0.9 Phantomhive Memories

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It all seemed to happen so slow. I felt I could have done more to save Madam Red, to stop Grell from ever harming her. The wound on my stomach prevented me from helping her.

Long, black strips of film began flowing out of her wound and into the air. Her cinematic record. Something reapers were able to view once the person who they were charged with died.

It showed her entire life, from her childhood up to the point of her death. Madam Red was born with natural fiery red hair, which she hated so even though her parents said it was lovely. It was only until Ciel's father, Vincent Phantomhive, told her he liked her hair as it was. She fell in love with him, but Rachel married Vincent instead. Madam Red (whose actual name is Angelina), went on to marry someone else who did not mind her love was for another. She became pregnant, but as she said, it was taken away from her.

The records show a bloodied Angelina Dalles in a flipped over carriage on the side of the road. Then it changed and showed her being informed by a doctor at the hospital that her baby and uterus had to be removed, thus preventing her from ever conceiving a child again.

"The puzzle is completed. Madam Red was aggravated by the prostitutes coming in for abortions. I can hardly blame her. It was like they were rubbing it in her face, slowly bringing her to the brink of insanity and causing her rash actions," Sebastian concluded.

After all this, it was not enough for Grell. He charged at Ciel, but I ripped off a piece of fabric from my dress and jammed his chainsaw before he could strike, rendering it useless. While he was trying to fix his chainsaw, another man entered the alley and grabbed him by the hair.

"Please excuse Grell's foul behavior. My name is William T. Spears, and I will be taking him back with me," the man said.

He pushed his glasses up with his pruners and dragged Grell. "Come along now Grell. I will be taking your death scythe. You will be on trial after breaking so many rules. So much overtime..."

William dragged Grell away, who was fighting in protest.

"Time to go back to the manor, young master. It is almost twilight and it is best that you retire for the night," I say.

Ciel nods his head and yawns. If we stayed any longer, someone might see us and think we murdered Madam Red.

We continued on our way to the mansion and got there within a few minutes. All the other servants were asleep. I helped Ciel change and tucked the blankets around him.

"Goodnight young master."

He grabbed my wrist as I got up to leave. "Stay with me until I fall asleep Y/n."

"Of course, young master," I replied.

So I sat on his bedside until he fell asleep. It was the only time he did not have a scowl or a look of disdain on his face. Rather, he looked peaceful for once.

The reason he wanted me to stay by his side was clear. The closest thing he had to a parental figure died in front of his eyes. Madam Red was the last close family member to Ciel. I grabbed the candelabra on his bedside table and blew the candles out.

"Sweet dreams Ciel," I mumbled.

The manor was pitch black as I walked to the servants quarters. My room was at the end of the hall, while the rest of the servants were closer to the staircase. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen, although he was likely preparing for tomorrow. My hands grazed the part of my stomach that Grell's chainsaw pierced. Luckily it was fully healed.

"Hopefully Adrianna will be able to patch it up. This was such a lovely dress and it was unfortunate that stupid reaper had to ruin it."

Click. The brass knob turned and the door opened, revealing Sebastian. It looked like he had something on his mind.

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