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(Begging of  2nd school month)

"Aye,Danny" Danny turned around to see Sam and Tucker walking towards him.

"Dude word around is a class won a surprise field trip". Tucker had this excited grin on his face.

"How the heck can a class win a field trip when we didn't even enter into anything". Sam raised an eyebrow at Danny's statement.

"He has a point that doesn't make a lot of sense. Even if we did win a field trip where would we go".
"How the heck did our class win?" The trio was currently in Lancer's English receiving field trip papers.

"Uhh Mr.Lancer where are we going?" Mikey asked as Dash hit him in the back of the head with a spit ball.

"Great question Miley,but I'll let the Fenton's explain that".

"Wait what", Danny was cut off by Jack and Maddie bursting in the room.

"Who's ready to go to the ghost zone!!" Jack's yell fell on deaf ears of the trio who all had different reactions.

They've gotta be joking(Sam)

Ooo please no(Tucker)


Danny proceeded to put his head on his desk and silently thumping his head against the desk.

Occasionally muttering could be heard something sounding like What the hell and Why me.

Danny thumped his head against the desk louder and louder.

Sam was gritting her teeth practically seething.

Tucker just rubbed his temples in utter disgust.

Even Valerie looked like she could melt steel with a look right now.

The rest of the class looked at the four with questioning looks.

"Mr.Fenton will you stop banging your head against that desk".

Danny gave his head one finally thump before raising up and slumping back in his seat.

"Thank you, now class the Fenton will be our chaperones for the trip. Bring clothes and some supplies".

Tucker and Sam went to Danny's side. "Dude we gotta prepare,these idiots don't know a thing about the zone".

"Plus your parents will try to fight any ghost who comes by". Sam added that part and saw the frown that over took his face.

Danny looked out the window." I'll call Jazz when I get home. We'll pack at my place and get ready".

Jacks voice interrupted the trio's conversation.

"You kids should thank Vladdie next time you see him. He's the reason this is possible".

Danny eyes flowed green and his fist tighten.

"Why that no good". Sam plucked him on the head.

"Calm down your eyes are glowing".

Danny calmed down but the irritation was clear across his face.

"Meet at Fenton works Monday morning kids".

"This outta be fun". Danny just closed eyes and let his thoughts wonder
(Fenton works)







"First aid kit"




"Food,clothes,bandaids,and Fenton phones".

Check,check,check and check.

Danny zipped up the duffle bag. They had three bags full of supplies.

"Guys I'm freaking out we're going to the ghost zone with people who know nothing about it. We all have secrets in the ghost zone. Plus my trigger happy parents might hurt one of my friends".

Danny was pacing back and fourth now. Rubbing his hands together nervously.

Tucker and Sam couldn't exactly comfort him because what he said was true. Their lives were endanger. They all had friends in the ghost zone and they all have secrets.

The odds couldn't be more stacked against them.

"Danny we've had our lives on the line more times than we can count. We can handle this".

"Yea man,I mean what's the"

"DONT YOU DARE FINISH!!" Danny and Sam glared daggers at Tucker.

"Do you honestly not get why we call you bad luck Tuck". Danny gave Tucker a small grin.

"Well I'm not that bad we're still alive aren't we". Tucker crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yea we're still alive but that doesn't mean we haven't had close calls". Sam rolled her eyes at Tucker.

"Are you guys staying over night". Danny barley got the words out.

"Duh we are", Sam and Tucker pulled out night clothes.

Tucker stuck his hand out. Sam and Danny put there hands on top of Tucker's.

"Team Phantom 3?" Tucker smiled at the name.

Sam and Danny nodded.





PHANTOM,WHERE!!!?? Maddie voice rang out.

"GHOST!!!!!" Jacks shout was followed by a boom.

"Jack put that bazooka down!!!"

Danny only groaned and hung his head.

Sam patted his back.

"Lord help us",Tucker groaned.

Field trip to disasterWhere stories live. Discover now