Jail time

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(Sam POV)

"Ugh,where are we,"my head hurt bad and I couldn't tell where we are.

"Sam are you ok," Tucker looked at me with concern. His shirt was dirt he had small cuts on his body.

"I'm fine,what happened"?

"Walker ambushed us,we're in a cell ,but Danny is not in here with us."

Heart wanted to stop,I could breath for a good minute."Where did he take Danny", before he could answer a guard came in front the cell.

"WHERE'S MY SON," Maddie screamed."With Walker,"the guard replied. "LET US OUT GHOST," Jack yelled.

"Can't that would be against the rules," the guard said doing his best Walker impression.

"Talking to the prisoners are we," Walker asked. "No sir I'm just making them feel miserable and letting them know no one escapes our jail."

Walker thought about this for a moment."Very well I'm in a good mood." Walker walked back down the hall and came back dragging something.

He opened the cell door and threw in what he was dragging.Danny was sprawled out on the floor with bleeding,with fresh cuts on his back and chest. He had the word Law branded on his back also.

Maddie started to cry,I let a few silent tears fall. I saw Valerie turn her head away probably to hide her tears.

"Damn he's a loser,but nobody deserves this". Paulina and Star let tears fall as the thought the same thing.

Tucker and I ran over to where Danny. I examined him over. He'd survive but he wasn't in good shape.

"WHY DID THAT GHOST DO THIS TO MY BABY?!" Maddie eyes were filled with anger and worry.

"He doesn't like Danny because he has laws that are unfair which Danny told him was wrong.Not entirely lying here.Ever since then he's hated Danny," Tucker said hoping that would stop the questions.

"How do we know your n-," "SHUT IT DASH,"I yelled. I was getting tired of their questions like they care.More than half of everyone in this cell treats him like crap both knowingly and unknowingly.

(Nobody's POV)

Everyone was quiet Danny had been unconscious for half a hour now. Things were starting to get nerve racking.

"Ughh," Danny groaned as his eyes cracked open. Sam and Tucker were by his side as soon as he got up.

"How you feeling dude," Tucker asked."Like someone drove the speeder into my head," Danny clutched his head.

"Like I was hit with a bus," he tried to stand up but his legs wouldn't let him. "Danny,are you okay?" His mother was at his side and reached out for him.

Danny turned away from her touch. Maddie pulled her hand back shocked.  "I'm fine mom,really I am just sore that's all," Danny said reassuring her.

Before she could push for questions Walker came to the cell. "Well punk it looks like you're up," Walker gave him a cruel smile.

"Let us go Walker we haven't done anything wrong," Danny glared hard at the ghost.

It surprised every besides Sam and Tucker than Danny could be so bold. "Punk you have 3 options.1 tell that little secret of yours and the rest of them are sure to follow.2 serve your years or 3." Walker gave a devilish smile. 3 eat blood blossoms and you and these pitiful humans will be freed.

"Give me the blood blossoms." Danny replied almost instantly.

"Danny NO",Sam screamed. Walker pulled two blossoms out of his pocket." Now be a good child and open wide." Danny did so and ate both blood blossoms. Walker opened the cell. "You know the way out," he told them.

Danny barley made one foot out the cell before he collapsed.

Shorter chapter than usual. School has me on clamps right now I'll be updating soon tho.✌️✌️️

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