1.3 Phantomhive Child

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Sebastian helped me stand up. My knees felt weak. He wrapped an arm around my waist and helped walk into our bedroom.

"We cannot take you to the hospital, you might end up having the baby in the carriage. Mey-Rin, call a doctor!" Sebastian ordered.

"Actually," Adrianna said, "you see, I have been trying to become a doctor. I have a job as a doctor's assistant and I know how to help."

Adrianna helped me onto the bed and placed a blanket on me.

"Young master, I think it is best if you go to your study. You are too young to witness childbirth."

Ciel scoffed, "I am not a child, I can handle myself."

Sebastian shook his head, "as you wish, young master. The rest of you, go finish your chores. Clean up the ballroom."

"Yes, sir!"

They all scurried out of the room, leaving me with Sebastian, Ciel, and Adrianna. I felt Adrianna lift up the blanket and push my dress up a little.

"It is almost time for you to start pushing Y/n. Are you ready?"

Sebastian held my left hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. I felt Ciel slide his hand into my right hand, giving me a small smile.



Hours passed. It felt like an eternity. Sweat ran down from my temple. I was in pain.

"Y/n, you are almost there," Adrianna said.

I screamed and dug my nails into Sebastian's palm, surely drawing blood. Everyone went silent as a baby's cry was heard.

"It's a girl."

Adrianna passed my daughter to Sebastian, who had a wide smile on his face. He cradled her.

"She has my eyes and your nose. What should we name her?" He asked.

"How about Scarlett? I feel like it suits her if she has your eyes," I suggested.

Sebastian nodded his head, "It's perfect. She's going to grow into a fine young lady, just like her mother- Y/n?"

My eyes began drooping, and my grip on Ciel's hand weakened. Immediately, I began growing tired and felt myself drifting away. I fought to keep my eyes open and stay awake.

"She lost too much blood. I... I am afraid she does not have much time left Sebastian. I know you two are demons and not much can kill you...but childbirth can kill female demons."

With that, everything began spinning until I finally closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


"Ah, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a few hours."

I looked around and saw that I was in the same field as when Angela tried to rewrite my memories. Except, my previous family wasn't here. Instead, Angela herself was standing in front of me.

"What did you do to me? Did I die?"

Angela clicked her tongue. "One question at a time, dear sister. But to answer you question, I pulled your soul away from your body and brought you here. You were weak from giving birth, so it was the perfect time to bring you. No, you are not dead. But you might die if you don't listen to me carefully."

Of course, there was a catch.

"Okay... I am listening."

"I want you to join me in cleansing London. In five days, I will come for you. If you join me, you'll come with me and your family will be unharmed. If you try to resist, I will take control of your body and make you slaughter them all. If you tell them about the deal, I will kill you all."

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ