Touch and Go

911 34 15

"He didn't even get two feet out the cell he just collapsed like that.  What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?"


Sam was brought out her thoughts by Tucker shouting her name and shaking her shoulders.

"We have to get moving,NOW",Tucker was about to go to pick Danny up when Jack stopped him.

"I'll do it",Tucker looked at him wearily. "I'll be gentle." With that Jack lifted Danny up as gently as a mother to a newborn.

Danny winced a little but didn't make a sound. Sam shook her head to get out of her trance. "Tucker we're going to Dora's on the double."

Mrs.Fenton was about to protest but Sam cut her off. "No questions,no protest we're moving."

Sam and Tucker ran off in front. The rest of the group followed behind. Jack carried Danny like a running back with a football. Secured and protective,but also gently and caring he was a man on a mission not the oaf.

"I don't like this, Blood blossoms only affect ghost but Danny was affected. I just doesn't make sense." Maddie kept pondering until she looked at Danny. His scarred body, blood on him and his aching face.

"I'll have my questions later",She thought. She looked at Danny the scars that covered his body. The blood that ran down his back. Tears welled up in her eyes.

What kind of mother lets this happen to there child. Her tears fell silently as they continued their run to Dora's.

"Sam Dora's castle is right in front of us." Sam looked ahead they were still at least 20 yards away,but it was in front of us.

When we got two the front gates it had to guards in front. "State yo-KING PHA-," Sam cut the guard off. "We need to see Dora immediately."

The guards nodded and opened the gate. Dora came towards them."Ms.Manson, Sir.Tucker," she looked at the rest of the group.

"And friends,my we will bring sir ph-Fenton to the infirmary."

When the guard went to grab Danny Jack turned away. "How can we trust you ghost," Maddie had her hand on her ecto gun.

"Mrs.Fenton if you give them Danny he'll die," Tucker tried to reason. They seemed to think for a couple moments before nodding. Jack handed Danny to the knights.

"What's the cause of his injuries," Dora asked as she inspected Danny.

"Had a run in with Walker and he made Danny eat blood blossoms," Sam explained.

"Very well," she looked at the knights and ordered them to go to the infirmary on the double.

"Ms.Manson, Sir.Tucker bring the others to the main room if you would I'll go tend to Daniel."

(Sam POV)

It's been atleast 15 minutes since we've been at Dora's and these idiots can't keep still to save their lives.

Maddie has tried to leave at last 5 times on her own. Plus she keeps looking around like somebody gonna put a knife to her throat.

Every time a guard comes to ask if we need everything the Fenton's basically tell them screw them selves. Even Valerie gives off snorts toward them.

The A-list were being a major pain in my ass the entire time. Saying "How come you losers are in charge."

"Ms.Manson," I looked at Mr.Lancer. "How long will we be staying here?"

Everyone looked towards me. Think Manson..."We're spending the night here for sure,but it all depends on when Danny gets better."

"Stay here with these spooks,HA ridiculous." Jack looked at me like I had just made a bad joke.

These pieces of ectoplasmic slime have no authority over us. First we get put in this room and then they tell us we can't go anywhere." Maddie voice dropped with venom with every word.

"Sam these ghost don't have anything good in mind for us. How could you let Danny be in their care." Valerie eyed me with fire.

She looked towards Tucker also."Look at Danny with those scars,look at how he go tortured today. What kind of friends are you guys?!"

"Valerie there's and explanation bu-." Valerie cut him off instantly. "No there's no explanation or excuse for why he looks like that." Valerie had tears coming out of her eyes.

"Ms.Gray I believe that's enough." Mr.Lancer tried to settle things down.

"You like him so much, you have a weird way of showing it. You haven't even admitted your feelings for him. Then you let him get hurt no wonder your still single." Paulina was smirking at me.

I was full of rage but held it in. She walked up to me and said loud and proud." Your a loner you'll always be that way I bet the loser wish he didn't have to see you anymore."


"Excuse you," my voice shook with rage."You criticize me for being a bad friend. I've been for Danny through thick and thin. You guys treat him like JACK SHIT! Every damn day, you guys think I'm a bad friend. How many times have you shot him down Paulina. Your nothing but a stuck up snobby BITCH!!!"

I was walking towards her and she was back pedaling. "Tucker and I have been the best damn friends to Danny. You guys don't know a damn thing about him. God forbid but if Danny were to die you guys wouldn't mourn with us hell how many of you would give a shit!

Tucker grabbed my shoulder but I shrugged him off." Aww she mad because her love-."

"SHUT THE F**** UP DASH!!!" I was at my breaking point. Since you guys wanna criticize me so much how about this. How many of the scars on Danny are from you Dash!!"

Dash went quiet as silent as a mouse. "We love Danny to our fullest extent you guys don't know how clueless you are!!"

My face was wet with tears,but it didn't matter at this point they don't know how much a toll they put on them.

"How's everyone doing," Dora walked in the room but immediately felt the tension in the room.

"Is there anything...that anyone needs," she asked politely.

"Not from you spook," Maddie said glaring daggers. Dora looked Maddie dead in the eye. "That's princess Dora to you,you shall address me as princess understood." Dora's voice held authority with it.

Maddie looked as if she was gonna explode. "Trust me my sister would've been worse,"Dora gave a small smile then turned towards  Tucker and I.

"It's getting late we'll provide sleeping arrangements for you." Tucker nodded and gave her a smile.

"Thanks," I said quietly. "Alright grab a seat we're sleeping here," Tucker told them.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air Tucker," I told Tucker. He nodded at me with understanding.

As I left the room I leaned back against the wall and took a couple deep breaths and thought back to what we told Danny before we left.

"We're in it together," I repeated his words softly. I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lip.

"But I want the sofa," I heard Paulina whining.
I grabbed my head. Why couldn't we put her in the thermos,I thought.

I Apologize ppl it took me three weeks to update but here you go👍🏾👍🏾

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