2.5 His Maid, Nostalgic

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"I think us three are going to stay behind in the manor, Sebastian. This is something for just you and Y/n," Adrianna says. 

"Alright. We'll be back soon." 

Scarlett, Ciel, and Adrianna head into the manor. Sebastian and Y/n look at each other and approach the stables. 

"There is no sense in taking the carriage if it is just us two. Why don't we just borrow two horses instead?" Sebastian suggests. 

"Good idea. I will take - Zani!" 

Y/n runs up to her horse and hugs her. Zani gives a snort and buries her head in Y/n's shoulder, earning a laugh from the horse's rider. Sebastian chuckles as he watches his excited wife hug her horse. 

"I missed you so much. Oh, you haven't changed a bit! Wait..." 

Y/n looks behind her horse and gasps when she sees a small foal with brown and black markings. The small foal paws at the ground and stays close to Zani. 

"I'm a horse grandmother!" Y/n exclaims. 

Sebastian cannot help but laugh at his wife's outburst. Y/n's cheeks go red with embarrassment when she sees her husband laughing at her exclamation.  

"W-what?" She chokes out with a dumbfound expression. 

Sebastian shakes his head but keeps the smile on his face. "Only you would say that you are a horse grandmother, Emuishere. Only you." 

They choose two different horses since Y/n does not want to take Zani away from her foal. Sebastian gets two horses ready for the short journey to the heart of London. Y/n gets on one horse and comes up with an idea.

"How about a race for old time's sake? First one to the gate gets to make the other do something?" She asks with a smirk on her face. 

Sebastian looks at Y/n and pretends to think about it. Without warning, he makes his horse start galloping away from Y/n. She yelps with surprise and urges her horse to begin sprinting. 

A minute later, she arrives at the gate to see a smirking Sebastian. She climbs off her horse, huffs in annoyance and crosses her arms. "That's not fair. You cheated."  

"You are just a sore loser, Emuishere. Now since I won, I get to make you do something." 

"I regret ever saying anything," Y/n mutters.

"Kiss me." 

Y/n looks up at her husband and snorts, "Really? Well, that is easy then. I thought you were going to make me do something crazy or embarrassing." 

Y/n walks up to Sebastian and places her hands on his chest. She leans up to kiss his lips, but at the last second kisses his cheek instead. Before he could grab her, Y/n rushes back to her horse and makes the horse begin galloping away again. 

The couple makes it to the center of London about half an hour later. Y/n gives Sebastian a cheeky grin as they get off their horses and tie them to a fence.

Before she could protest, Sebastian walks over to Y/n and crashes his lips onto hers. They continue kissing before Y/n breaks away with a blush on her face. 

"We're in public. I don't think the townsfolk would appreciate two people making out in the middle of the road," Y/n says. 

Sebastian rolls his eyes, "You act so innocent, but we both know you aren't."

Y/n gasps and pushes a laughing Sebastian away. Embarrassed, she shakes her head and begins walking and looking at all of the shops. Sebastian places his hand in hers as they walk down and admire the town.

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon