Baby trouble

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Good I'm finally finished with that work". Danny floated up to his room and opened the door.

"The work may be finished but your assignment is just starting".

Danny turned around so fast a normal person would've caught whiplash.

"Clockwork",Danny asked as he hit the light switch.

Clockwork was in the room sitting on the bed.

"Clockwork what are you doing here? Don't tell me the ghost zone is in danger".

The ghost zone is fine and the human world also,but there is something that concerns you.

He then opened a portal.


With that Clockwork walked through the portal and Danny followed right behind him.
Far Frozen

The portal opened and Clockwork and Danny stepped out.

"What are we doing here?"

Clockwork ignored his question and walked through the medical center.

They walked through the halls until they reached a room.

There was a bunch of noise coming from the inside. Clockwork stopped and stepped aside.

"You first"

Danny hesitated for a moment,but obeyed. 
He opened the door and walked in.

At first he saw Frostbite and two other yetis. Then he saw kitty with tears in her eyes.

"What's going on here?"

Everyone turned towards Danny.

"Great One, this is of a surprise". Frostbite looked at Danny happy to see him but worry was still written across his face.

Kitty wrapped Danny in a tight hug.

"O Danny I'm so glad you're here. First Ember had stomach pains, and then came here,then weird stuff started happening and screaming.."

Kitty then started crying even harder.

Danny just held her closer. Clockwork who had been silent up till now entered the room.

"Daniel what Katherine is trying to say is Ms.Mcclain is in a slight dilemma". Clockwork pointed at the bed.

As Danny looked at the bed Kitty pulled him towards it.

When Danny looked in the bed he was shocked.

"How, I mean she looks...human".

"When she was screaming she had the ring that you have when you transform".

Kitty looked at Danny to see how he was taking things.

Not good at all. He stroked her cheek,they were tear stained.

"Why is she like this?"

"She's pregnant Daniel".

The whole room let it sink in.
"Ember pregnant but how by whom". That what was going through the yetis minds.

"IM GONNA BE A AUNTIE!!!!" Kitty screamed then she paused.

"You guys did the nasty?!" She looked at Danny with a glare.

"Could you be any louder",Ember groaned as she rubbed her head.

Everyone gathered around the bed.

"Em..we have something to tell you". Kitty look at her friend with a sad smile.

"Well what is it??"

Everyone winced as Ember voice kept getting louder.


She grabbed the front of Danny's hazmat and shook him wildly.

"Ms.Mcclain the reason you are human is because of your baby". Clockwork spoke and turned towards Danny.

"The child being a Halfa has caused her to become half human like you".

Danny nodded starting to understand. "So that means she has a ghost half too right".

"Yes she does and since the baby is half ghost it'll be born in less time. It should take 4-5 months,but her stomach will start showing more and more. By her third month she'll look like a 6 month pregnant human".

Danny and Ember let this information sink in.

"Plus you two also have to be married",Clockwork said with slight humor.

MARRIED!? Ember and Danny yelled in unison.

"Why should you two be surprised.You're more than ready".

There was silence Danny and Ember shared looks at each other.

"Plus it's ghost zone law for you to be wed". Clockwork pulled out two rings.

"Now shall we get the ceremony ready".

Clockwork looked around the room.

"You knew this would happen,didn't you".
Everyone looked at Clockwork awaiting an answer.

He gave them a nod before answering.

"I know everything".

(AN: Ok yea so I don't know if I'll do a chapter for a wedding it depends but I'm jumping into the new school year and the field trip. I did character development to show the stress that was gonna be put on the characters and what Danny is dealing with a kid,kingdom,parents who hate his kingdom and wife,people at school who hate him WHEW I needed a blood pressure pill writing some of these chapters. But another update will be here soon✌🏾️

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