Why me?

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Right now everyone is running like a chicken with it's head cut off. Paulina and Star were crying their eyes out.

Saying something about being too pretty to die this way. Dash and Kwan were ready to piss themselves but they were trying to maintain there tough guy image.

Lancer was trying to gain some order but that was falling on deaf ears. Maddie and Jack were trying to fix the Speeder but that just wasn't happening.

Val was trying to pry Nathan off of her. "Please say yes Val!!" Val probably would've shot him with a ecto gun but she can't us her weapons with out blowing her cover.

In other words all hell was breaking loose. "Danny your gonna have to lead them out of here." Danny looked at Sam liked she was crazy.

"How am I suppose to lead them? Little less let them know I know my way around this place."

"We'll say we help Phantom. That way we're not lying."

Sam and Danny looked at Tucker.


"That just might work. Plus we don't have to tell them everything,"Sam commented.

They looked at Danny to see if he was good with the idea.

"It's worth," he got in front of everyone.

Sam on his left Tucker on his right. He took a deep breath and screamed without using his wail.


Everyone stopped and turned towards him.

Hearing the silence Danny let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, we can lead everyone out."

"Like you can lead us out you can't even protect yourself."

Danny Ignored Dash's comment. "We've been here before."

"Daniel James Fenton!!!"

Danny winced but continued."We have friends in the ghost zone and we know Phantom. Like it or not we're your best shot."

Nobody said nothing for they didn't know what they could say.

"Grab your bags we'll be walking for awhile so stretch or do whatever."

Every got into there social groups grab there bags and came together.

"We'll be going to princess Dora she's a good ghost and a dear friend. We'll have to pass a few.....rocky areas but we should be out of here in at least a couple of days."

"Princess, ghost can't have ranks they can't comprehend anything. They're just ectoplasmic slime."

Danny did his best to not loose his cool. "No there not,ghost are as or more advanced than humans. Dora is princess that her title and  that's how you'll address her."

Danny walked ahead leaving a fuming Maddie behind. "Let's get moving." Danny didn't say another word,he just kept walking.

"How much longer do we have to walk??" Paulina's wining was getting on everyone's nerves.

"We'll get there when we get there,"Sam said through gritted teeth.

"But my feet are killing me."

"It's your own damn fault for wearing heels when Danny said we'd be walking!!" Sam was about to explode.

"Well it's not my fault even in a moment of panic my fashion sense is better than yours. Just because you got your loser boyfriend leading us doesn't mean your hot stuff."

Sam was in mid by the time Paulina finished. She was held back by Danny and Tucker.

"Break time but only 10 minutes. Eat something and stretch cause we're not stopping." Danny then proceeded to walk over we're Tucker had Sam restrained.

"I'm calm you can let me go now." Sam's tone showed she was highly annoyed.

Tucker did release her however. "That stuck up-."

"Calm down Sam she's not worth the stress." Danny sat down next to them.

"You're right Danny,but she's so irritating."

Danny and Tucker laughed that was true. Paulina was as bad as they come. Shallow,selfish,thinks she's on top of the world,snobby. Those were Sam's polite ways of describing her.

"How are you doing Danny?You and your mom kinda had it out earlier." Sam looked at him for an answer.

As soon as Sam mentioned his mother a small frown came across his face. "Their hatred for a kind they don't even know. It just sickens me I can't stand it how they think they're better than a species just because of their false theories."

Danny's eyes flashed green for a brief moment before going back to blue.

"Cool it dude don't want your secret to get blown."

Danny took a couple of deep breaths." How long until we get to Dora's,"Sam asked.

"At the rate we're going",Tucker pointed towards the class. "Awhile."

"Of course",Sam massaged her temples. "Hey Tuck can I see your PDA,"Danny asked.

"Yea what for?"

"You have a map on your PDA."

Tucker gave Danny the PDA. "Those files can only be accessed by a password only I know and no one can figure out." Tucker puffed his chest out at his tech wiz abilities.

Access granted

Tucker went wide eyed." How did you?"

"It wasn't that hard. Star Foley,seriously?"

Danny and Sam laughed will Tucker shook his head.

"Those three are relaxed. Not as much as regular teenagers but more than they do at school.Even if they have been here I believe it's way more than they let on. I'll have to watch them more closely."Lancer was snapped out of his thoughts by Danny standing up.

"Alright let's get a move on. We're not stopping anytime soon."

A bunch a groans were heard. "I told you early my fe-." 

Sam grabbed both of Paulina's feet since she was still sitting. Took both heels off and snapped the heels off both.

She looked at Star. "Do you need help too?"

Star shook her head and snapped the heels herself.

Danny and Tucker were doing their best not to laugh. Even some of the A-list chuckled.

"Lets move it out." Sam walked with Danny and Tucker in front. While Paulina and Star mourned they're high dollar heels.

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