Chapter 1. Alice

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Chapter 1. Alice.

The hallway's at school always intimidate me. It's something that seems so small from far away, but close up to me, it feels busier than Times Square at New York City.  Screams, laughter, perfume, cologne and occasional sweaty bodies overwhelm me.  I duck my head, and hold my breath. I was going in.

So far, everything goes well. I take a few confident walks, with my shoulder's straight and my head held high. I look up from my black combat boots and face reality.

Reality is that this school scares the absolute crap out of me. But hey, confidence is key. Am I right?

I know I'm right.

All of the sudden, a huge body impacts me, blocking my vision of the rest of the world. "Shit! I mean -" I look up and make eye contact with the school jock. "Shit!" He repeats, grabbing my hand, helping me sturdy myself. I focus my impaired vision on the beautiful sight I see in front of me. This is my first time. My first time ever being this close to a living human boy. And it was literally epic.

His dirty blonde hair was messy and slathered all across his head, formed in a Justin Bieber attempted haircut. His deep blue eyes were something that almost captured your soul and pulled you right in. I could hardly breathe. I didn't even mention the muscles on the kid. They were big, but not too big, just the right size without looking like he was on steroids. And his height, as tall as a skyscraper in my mind. It's like I was in was in some girly romance movie. He cracked a smile and that's when I lost it.

Confidence down the drain Alice, way to go.

I quickly released my hand from his and my eyes made their way to the floor, watching my books fly all over the place.  People kicked them when they were walking by. If I was to pick up my school supplies now, I would get trampled by a million feet. If I waited, my books would be pushed all the way across the hallway. I looked back at him, realizing I should probably say something.

"It's okay," I whispered. I never had a big voice. Sometimes it hurt to be loud, probably because I never tried to yell anyway.

He kept staring at me, almost like he wanted to ask me what I was going to do next.

"I don't know," I said, my voice shaking. "I better just let the stuff go. I don't want to get trampled."

He laughed, pushing his squared black glasses down his nose to get a better look at me.  "Are you crazy?"

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say next. Here I was, talking to one of the most popular boys in school, while he was interested in what was going to happen to my books. Most guys would just walk by, not even saying sorry. Not this one.

"Hey." He winked. "Don't worry about it." 

My heart just about dropped into my intestines. Was he trying to flirt with me?  Of course not. "Don't be retarded, Alice," I whispered to myself, whipping the stress sweat from my forehead.

"Everyone listen up!" He yelled. Oh god. I gulped. Oh my god, what is he doing? "Stop what you're doing!" Suddenly, everyone stopped dead in their tracks. It's like he had some sort of power like Jesus Christ.

He walked over and picked up the dirty folder and textbook that went all the way across the hallway. Everyone watched, while I stood there amazed, and extremely embarrassed. My face probably looks like a tomato and literally everyone can see.  He walked back over to me, and handed me the school supplies.

"My name is Kendall," he tells me. "And you're welcome."

"I didn't say thank you."

"You didn't have too. I would feel honored to help you, anytime."


"Yeah." He smiled. "You're pretty cute. How come I've never seen you around here?" I blushed even harder, and shrugged my shoulders in response. There was no way this was real. So instead of acting like a giddy typical teenager, I rolled my eyes at him. I was not going to let him have the satisfaction of knowing that every girl finds him attractive.

But he is.

Alice, shut up. Seriously.

Everyone continued to stare until the late bell rang, and everyone started moving again.

"I should go." I sighed, looking at his beautiful eyes and looking away. 

"You sure? We could skip class together. We're already late anyway."

"Now I think you're crazy," A giggle slipped out of my mouth, and I walked away.

"Wait!" He yelled after me. "What's your name?"

"Alice. And goodbye!"

The whole way home, I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't really tell if this was real or not, but if it wasn't, Kendall was a pretty good actor.

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