2.8 His Butler, Planning

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A few days pass after the entire incident. Sebastian became rather protective of Y/n and would hardly let her go places on her own.

"Sebastian, love, I am completely fine now. You needn't be so protective of me anymore," Y/n tells him. 

"Yes, I do. I don't know what I would do if that bastard came back and tried to torment us again. Or even if Dalia decided to make another appearance," Sebastian says, growling as he mentions Orion's sister.

"I think it's time for us to finally end this all. We need to start planning on killing them," Y/n replies. 

"Count me in!" 

Y/n and Sebastian turn around and see a rather familiar redhead. Grell lays across the long table with one hand propping his head up.

"Grell? What are you doing here?" Y/n asks.

"I just wanted to drop by and check on my two favorite people!"

"We're fine. Now go away," Sebastian grumbles.

"Oh, Bassy, how you wound me! But do not fret, I shall be sticking around for a while! I want in on all the action, it's been getting rather boring. Ta-ta for now!"

Just as quick as he had arrived, Grell disappeared. Seeing Grell was enough to make Sebastian grumpy for the rest of the day.

"Oh, do cheer up, Sebastian. You know Grell means well. He just needs to find somebody that will love him back," Y/n reassures Sebastian.


"We need to figure out how to get Y/n here. She easily gets along with most people. If she becomes queen, it might stop the people from beginning a rebellion."

"Even if a rebellion does end up happening if she is queen, having her on our side gives us a huge advantage. She isn't your regular demon." 

"Are you sure it's not because she's half angel, your majesty?" 

"That's what makes her so special. She's already a powerful demon, possibly stronger than my damned sister. Now add that strength to her angelic powers. That's a recipe for one of the most potentially powerful pawns ever to exist. I cannot let her escape my grasp."

"As you wish, your majesty." 


In the mansion, the day has been passing by relatively smoothly. Because of the circumstances, Ciel has taken control of the Phantomhive Manor once more. The demons spend most of the morning bringing their belongings from Italy. 

Y/n takes the last box upstairs to her bedroom, placing it on the bed. She pulls the dresses out of the box and places them into the closet. She reaches her hand in and grabs the last item. It was the picture of her and Sebastian. Y/n smiles as she remembers the day it was taken and places it on the dresser. 

Sebastian enters the room and hugs his wife from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder. 

"There are a lot of memories in this room," Y/n says. 

"Oh? Which ones are you thinking about?" 

Y/n laughs at her husband's remark. Of course, he would have to ruin a sweet moment with a simple sentence that has a dirty meaning. It was true, though. The room did have a lot of memories, both sexual and non-sexual. It was the place where she was made to sleep in after the deal with Sebastian, the place where they made love or simply slept, and where there were also some not so good memories because of Angela and Orion. 

"Sebastian, I was thinking..." 

Y/n turns around with a blush and small smile on her face. The mere sight also forces Sebastian to give a grin. 

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now