Helping hand

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3 weeks later

"Something's up with Danny you guys", Jazz said with concern in her voice.

"No kidding" Sam said.

"He barley talks to us and now when ghost attacks he looks like he's scared to fight serious."

"He has been spacing out more often now that I think about it",Tucker said.

"I told him Tucker and I were going to Nasty Burger later I'll ask him there".

                           Nasty Burger

Tucker and Sam where sitting at a table waiting for Danny to show up.

Just then Danny walked in and spotted Sam and Tucker.

He sat next to Tucker,who was seated across from Sam. "Hey guys,what's up"?

"We're fine Danny" Sam answered. "We're worried about you."

"Yea dude you've been acting strange lately", Tucker added. "What are you talking about I'm fine", Danny lied.

"Your lying" Sam stated irritated.

I'm not

You are

I'm not

You are

I'm not

YOU ARE!! Sam yelled fed up with this back and fort BS. Danny looked wounded and then hung his head down. Sam realized what she did and apologized.

"I'm sorry Danny",she said softly.

"It's ok Sam,You're right anyway",Danny sighed.

This caused Tucker and Sam to look at each other for a brief moment then at Danny.

"What's up dude?" Tucker asked.

"We're always here if you need us Danny", Sam added.

Danny took Sam's hand in his own. "I know and I'm grateful for that". Danny locked eyes with Sam.

They stared at each other for a long moment until Tucker interrupted.

*cough*LOVEBIRDS *cough

WE ARE NOT LOVEBIRDS!!!! Danny and Sam shouted. Then blushed afterwards since this was the 1,000,000 they've said it in unison.

"Anyways" Danny started. "A couple weeks ago when we were at my house my ghost sense went off." Tucker and Sam nodded for him to continue. "You guys and Jazz were all sleep so I decided to take that one alone , low and behold it was Skulker"

Tucker and Sam shared a worried glance, but didn't say anything.

"We started fighting and he started complaining about blowing off steam because of his girlfriend", Danny stated dryly.

"Then he said his girlfriend was Ember".

Tucker and Sam were shocked.

"Ember as in Ember McClain"? Tucker asked.


"Ember as in the rock diva that tried to make an all women utopia"? Sam added.


"Well that's a shocker." Sam said. "Wait till you hear the rest", Danny said.

They nodded in response.

"He started talking about how he beat her and wrecked her emotionally. It made my blood boil. Then he started taunting me even more and I felt myself....lose control", Danny hung his head.

"What do you mean you lost control Danny"? Sam asked worried.


No more needed to be said they knew what he meant. "Danny did you end him"? Sam asked with dread in her voice.

"No I didn't. Ember stopped me",Danny said. "Ember stopped you"?, Tucker asked. Yea she snapped me out of it before I did something I'd regret.

It was quiet for a couple of moments before Tucker spoke.

"Dude you're not gonna become him", Tucker said sternly. You're not a killer you're my best friend and I know you'll never become evil." Sam nodded in agreement.

"You beat him Danny he'll never happen",she said reassuringly.

"But Skulker" Danny started but Sam interrupted.

"Skulker is still alive and your still the Danny I know",She said with a smile.

"Yea dude we got your back."

Danny smiled,"Thanks guys and I love you guys."

"We love you too Danny, always and forever"

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