2.9 His Maid, Creator

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Adrianna, Ciel, and Scarlett stare in disbelief as their Siren friend makes her way towards them. Isabella gives a flirtatious smile as she reaches the group. In her hand was a bow black as coal and on her back was a matching quiver with a single silver arrow.

Adrianna steps forward and looks at the bow Isabella is holding. "What the...why are there black specks floating around it?"


Everyone turns to see Y/n. Her eyes begin glowing purple and the same black specks are surrounding her and Aetherius. She stands in front of Isabella and grabs her head, whispering in an unknown language. 

"Papa, what is she saying?"

"I...I don't know. I have no idea what language this is. I understand many languages from the humans, but this one is unknown to me," Sebastian answers.

"This is the language of the Sirens. At the club that Isabella owns, I hear them talking to each other in this tongue a lot. The only thing I cannot seem to figure out is why Y/n can speak it, let alone fluently," Adrianna says. 

They look back at Isabella and Y/n. Y/n is speaking rapidly and seems to be growing angrier. When it seems she is about to get violent, she lets go of Isabella. The Siren's features begin changing. Isabella's hair turns light blue and her eyes almost the exact color.

Everyone stares in disbelief at her new features. Adrianna seems to be impacted by it the most, as she has her hands covering her mouth.

"Isabella? W-what is this? What are you?" Adrianna shakily asks. 

Defeated, Isabella sighs. "I'm a demon. Not completely. I somehow managed to be half-siren, half-demon. I started off as a siren, but a demon found me and tried turning me into a demon. I fought him off and he never finished the conversion, but somehow I was half siren and demon. But that's in the past, it all happened over a thousand years ago."

As she finishes up, everyone notices how Isabella looks to Y/n with an unreadable emotion in her eyes. Y/n looks at her with the same emotions and widens the distance between them.

Adrianna notices and looks to her. "Y/n, do you know anything about this?" 

"Of course I do, I am her mother after all."

Sebastian groans and runs a hand through his hair. "You have another child, and you don't even bother to tell me? You're my wife, Y/n! You're supposed to trust me and tell me these things!"

"I thought she was dead!"

"Thanks for that warm welcome, Mother," Isabella replies, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Okay, let me explain everything. Yes, Isabella was born over a thousand years ago. It was in a village somewhere in Italy. I had made a deal with the blacksmith. His daughter had been found dead by the river bank. There was already three other girls from the village who had been found the exact same way. The blacksmith suspected it was a man who had only arrived in the village a few weeks before. I found the man and did my best to grow close to him and see if he would confess. He...managed to seduce me and when I woke up the next morning, he was gone and never returned," Y/n explains. 

Sebastian places his hands on Y/n's waist and tilted his forehead down. "The man was a demon. He made a deal with one of the villagers and was required to kill those four girls. After the deal was fulfilled and he consumed the man's soul, he saw a beautiful woman and decided he wanted her. He got what he wanted and left the next morning." 

"Please don't tell me that it was you."

"It was me," Sebastian confesses.

Y/n walked along the road, carrying a small basket that contained apples. She scanned all the villagers to see if she could find who she was after. She paused when she saw the man a few feet ahead of her. She sped up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and raised an eyebrow. 

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now