2.2 His Butler, Arguing

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Sebastian fell back on the bed, panting. Y/n still had her hands on the headboard. Sebastian smirks at the sight while Y/n simply rolls her eyes.

"I wonder where the others are, it has been a few hours," Y/n says without realizing it's been slightly more than a day.

"They probably ran away after hearing your loud mouth spewing nonsense when you try arguing," Sebastian retorts.

Y/n slaps her husband and pulls the sheets away, "Oh shut up. We would not be arguing in the first place if you weren't so stupid."

"You're the one who started this all!"

Y/n rolls her eyes and heads for the door. Just as she is about to touch the knob, Sebastian pulls her back and slams her against the wall. Y/n stared into her husband's glowing fuchsia eyes and bites her lip in anticipation.

"And where did you think you were going?"

"Out. I don't fancy snapping your neck right now because I'm trying to be a...what do you call it? A nice wife!"

Sebastian softly bites Y/n's neck and chuckles at the pleasured growl Y/n releases.

"Do you really think I will let you go that easily, Emuishere?"


In town, Scarlett, Adrianna, and Ciel were simply trying to pass the time. They had nothing to do until midnight. Adrianna found a hotel near the edge of town where they just waited.

"I'm hungry," Scarlett whines, "can we go hunting?"

"Sure. Since it's still daytime, let's go to the forest. It's less obvious if we find people there," Adrianna reasons.

The three stand up from their chairs and leave the hotel for the forest. Scarlett holds her groaning stomach. Since she is still a young demon, she cannot go that long without eating, whereas fully matured demons can go for years.

The group enters the forest, listening to the birds chirping. Scarlett stands in silence and takes in her surroundings.

And then she hears it.

Not too far away, there was a hunter. He was trying to get back home, but accidentally cut himself on a branch. Crimson blood flowed from the wound.

Scarlett gave a devilish smirk as she ran in the direction of the hunter.

Before she could be in his line of sight, Scarlett hid behind a large oak tree.

"I'm really going to enjoy this," she whispered to herself.

If there was anything she hated with a passion, it was hunters. Humans already disgusted her, but hunters were the icing on the cake.

The young girl loved all creatures alike and was angry at the greedy hunters. They were taking away the beautiful things in nature every time they killed an animal. They took more than they needed and made sure to cause devastation to the land when they did. Humans are a lost cause in Scarlett's eyes.

Scarlett transformed into her animal form: a black mamba. She hissed and slithered to the hunter's foot before biting him in the calf.

The venom injected into his leg caused him to gasp and fall to the ground. Scarlett turned back into her regular form and smirked.

"How does it feel now that you're the one being hunted?"

She reached down and ate his soul, not allowing the hunter any last words before death.

"You are getting rather good at this."

Scarlett turned around and saw Adrianna and Ciel standing behind her. They had watched the whole ordeal and were impressed with the going demon.

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora