1.1 Phantomhive Sister

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Our group began heading to the monastery, with Grell flirting with me the entire time. Sebastian had an annoyed expression on his face like he wanted to tear Grell to pieces.

The monastery was on the other side of England, which meant it would take hours to reach just by train or carriage. Thankfully, our group consisted of demons and reapers, which meant we would be in Lancashire within minutes.

"So, Grell, why are you and the Undertaker joining us?" I asked.

"Cinematic records were stolen from the library in the reaper academy, and all signs of their whereabouts pointed to the monastery. We decided to join up with you three, and well, here we are," he explained.

The monastery loomed before us, looking as suspicious as I thought it would be. Cult members were wandering around the courtyard, all ranging from toddlers to the elderly. With a cult this big, it was possible they were trying to overthrow the government. Queen Victoria had a valid reason to be concerned.

"We have to try and get information, but how?" Ciel pondered.

A nun walked across the grass towards us and looked startled when she saw us.

"Excuse me! Do you think you can spare a second to tell us about this place and what exactly it is you guys do?" Ciel asked.


"Allow me, young master."

Sebastian walked with her into the barn in front of us. We waited in silence for a few minutes.

"Ciel, you know how I am supposed to be your sister, right?"

"Yes. Is something wrong?"

"N-no," I stuttered, "It's just that... I guess if you are my brother, that means you're about to be an uncle."

He turned around, his visible eye opened wide. I bit my lip and blushed. He was the first person I told.

All of a sudden, we heard loud moans coming from the barn. My heart froze and I felt the air escape me.

"What?!" Grell shrieked. "Why is Bassy giving it to that wench in there?! Ugh, I am going to slaughter her."

I nodded my head slowly, tears pooling in my eyes. "I think I agree with you for once Grell."

Grell grabbed onto my sweater and sobbed. I hugged him back and almost did the same as him. The moans continued on for minutes.

"Oh! I think I see the gates of Heaven!" The nun yelled.

"On the contrary, I am going to drag her wench ass to Hell once they are done in there," I growled.

After what felt like an eternity, the moaning finally stopped. The creaky barn door opened, and Sebastian stepped out. Mathilda was lying on a haystack, her chest rising up and down quickly. She hadn't even bothered to decently clothe herself.

"Sebastian, wait out here while I ask..." He trailed off, not knowing her name.

"Mathilda," she answered.

"Mathilda here some questions."

He walked inside, a fuming Grell following close behind him. The Undertaker grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back, knowing armageddon would break loose if Grell was in the same room as Mathilda.

"I'm pregnant," I blurted.

Sebastian froze and tensed up. It was the reaction I was expecting. He came closer and tried putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Shit, Y/n if you told me I would have never-"

I flinched and pulled my arm away. "Save it, Michaelis, we both know you would have still screwed around with that wench. It's my fault for falling into your trap. Besides, we are not lovers, right? We only spent that one night together..."

A Hell-Like Love • Sebastian Michaelis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now