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"PLEASEEEE don't kill me". Danny kept repeating the words over and over in his head.

Ember had her back on the wall and head up to the ceiling. She was trying to gain her composure.

"It's just the dipstick sister. I've performed in front of millions. This is gonna be easy compared to that. Isn't it??" Ember groaned as her thoughts gave her a headache.


Danny and Ember looked towards the bed. Jazz had opened her eyes trying to collect her thoughts.

When she tried to sit up she grabbed her head and pain.

Danny laid her back down gently on the bed.

"Easy sis,you took quite a fall."

"Baby brother? O my goodness you won't believe the dream I had. I dreamt you and Ember had sex and I walked in on you two.

Danny paled but gave a nervous laugh.

Jazz saw the look on Danny's face but misjudged his horrified expression.

"I know right crazy, but I know my baby brother is WAY too good for that".

"Ummm Jazz"

"I mean come on she's literally a walking firecracker I mean her temper, her taste in clothes, and don't get me started on personality."

"Jazz" Danny called again to be ignored once more.

"She dated Skulker thats another X on her chart. I mean literally I could go on forever about..."


Jazz stopped what she was saying and turned to face Danny.

"I'm sorry Danny didn't mean to keep ignoring you. What is it that you have to say"?

Danny turned red and took a deep breathe before blurting out.


"What, Danny I didn't understand a word you just said. Could you repeat that slowly."

Danny turned his back to Jazz before saying.


Danny closed is eyes and prepared for yelling,a lecture, a yank of the hair anything.

But there was nothing but silence. Danny turned around to face Jazz. She had a look of mixed emotions on her face.

Shock,anger, curiosity possibly,but one that stuck out the most was a hint of .... joy???

That really through Danny for a loop.

Jazz opened her mouth to speak but closed it. She couldn't find any words to say.

"Can I explain things to you first so you can understand better?"

Jazz only nodded her head in response.

And with that Danny began to explain.
Meanwhile on the balcony

"Now what are you gonna do?" Sam teased Tucker as she held his PDA over the balcony.

Tucker then straightened his back and saluted.
"This is ridiculous"Tucker mumbled.

"What was that?" Sam asked as she took one finger off the PDA.

"I will eat my greens to keep my body lean. So let's get on the scene and go GREEN GREEN GREEN".

Sam waited for a minute."Aww what the heck." She threw the PDA at Tucker.

He caught and he'd it close to his body.

"My baby!! Daddy's here don't worry."

Tucker ran off the balcony and back to the palace.

Sam stayed on the balcony she looked out towards the view of the palace garden. The green sky the beautiful garden. The fountain that was in the center.

It all looked so peaceful, so normal,so....meant to be. She wrapped her arms around her body and hugged herself.

She looked up with her eyes teary. She closed eyes while a tear fell.

"Danny" was all she said before more tears fell.

"And that's what happened." Danny took a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Jazz took a moment to process everything she'd been told.


Ember spoke for the first time since Jazz came too. She was tucked away in the corner of a room.

Hearing Ember call her name made Jazz jump a little.

"Look Danny I'm glad at least if you lost your virginity it was with someone you love. It's gonna take some getting use to".

Jazz looked towards and motioned for her to come close. Ember gave Danny a wary look but obeyed as she sat next to Ember. Jazz brought Ember close to her face.

"If you mess with my baby brothers heart,or so much as hurt in anyway. I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE TRAPPED WITH PARIAH".

Jazz's voice was stern,Danny was even taken back by it.

"I promise I won't". Ember tried to remain cool she still was tough and didn't like to look scared but the little red head had gave her a chilling message.

Then Jazz did a complete 180. She pulled Ember into a tight hug.

"Aww if my brothers happy then I happy. Welcome to the family!!!"

Jazz proceeded to hug Ember tighter.

"Back..b-being....crushed." Jazz realized she was hugging Ember tight and let her out of the hug.

"Now can we have a normal day little brother?" Jazz asked with a smile.

"By a normal day you mean tuning a ghost kingdom then yes". Danny grabbed Ember's hand and pulled her close to him.

Jazz looked at the couple. "It still will take some getting use to,but you guys already looked happily married".


But Jazz was already out the door.

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