Disaster starts

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"Guys wake up". Danny shook Sam and Tucker awake .

"Dude what time is it"? Tucker only opened 1 eye to look at his friend.

6:15 am

Tucker rose up,"what time is the class coming?"


Tucker laid right back down and pulled the cover over his head.

"Tucker we need to get up and get ready.My parents are probably in the lab making sure everything's functional before we go".

Tucker rose up."Well im not functional yet give me 10-15 minutes to charge". With that Tucker laid right back down.

"You deal with him I'm going to get fresh". Sam grabbed her bag and walked upstairs to the bathroom.

When Danny saw that Sam was out of ear shot he shot Tucker in the butt with a small ecto Ray.


"I need your advice Tuck".

Tucker sat up,"What's up"?

"You remember Ember and I wedding"?

Tucker thought for a moment.

"Yea, when you thought Ember how to switch from her human to ghost form,she was pronounced queen. Then Skulker highly showed his disapproval shouting something like"YOU STOLE MY WOMAN,I'LL MOUNT YOUR HEAD OVER MY FIRE PLACE!!!!"

Tucker laughed at that memory.

"That's the problem Tucker I got him to deal with and also worried about Ember. He might try to do something to her and let's not forget Sam".

Tucker knew Danny was stressed and seeing him liked that hurt him.

"You don't have to bare it alone I got your back". Tucker gave Danny a high five.

"I'm gonna have to tell her Tuck".

"Say what?" Danny gave Tucker a "You've gotta be kidding me look."

"I can't hide it from her forever". Danny ruffled his hair.

"I know you're gonna have to tell her,but you know it's gonna take awhile for her to accept. Her and Ember aren't exactly the best of friends.

Tucker stood up and sat at the dinning room table. Danny followed suit and sat across from him.

"We love you Danny and Sam means well,but you know her temper gets the better of her at times".

"What's the worse that can happen Danny".

Danny gave Tucker a frown."Couldn't help yourself could you".

"Nope,it's what I do".


"I'm coming",Maddie opens the door. Mr.Lancer and the class where all at the door. "Aww,come in please have a seat in the living room".

Everyone came in and took a seat. "We'll be ready to leave in a few. Until then sit tight".

Maddie went back down stairs to the lab.

"Fenton's parents sure are weird". Kwan looked around the place.

"You're not lying Kwan.Where is Fentina anyway"?

As if on cue the trio came down the stairs. They were wearing black shirts with Phantom written across it. With cargo pants and tennis shoes.

They were whispering amongst each other. They went to the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room.

Those three are acting strange. They have this vibe about them,one that is prepared and ready.

Mr.Lancer kept looking at the trio as they talked amongst themselves.

"Alright kids we're ready to board". Jack came to get everyone.

"Follow me", everyone followed the large man lead everyone to the lab.

"I present to you the Spector speeder bus".

The bus was just a longer more improved Spector speeder.

"Bastard",.Sam and Tucker looked at Danny shocked. Danny didn't curse a lot and when he did he was really irritated.

"Excuse my language but it took them a few months to do this Vlad's been had this planned".

"He's right look at the seats inside. Just like a school bus". Tucker pulled out his PDA and started to hack the bus's defense system.

"Outta my way losers",Dash shoved his way through and was first in the bus. Kwan,Star,and Paulina followed behind.

"Mr.Baxter watch it up there".

Everyone boarded Danny,Sam,and Tucker went on last sitting at the very back.

Maddie turned towards everyone."Strap up kids we're going in".

The ghost portal opened the familiar green swirl glowing. The speeder took off and through the portal.

Everyone looked in aww at the floating doors and the never ending green.

"Uhh what are the doors",Miley asked.

"Uhh we don't know this is our first time in here".


"We're gonna die".Star and Paulina hugged each other tight.

"Don't worry kids we're the best when it comes to ghost". Jack pumped his chest out proudly.

Danny ghost sense went off. "Guys we need to-"

Specter speeder was blasted out of the air. Screams filled the air. Followed by Mr.Lancer screaming "Chicken soup for the soul!!"

Nathan kissing Valerie. I guess since he figured he was gonna die mine as well get that one done.

Well until Valerie put him in a headlock.

"Tucker turn the defenses off". With a couple taps they were disabled.

In the mist of the Chaos Danny flew out the speeder turned into Phantom and flew the speeder safety.

"Alright everyone I need you to calmly ex-." Mr.Lancer had to move so he wouldn't be trampled by the frightened teens.

Everyone was off the bus and in their own groups. They were either screaming,crying or flat out freaking out.

Danny  looked back at Sam and Tucker. "What a wonderful way to start a field trip huh guys." His voice was full of sarcasm.

"Yea,and I have a feeling the fun is just getting started." Sam rolled her eyes at the scene among them.

"Lucky us."


Field trip to disasterWhere stories live. Discover now