Concert aftermath

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Ember concert ROCKED. The crowd never stopped screaming,dancing,and certainly never stopped singing.


With that the crowd started to leave out the front entrance. Ember left backstage and put her guitar down.

She was in such a good mood. Her concert was a huge success, she didn't have to worry about her concert being ruined,and then Danny..

She blushed when she thought about Danny not knowing where they're going from here.

"Speaking of dipstick where is he." Ember began to look around. Some what hurt danny would just up and leave.

"Miss me"

Ember turned around and was face to face with Danny.

"Where were you dipstick I thought you bailed on me."  Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"You got lost in the crowd didn't you?" "Kinda,that crowd was rough they went to get merchandise and I nearly got trampled."

"Go figure,but I wanna talk to you" Ember said in a serious tone.



Danny wasn't surprised he knew they'd have to talk about it sooner or later. "Look Em I like you a lot and I would love for you to be my girlfriend."

Ember looked at Danny with a smile she gave him a kiss on the lips and hugged him. "I want to be your girlfriend Danny, but I'd like if we kept it a secret a lot of ghost still don't like you in the ghost zone."

"Ember you're right my parents being ghost hunter and then there's Sam."

O crap I forgot about SAM!! Danny thought.

"We'll get through it babypop you've handled worse." Ember began to play with Danny's hair.

I'm also King of the ghost zone.

"Really?"Ember asked shocked.  Yep the ghost zone will get the announcement in a couple of Days.

"Danny I want you know one thing I don't love you because your king. I don't love you because you have powers. I love you because your you."
Embers words were whole hearted and soulfully.

"You what" Danny asked shocked.

Ember smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you Danny"

Danny smiled from ear to ear. "I love you too Ember."

"I'm king of the ghost will you let me rule your heart."

"I wouldn't have it any other way dipstick ,but under one condition."

What's that?

"That you'll let me be the queen of your heart." Ember looked him deep in the eyes.

"Yes my flame" Danny and Ember kissed passionately.
(Back in Amity)
"Tuck have you heard from Danny?" Tucker nearly dropped his PDA. "No,not at all" Tucker said a little to quick.

Sam didn't seem to pick up on it. "I mean,no call,no visit or anything. "Maybe he's just tired Sam he does fight ghost all day." Tucker was starting to get nervous.

"Crap she's getting suspicious" Tucker thought.

Tucker began to text Danny.

Where are you, Sam is getting suspicious

No response, Tucker was practically begging Danny to text back.

"Why hasn't he text back her concert has to be over by now unless....."

"Danny if your doing what I think your doing please don't let Sam see." Tucker looked back up at Sam. She looked zoned out so Tucker texted Danny again.

Dude if you're doing what I think your doing.As a man I give you props and lunch on me to nasty burger,but as a friend an the techno geek Ian PLEASE get here before Sam starts getting irrational.

TUCKER!!! Tucker jumped at Sam's voice. "What are you doing, I've been calling your name for nearly 2 minutes."

O...well what is it you need. "I was trying to tell you I'm going to call Danny." Sam looked at Tucker annoyed.

She pulled out her phone and only one word came to Tucker's mind.

(Ember and Danny)
Ember and Danny where currently in a heated makeout session on the couch.

Danny's phone went off. "Who is that and why now." Danny decided to ignore it.

Then it went off a second time.

"WHY CANT THEY GO TO SLEEP!!!!" Ember yelled very irritated. *bring* Danny's phone went off again.

"WHERE'S MY GUITAR!!" Ember yelled ready to punch the person who kept interrupting them.

Danny picked up his phone and saw 3 messages from Tucker.

"O no" Danny said with dread. Ember's anger seemed to vanish as she saw the worried expression on Danny's face.

"What's a matter babypop?" "I asked Tucker to cover for me so I could come to your concert."

Danny then proceeded to read the messages.

"Where are you Sam is getting suspicious?" Danny read aloud.
He froze and paled.

Ember looked at him. "Does that mean she knows" Ember got up off the couch.

"I hope not" Danny said.

"Dude if you're doing what I think your doing.As a man I give you props and lunch on me at Nasty Burger,but as a friend and the techno geek I amPLEASE get here before Sam starts getting irrational." Danny read aloud.

What is "if you're doing what I think your doing" suppose to mean. Danny looked at Ember.

Ember thought for a moment then her eyes went wide.


Danny ignored her outburst.

"Sam's on her way to your house!!" Danny yelled in fear.

"When was that"

5 minutes ago.

"CRAP!!!"Danny and Ember yelled in unison.

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