me, but probably unable to speak due to pain.

"Tell them it's a suicide attempt." The other EMT told her colleague and she phone the hospital.

"Wait! I live in this dorm and he's a friend. His girlfriend is my dormmate. Can I go with you at the hospital?"

"Do you possibly know any relative?" The guy asked me. My head is so confused from focusing on Jackson's pale face to this guy in front of me.

"No, he kinda lives faraway. His family lives in Boston." I replied, which is true from what I heard from him before.

"Okay, you have to assist your depressed friend here. Contact the girlfriend as well."


The thing is, I wasn't able to reach Trisha throughout that night. Her things are gone, and so is she.

Love, Nina

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