Questions rising

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Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Maddie and Jack pulled out their weapons and shot. Jack's was way off, but Maddie's was spot on aimed right for Pandora's chest.

I stepped in front of it and everything went black.


(Nobody POV)


"Daniel my son," Pandora was at his side immediately. "Your son?! He's my son!!" Maddie pointed her ecto gun back at Pandora. "Yes he is my son. He became my son once you neglected him." Maddie screamed in rage. While Pandora's hands powered up with purple ecto energy.

Sam and Tucker got between the two before things got ugly-er. "Mrs. Fenton, Pandora lets all just cool down and focus on Danny here." Tucker tried to push Maddie away.

"Did you say Pandora, THE Pandora, as in Pandora's Box," Mr.Lancer was ready to faint. "We'll answer that later Mr.Lancer," Sam told him. Pandora gently picked up Danny and started to walk off with him.

"Where are you taking my son!!" Maddie's voice dripped with venom as she glared daggers at Pandora. "I'm taking MY SON to get treated and recover from YOUR shot." Pandora walked into her palace and disappeared around a corner leaving a stunned class and a fuming hot Maddie.

"WHY THAT NO GOOD EVIL, VINDICTIVE,CONIVING," Maddie was stomping where she last saw Pandora. Before she good get too far Sam and Tucker jumped in front of her.

"Mrs. Fenton she wont hurt him trust us," Sam was trying to reason with the woman. She was making it very unbearable. "FOR LAST TIME GHOST ARE NOTHING BUT ECTOPLASMIC WASTE!! JUST MADE OF POST HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS!!"

Maddie was shaking in rage. "She's right kids ghost are no good and I'll tear it apart molecule by molecule. "God help us," Tucker groaned . He was getting a headache from this.

"Well ghost didn't shoot Danny," Sam remarked. "AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN."

"Ok not you two now," Tucker grabbed Sam while Jack tried and I repeat TRIED to calm Maddie down. "We don't need you and Danny's parents getting into it right now." Tucker knew that Sam and Maddie going at it was basically watching a Tiger and a Lion fight.

"I know, I know, but it just gets unbearable." Sam took a couple deep breaths. "Yea it does, but we're just going to have to deal with it." Tucker looked towards the Fentons and the class.

"We're gonna have to deal with a lot."


"I can't believe this Jack. Our son is alone with a ghost and we can't do anything about it." Maddie was pacing back and fort ranting. Every since Pandora left with Danny they had been put in the main room.

"Why would Danny try to protect a ghost. All ghost are evil and then the nerve of it to call itself Danny's mother. As if it can feel emotions or even care for something. It absolutely sickens me." Maddie sat down next to Jack finished exhausted from her rant.

"Don't worry Mads we'll make sure that ghost feels the wrath of the Fentons." Jack wrapped his arm around Maddie try to give her comfort.

" I'm getting to the bottom of this Jack.Danny's been to the ghost zone, has all those scars and a tattoo. To top it all off these ghost." Maddie just couldn't deal with all this. "We'll find a way Mads and we'll get Danny to see these ghost are good for nothing."

Maddie stared down the hall Pandora went. "I hope your right."


"Sorry about what happened Pandora," Sam looked at the ghost as they continued in her garden.

"It's ok dear child, I also got a little riled up myself." Pandora frowned a little. "Why exactly is his parents and....classmates here??"

"Vlad convinced the school to take a field trip here so he could most probably reveal Danny's secret. Plus allowing him to be free while Danny's distracted," Sam stated matter of factly.

Pandora scowled at how bitter he was. "He always wants what he doesn't earn."

It's just so crazy how Vlad had so much. Money,fame,industry,cars, even powers the American dream to some. But it just wasn't enough for him the one thing I always noticed was the one thing Vlad NEEDED was one thing not his position, money nor powers could get him.
Vlad wanted love his whole life. Which makes him envy Danny so much. In a word Vlad was jealous. That's right a billionaire was jealous of a teenager.

"Sam,Sam,SAM!!" "Huh," Sam was dragged out my thoughts by Pandora calling my name.

"I'm sorry what is it."

"We have a problem."

"What do you mean they're gone!?" Sam was giving Tucker a death stare.

"I went to get a napkin from the kitchen. You know the one that's right across from here. Well I got it to clean my PDA screen and it took me like 15 seconds to come back and the A-List and the Fenton's along with Valerie,Nathan, and Miley where gone."

"I'll have my guards look for them. You two go in the garden and start there."

They gave a quick nod before they split up.

   "Damnit Dash,are we lost," Paulina asked annoyed. "Of course not."

"Haven't we passed that painting before...again? Star pointed towards the painting on the wall.

"Uggghhhhhhhh," Dash hit the wall with a open palm.

"Oww.. I mean it's nothing," Dash quickly covered up. Paulina rolled her eyes.

"Guys have you really looked at this picture." Kwan looked over it with interest.

"No,it's just a dumb painting what's so good about it," Paulina asked with boredom.

"Well there's phantom and that ghost that lives here in it," Star stated looking at the painting along with Kwan.

"What!! Let me see!" Paulina was in front the painting in seconds. "WHY DOES SHE HAVE HER HANDS ON MY GHOST BOY!!"

Paulina was seething she was so mad. 

"Well they're both ghost maybe they're just friends." Star pulled her friend into a light hug.


"Lady's and gentlemen ."

They turned around to see Pandora and two of her guards.

" You aren't where you should be."


Field trip to disasterWhere stories live. Discover now