Entry 18

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A news spread in the whole school that there's a notorious hacker on the loose. It freaked me out but it turned out that only people from engineering department are investigated, especially students from IT Department. They obviously went to the 'obvious' people. Thank goodness they did or I'll probably sitting in the cold floor of a cell.

One of the famous football superstars in the campus was blackmailed regarding his homosexuality and his alleged sextape with an older man. It was kinda gross to be honest because the other guy was said to be around fifties so you can imagine all the loose skin. God, that's really disgusting.

A girl from Business and Commerce Department claimed that someone hacked into her student profile and changed the photo to her naked selfie. It distraught her and forced her to change schools. I mean, who takes naked selfies? They're just stupid women who wanted attention and guess what, she did. That bitch had it coming. She's fucking someone's boyfriend too so she's hella gross.

Then Prof. Simmons got hacked too, but that was me. I didn't hack the others, just him I promise. I would never hack others... only if the need calls for it. If someone would wanna mess with me, I have no choice but to expose all the creepy shit that person got on his closet.

Actually, it scares me. What if they locate the person who was responsible for the loss of his mails? What if I take the fall for these hackers? I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I need to be careful and I need to destroy make sure no one sees the other laptop.

I have to be careful around Jackson and Trisha. They're the only ones who can get in here.

The only advantage I have is that no one knew about my hacking skills except my cousin Sylvia. My skills benefitted her a lot actually. I once hacked her votes at prep school so she'd win as tenth grade representative. It shocked most students.

I began eating my burrito when Sydney, my classmate at Psychology class sat in front of me with her tray. I never mentioned her before but, I eat with her everyday. She's actually really smart, and being around her makes my mind sharper.

"Look at all those calories, Nina. You're so lucky to be skinny. I have to eat grass just to stay in this size. My mom always nags at me whenever I gain a pound or two." She sighed and she began eating her salad.

I would never eat salad for lunch. I'm gonna fucking die.

"Then, why don't you just exercise so you can burn all the food you eat? It's actually good for the heart. I run thrice a week around the campus. You can join me if you want." I told her.

I can see how she swallowed hard everytime I take a bite on my burrito. She must be starving herself most of the time.

I bet she never took a bite of pizza in such a long time.

She tucked her gold locks behind her ears and nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Nina. Your... boyfriend might think I'm taking your 'alone time'."

She's talking about William. I run with him, actually. I never had the time to tell you. It's been a month and a half since I wrote my last entry so a lot actually happened.

"Oh it's fine. He can just take a different route. We can both run so you will feel comfortable if you're with someone familiar. Plus, it makes you toned and sexier. I don't do gym, just this and I'm all fine."

"Thanks." She told me.

"By the way, another person got hacked again. This campus is getting scarier, Nina." Then my heart started racing. God, the investigation will resume if this happens again.

"Who got hacked?" I asked her.

Then she grinned. "Olivia Gold. That bitch deserved it. You know how she is. The hacker exposed her. That bitch had it coming. Who would've known we'll have a vigilante hacker?" Oh.

Well karma's a bitch and it bit her hard.

So, to all of you who doesn't know Olivia Gold, I'll introduce her.

She's a swimmer from the swim team and a junior. She's majoring in Economics and is a very good student. But that's not the reason why we think she's a bitch.

Last year, a freshman got into an accident because of some hazing ritual they did for their stupid sorority. I don't know why they join these stupid organizations. They obviously wanted to be cool like those stupid college movies from Hollywood.

So, what happened was she jumped from a 40-foot diving pool and she almost died. Olivia denied and she got away with it. Her mom's a lawyer and she defended her with the evidence that this freshman was dead drunk and reckless.

I mean seriously? All of them are drunk.

That's why I hate people like her. They manipulate the weak and I'm actually happy to know she's going down.

"So what's gonna happen to the bitch?" I asked her, then she laughed.

"Oh she's expelled. Her olympic dreams already died. That poor girl almost died and she never apologized. It's been on rumor mill that their sorority has been hazing recruits. I would never join one. Not now, not ever." She giggled.

"So, can we now focus to our movie night? We can stay in our dorm! God, I downloaded a lot of movies." She told me. Well, we've been doing this too. I wasn't able to tell you.

"Sure, but no stupid chick flicks. You hate those too."

"I know, Nina."

Then I looked at her. "You slept with Gregory, right?" I asked her. Her face turned beet red.

"W- what? How did you know?" She asked while stuttering. I laughed as I drink my lemonade.

"You are glowing, bitch." She rolled her eyes and continued eating her salad.

"Okay, he's really hot and all but I won't do it again. I like him, but I'm never going to give hin the impression that I crave for him. That's not gonna happen even if he's texting me a lot these days. I told him things are just piling up."

"Wow. You're manipulating him so he'd go crazy for you. You're such smarty pants, Sydney."

"I know. Manipulation makes the world go round."

I don't know why but her last sentence gave me the chills.

Love, Nina

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